As we are enduring the rain and flooding times… here in Long Beach… (Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces) and in response to a reader inquiry as to my random reference to the ancient ark legends… let’s examine it in the light of the recent article I referred to that describes a 20,000 year cycle of glacier and ice cap melt downs and flooding throughout the planet…
There are many Ark legends throughout various historically recorded civilizations… with various legendary accounts of massive flooding from various cultures around the planet… ergo, every 20,000 years or so… somebody builds a big ark… or maybe a lot of people build arks because our specie has survived and we’re still here…
“…Myths and Men estimates that altogether there are over 500 Flood legends worldwide. Ancient civilizations such as (China, Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia) all have their own versions of a giant flood.”
Every few years we read accounts of some very idealistic and inspired people spending very serious money on an expedition hiking around Mount Ararat looking for Noah’s Ark…
…now if they ever find bits and pieces of a big boat on Mount Ararat… or around any other high mountain… how do they know it was Noah’s? …maybe it was Ralph’s Ark from the previous 20,000 year ice melt down? …or maybe Pete’s Ark? …or even Alice’s Ark?
Mount Ararat is the high ground of the area… as are the Himalayan, the Andes, the Rockies…it could be anybody’s Ark… from any of the previous ice meltdown ages… and so… local urban legends grow and get edited and re-written… and maybe a little poetic license is added here and there… you know how writers and story tellers are… you are one if you’re a Blogger!
Like the ‘Billy the Kid’ and Pat Garrett legend… all we really know is one was an outlaw and one was an officer of the law… and Billy got shot. And when it comes to the big flood… all we really know is… there’s an ice cap and glacier melt down every 20,000 years or so… and evidently a lot of people have built arks and survived… because we’re still here… that’s it… that’s all… everything else is speculation and or a Hollywood script…
…and if it comes soon …there are plenty of empty container and tanker ships… idle and anchored in the Sea of Malaysia… and fleets of Aircraft carriers… there are already lots of Arks floating around… and some clever entrepreneur will re-paint, decorate, and outfit a few… a fleet… a cruise line… and there will be the… ‘40 Day n’ Night of Rain and Flood Cruise’… to mountain top destinations… or rather islands… unknown… …not to worry…
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