“Can farming save Detroit?”
This is a fascinating article… not the company… not the person… not the city… But the concept! …city farms. I’ve often had the thought as I’ve driven past large vacant buildings… of how they could be turned into hydroponic and aeroponic farms growing just about anything… with self contained compost heat, solar, and wind power… every city as an entity could potentially employ, support, and feed itself… and export the surplus.
These aren’t new ideas… much smarter people than me have been working on the details for years… and amidst the crumbling chaos… they will develop… if only from necessity… the ‘Mother of Invention.’…as more obsolete ways of thinking and doing things crumble away (the continuing transit of Saturn and Pluto squared)
These are the types of positive pioneering (Aries, Mars ruled, active energetic) that transiting Uranus (genius, invention, innovation) entering the sign of Aries in May of 2010 can bring into reality…
We can choose to do this for the benefit of all world wide… or we can continue the madness of continuous and very wasteful wars,
“Police: Suicide Bombing Kills 75 in NW Pakistan”

With an eclipse and the current aspects… this was an easy prediction, what surprises me is the fact that there isn’t even more of it… but then, the day is not over… and the orb of the influence will carry on for a week or so… continue to stay alert for the sudden and unexpected.
…and Neptune continues its intrigues in revolution… and religious madness… and suicide assassins… and cover ups…
“Taylor lawyer suspects a cover-up”
I did notice this brief story the day after the airplane bombing attempt in Detroit… and how nothing more was mentioned about it… until reading this article today…
Who is this well dressed man who helps get a shabby dressed suicide bomber with no passport… onto an airplane bound for the USA? …and why aren’t the NSA, CIA, and FBI getting search warrants and breaking down doors to find out who he is?
I opined a few articles ago …if you really want to end the wars …follow the money trail …the well dressed man, has the money… who paid the bills of the bomber? …who bribed the various security persons who let this person get as far as he did? …who pays to feed, clothe, house, transport, and train terrorists? …explosives and airline tickets are expensive… who pays for it?
Some key dates in 2010 that I’m looking at are May 29th through August 14th…During those 2½ months transiting Uranus enters the sign of Aries… and parks at 0 degrees of Aries… a Cardinal power point of the Zodiac… and ruled by Mars… until August 14th when retrograde motion takes it back into the sign of Pisces…
The last time Uranus transited through Aries was 1928-1934… yes, that was the bubble stock market crash and depression years… the history is an interesting read… google it…
The positive influence of this transit would be people and movements that blaze new trails and social reforms… with a strong push for independence and freedom… demanding change and dumping the obsolete… fresh new ideas…
The negative would be explosive, impulsive, politically fanatic, violent, and indiscriminate rejection of the past… ‘throwing the baby out with the bath water…’ Such potential violence can blind movements to the necessity of a social structure upon which to build these new revolutionary ideas… without which, can lead to anarchy and chaos…
On June 4th transiting Mars will oppose Neptune again… we’ve seen the scandal and viciousness that can bring… and then June 8th transiting Jupiter conjuncts Uranus at 0 degrees of Aries… whatever Uranus is manifesting… great inventions or outright revolution… will expand and increase with the Jupiter influence.
…May through August of 2010 …will be eventful …and more than likely significant historical times this year.
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