“UN climate panel blunders again over Himalayan glaciers”
“The chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has used bogus claims that Himalayan glaciers were melting to win grants worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.”
Money… money… money… more and more, the climate scams are getting rather obvious… which is dangerous, because there are some serious potentially radical climate changes that are happening… and a lot of valuable time and money is being wasted by these frauds… instead of gathering all real data and doing real research that may actually provide some warning and or real solutions.
These scams are wasting time and leading us in wrong directions… it’s a disgrace… and betrayal… to all sincere scientists throughout the world… who genuinely want to serve and help the world.
This month alone, simple mundane astrology transits have predicted a volcano eruption, five major earthquakes, and severe storms… you have read it yourself, dear reader… and I consider myself to be an average mundane astrologer… there are other astrologers, like Richard Nolle, Bill Meridian, Noel Tyl, the late Barbara Koval… who are even more spooky accurate sometimes!
Now consider combining the data of seismologists… who have, with their instruments and science, mapped and measured every fault line on the planet… with the mapping of the path that these various aspects make across the planet as they become exact… one could perhaps determine which fault lines would be under the most stress… and with that data they might be able to accurately predict the exact time and location that is at high risk… and have enough time to tell the Haitians, or whoever it may hit… to go sit outside for a few hours…
I am not going to approach mainstream science with my theories… astrologers have been targets for ridicule and persecution ever since a few corrupt ones sold out to the corrupt church around 200 CE… They don’t burn us at the stake anymore… but the media won’t hesitate to ‘roast’ astrologers… nor will the late night TV talkers…
However, if a Seismologist with an open mind wants to sincerely ask me about my, and hundreds of other astrologer’s, findings… I would be more than happy to work them… I find their science fascinating, perhaps they might learn something from mine as well… and who knows… together we might find a way to accurately predict earthquakes and save lives.
It’s not making the front page headlines yet… nonetheless it’s there and the becoming more and more noticeable… the transiting Saturn square Pluto is up rooting the scams…
“Swiss Banker Blows Whistle on Tax Evasion”
…and he’s naming major world bank type players …and in the months to come these issues will get uglier.
dispite the severe tone of your article, i totally agree. Interesting times
ReplyDeleteadd on.. I so agree, that having spent the last 25 years or so very interested in astrology , i am ready to put my rep on the line to play games! I guess i m as insensed as a lot of very credible astrologers!