“J&J Paid Kickbacks to Omnicare, U.S. Says in Suit”
“FDA: Johnson & Johnson Unit Too Slow With Tylenol Recall”
But Neptune is also positive …in the story telling business …with another special effects extravaganza …which also positively employs a lot of people in the entertainment industry…,1158779/critic-review.html

“Book of Eli”
…and Neptune’s creativeness gives us yet another Bible Apocalypse rewrite into the future… with another Hollywood interpretation of post-Armageddon… with the white hat and black hat roles played by the two brilliant actors, Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman… yes, I admit… I’m a fan of both… and one does have to admit… the Bible rewrites are still good box office… and it continues to feed the world’s paranoia and it’s… what I call ‘Apocalyphobia’
Don’t worship the movie too much …your mental projections might make it happen …it’s just a scary violent movie …enjoy.
The positive side is also expressed in the tremendous efforts of the humanitarian aid to the Haitin earthquake victims currently underway.
In reality… it’s all just transiting conjuncts, squares, and oppositions of planetary energies… God’s mechanics… that makes things happen… and then we have choices to make… in how to deal with the aftermath… and or the effects… positive or negative…
There is tremendous energy available right now… where do you put your thoughts? …and as the old aphorism goes, “…be careful what you wish for …you just might get it”
Watch that first step after the Eclipse …you can trip on it,
…and the DJIA drops …-100 and back to 10,610… I think now might be the time to have one’s stop-loss orders in place… it might get worse…
“Stocks have worst day of 2010 after J.P. Morgan results”
Post-Eclipse time can be precarious for about a week… things have been highly charged now… where will the energy go?
…will the Cowboys win? …if the Vikings lose Sunday, all of Linus’
Stonehenge oracle will have come true… the earthquakes, the storms… and now the Cowboys …and the Vikings?…
…we shall see…
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