“Costa Rica's Turrialba volcano has erupted for the first time in more than a century…”
Now with the on going tensions from the closer to the Earth passage of Mars cycle… the tensions persist from the last perigee lunar eclipse… and now tensions build again with the coming annual Solar Eclipse of the 15th…
…notable public accidents, violence, shootings, and bombings are occurring almost daily again, world wide …and the DJIA continues to hover at the 10,500-600 ceiling for a month and a half now… and that is still very perplexing to this soothsayer… what is holding it up? …borrowed money injected into it?… it’s not even real money… just more computer entry zeros…
Will the Eclipse be a week of reckoning for the stock market?… Besides the Solar Eclipse itself… there is the retrograde Mercury at 5 degrees of Capricorn that conjuncts Pluto at 3 and they both square Saturn at 4 degrees of Libra… and all within a tight two degree orb… and the Eclipse energizes this square… Will some drastic (Pluto) news (Mercury)… or some massive (Jupiter) hype… or fraud (Neptune) be revealed …that sends the market into a panic again… or maybe inflated with some more hot air (Jupiter/Neptune) propaganda ‘feel good’ news… it finally breaks through the 10,500 barrier… with a strong move up again to perhaps the 11,000 level?
Either way, up or down… I feel that within the week after the Solar eclipse… the stock markets will move significantly… maybe 500 points or more… we shall see… my financial predictions haven’t been that accurate this past year (short term, month to month)… For prognostications… it’s been a better violence, earthquake, and volcano season for me thus far…
The football games?… I’ve learned from many lost $5 bets in the past …don’t bet during the week approaching an eclipse …the energies are way too erratic for reliable reads… especially with retrograde Mercury… that can cause you to do stupid stuff… like a slip of a keystroke… and you bet the wrong team and mess up the parley ticket…
Maybe now during the playoffs… these teams will get serious again? …perhaps the Sunday after the eclipse will make for some exciting games? …we shall see.
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