As you may have noticed from my writings, I make no alliance to any of the organized world religions… I will clarify… and justify my bias…
They all represent a ‘humanized’ Solar Myth… that simply in allegorical images tells of the annual Winter Solstice… the death and rebirth of the SUN OF GOD… the Sun/Son of God is the humanized version…
Now… the problems start when you take the allegory literally… the Sun/Sons of God have been many over the eons… Jesus, Mithra, Buddha, Krishna, Osiris, Baccus, Attis… and others… all born on the 25th of December… of virgin birth… they all preach… all are killed… and all of them are resurrected…
These allegories are based on the various transits of the seven, visible to the naked eye… heavenly bodies of ancient times… The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn…
Ancient astrologers… when the Stonehenge was being used as an outdoor astrology chart calculator… observed that certain types of events, cycles of weather, the four seasons, the Moon’s influence on the waters and crops… would occur when these moving ‘stars’ would be at certain locations and angles to one another…
These Astrology Wizards are mathematicians, astronomers, scientists, who simply impartially observe, measure, and record… what is happening… and what is verifiable… by repeating confirmations…

Okay… let’s play pretend… and make up a myth, a parable, a story… that explains all of this…
…pour a cup of hot green tea …put another log on the fire …snuggle up close in the afghan… all warm and comfy…

Once upon a time long ago… in old… very old… southern England… maybe, a year like 10,537 BCE… the Elder Chief of the local Druids and Pagans… quietly approaches the astrologer Wizard, Linus…
…who stands in the center of the stone ring …staring up at the night sky… after a long silence, Linus lifts his staff and points into the night sky and speaks…
“There… the Red one approaches the Ringed one… there. …within a fortnight they will meet …and the Moon joins them…as if to do battle… this bodes ill… perhaps, the Earth Goddess Gaia moves… churning the winds and the seas… and the Viking jerks may try to invade again…
…and the Giant one there… makes the triangle shape toward our villages… if we are prepared… the good fortune of the Giant may be with us… but only if we take hold of the graceful forces by our attention and efforts… otherwise, they pass us by… and disaster may follow hard upon… as the malifics of the heavens duel at the Median Coli… squared upon by Algol… the evil star over there…
…double the watches… tell the good people of the villages to lay up additional stores of food… a Moon’s sum.”
…and the Chief holds council and tells his captains and lieutenants, “Just got back from a conference with the Wiz… trouble may be brewing within the fortnight… Gaia moves… wind howls… and maybe the Vikings again… put up a month’s supply of food.” and so counseled …they checked their kits and weapons …and kept their eyes peeled...
…and, lo… it all came to pass… two days before the sky battle of the moving stars… as Luna approaches… Gaia did shake a bit… not too bad… but enough to have to pick things up afterward… and the very day that the village astrologer Wizard, Linus, foretold… the watchman on the high hill sparked his signal fire… the Vikings! …their sails are seen on the horizon…
The militia assembles on the beaches… archers are ready to light and send volleys of flaming arrows into the sails and decks of the approaching Viking ships… swords are drawn… shields at the ready… the warriors stand their line… ready for battle… to defend their homes and people…
…and, lo… a sudden and mighty gale blows up and across the sea… the Viking ships toss about… sails rip loose… masts snap… and the militia cries, Hoorah! …as they watch the Viking ships capsize and sink into a dark whirlpool of raging waters… beneath the damning beams of the evil star… Algol…
By lamp light in his thatch house down by the river Linus meticulously marks down on parchment the planet alignments in the sky of the night… grateful villagers stop by bringing him donations of grain, sweet cakes, beef jerky, jugs of spirits, fruits, warm garments…
They take care of him… he’s the Wiz… and he serves all the good people of the villages and his sacred science impartially… and on occasion, he will give his apprentice the day off… and, Twila, …a lady from the local ‘Moon Temple Club’ …and a sacred ritual dancer …drops by …and they go on a picnic… and for a stroll through the woods collecting sacred mushrooms and herbs… and in the evening by a warm fire… they share their mutual affections for one another…
…by the next Moon the Red star passed the Ringed One… and they all lived happier and easier… for a while.
It was a good life… and along comes greedy politicians and a corrupt shaman… of the left hand path… and they steal all our meticulous records and research, take our lesson plans with the allegories to simplify the difficult to explain mathematical parts… and they make an alleged real person out of this… and make up these fantastic fibs…
…all based on the mathematical and astrological projections into the future that me and my brother and sister astrologers… a fraternity with a long and ancient lineage …have spent more than a few millennia figuring out!
…and for what? …they want to scare people …and to rob them of their property and money …and then they declare me and all astrologers ‘heretics’ and order us burned at the stake!
…those of us who could …had to flee in the night for our very lives… with only what we could carry… and we hid underground… for centuries… in secret underground cities… grottos… and caves!
…can you empathize with how that feels?… to work the cold night shift at the Stonehenge for millennia… for the benefit of the good and general populace… only to get ripped off… then ridiculed and condemned… by tyrants, crooks, and con men!
…perhaps, now, dear reader …you will better understand my lack of support …for the current and past organized religions.
Despite the current tensions and madness… the current mutual reception of Uranus and Neptune transiting through Pisces and Aquarius… can be a very useful energy for self hypnosis and past life regression meditation… it can be a lots of fun…. it’s like watching and being in your own personal adventure movies….and for a writer… it’s the subconscious ‘Mother Lode’… of stories to tell…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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