“Churches Attacked in Malaysian ‘Allah’ Dispute”

Photo/Mark Baker/AP
“KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Three Christian churches were attacked with firebombs Friday as tensions rose in a dispute over whether Christians could use the word “Allah” in this largely Muslim nation.”
…the religions of the world have run amuck! …they’re nuts! …every last one of them! …transiting Jupiter (exaggerated, big, a lot) conjunct Neptune (religion) in the sign of crazy… Uranus (crazy) ruled Aquarius… and Uranus (crazy) in the sign of Pisces (rules religions and fanatics and the current ending 2000 year era)… opposing Saturn (reality… what is practical… and common sense)
…okay …suppose we retaliate? …and you in the Muslim world are forever banned from listening to the holy and the sacred to us… music… of the King… Elvis Presley… and especially… ‘You Ain’t Nothin’ But a Hound Dog’ …you can not listen to it! …you can not sing it!… you are not worthy! …it is only for us!… the devout and true believers of Rock and Roll… Elvis lives! The King lives! …Hallelujah!
“Priscilla Presley: Elvis would be preaching now
On the King’s 75th birthday, his ex-wife ponders what might have been.”

Separate all the religions and all the states! …govern and restrict them to only private worship behind the closed doors of their home/church/mosque/temple/stadium… during reasonable hours (for the majority of the people)… and without disturbing, attacking, or threatening their, perhaps… non-worshiping… or differently worshiping neighbors…
…on second thought …better to leave the doors open …those with more liberal views may allow snake handling between consenting adults and consenting adult snakes… perhaps an occasional goat or chicken sacrifice… with reasonable objections from the animal rights groups noted… but… we have to draw the line at virgin… or any other type of human sacrificing…
…we do encourage symbolic sacrifice of effigies …and gestures of faith like praying, chanting, singing, ringing bells, lighting candles… incense… wafers and wine… leaving sweets for the spirits… milk and cookies for Santa Claus… teeth left under the pillow in exchange for loose coins from the tooth fairy… that sort of thing… bloodless and harmless… that’s the focus we want…
How about a Shaman curse on religious fanatics? May the forces of the mighty Hammer of Saturn! (currently at 4 degrees of Libra) … squared to the fearsome Fires of Transformative Pluto! (currently at 4 degrees of Capricorn) … square hard upon thee!… smack thee!… right up the side of thy hard head!… and knock some sense into thee!
Read history! …even slanted biased history …and it is clear …since day 1 …the religion with the most ships and guns, or spears and swords, backing it up …is the dominant religion of the moment! Truth, enlightenment, and salvation… have nothing to do with it! …it is only money, power, and control that matters to these fanatical and egomaniacal leaders!
Leave the church and all the various other organized religions to the entertainers and artists …and accept the truth of it as such …that being …it is all simply spiritual entertainment… music, song, dance, symbol, art, ode, poem, myth, parable, story… which we all need!… as emotional and spiritual food for the positive development and nourishment for our souls and conscience.
I doesn’t matter whether you are religious or not… In the story of ‘A Christmas Carol’ the transformation of Charles Dickens’ character of ‘Ebenezer Scrooge’… inspires one to be loving and giving… Do you take it literally? the lecture from his dead partner Marley? …the multi-dimensional time traveling with the ghosts? No… of course not. It’s all just a classic good story that Charles Dickens wrote to pay his rent and eat…
So good… that Hollywood keeps doing re-makes of it for 80 years now since the original 1938 version starring Reginald Owens… which has employed a lot of people over the years… and so has the vampire movie cult of ‘Dracula,’ since Bela Lugosi in 1933… new religions and cults come and go all the time… and most are just entertainment… special effects… and the… writer/producer/guru/preacher… makes the big bucks…
Let us govern our communities… and our countries… with sane intelligent reasoning… and human compassion… for the benefit of all.
Otherwise, insane fanatical religious revolution and anarchy may prevail… and we may all perish.
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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