Saturn, the ringed one, the tester… stability…

Pluto, the destructor, the transformer… forceful…
Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system and Pluto is smaller than the Earth’s Moon… the common question of the lay person and the curious about astrology… ‘How can such a small body… not even considered a planet by some in astronomy circles… and what seems to be a giant ice cube on the outer edge of our solar system… have such an impact on our lives and personalities?’
The explanation is not left brain… or measurable with our current scientific instruments in this particular energetic density that is the ‘reality’ that our physical bodies occupy.
…now we enter the esoteric teachings of ancient astrology… the ‘astroligion’ of it all. An ancient axiom says, “As above, so below”
That’s what we are… miniature living models of the universe… this solar system represents our nearest… universe and reality… all of the planetary energies… the planets… are within one… and the aspects for that individual lifetime are stamped permanently on the date of the physical birth horoscope.
The natal horoscope and its aspects are… ‘how you are wired’ …the future transits that the planets make along your individual ‘hard wired – aspects’ ... will trigger very predictable events… which can be physical, emotional, mental, and or all, and various combinations thereof in your life experience… and it is your free will choice as to how you will respond… positively and evolutionary… or negative and repetitious… as defined by historical data compiled by thousands of astrologers… for millennia… since before the Stonehenge…
Let’s consider some definitions from the a current standard astrology reference book, PLANETS IN TRANSIT, by Robert Hand, for an individual experiencing a Saturn square to their natal Pluto,
“This transit can be a difficult time in your life…” Now consider how these definitions apply to the world in general… we’ve certainly seen difficult times throughout this past year as these two have been within orb range to square each other…
“Because of circumstances and other people, you find it difficult to make the changes you would like to make in the world around you…” …that rather describes the stalled government of late… with various bipartisan issues and interference from excessive and corrupt lobbying… that we’ve witnessed for the first year of President Obama’s administration.
“Financially, you may have to curb your expenses because you simply do not have the resources…” …we see it in the various markets, banks not lending, banks failing, tight credit if any… cut backs… no more over time where I work… etc.
“…This transit is sometimes associated with violent incidents, so take care…” and we’ve certainly seen plenty of that on almost a daily basis these past months…”
And now the ‘why’ of it… “A square from transiting Saturn usually represents a call to eliminate the unnecessary and superfluous elements in your life. Of all Saturn squares, this one requires that you get rid of the dead and useless structures. Pluto rules breakdown and rebuilding, and that is exactly what you are forced to do. If you do it voluntarily, it will be easier.”
…we see it happening, I post of these news events daily …the planet, the country, every individual on the planet …we are all going through some major changes… in many and various areas of our lives… flow with it… pause… and try to consciously by free will choice transform the negative emotions and energy… into cautious yet compassionate and positive actions… and to try and choose wisely in the face of very certain changes… what is practical for all?… what works for all?…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Reference Source: PLANETS IN TRANSIT, Robert Hand books - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Robert+Hand+astrology&x=14&y=23
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