Perigee Full Moon
We may have a few calmer and colder days to pick up things and dry out before it all starts up again around the end of the month into the first week of February. Not only is this a close orbit, what Richard Nolle terms a, ‘Super Moon’… this one also has two major conjuncts in the Sun-Moon opposition… thus four planets in opposition… that’s some tension.
The Full Moon at 10 degrees conjuncts Mars at 9 degrees of Leo… the anger and passions are high… very possible major terrorist attacks… border attacks… challenges that get out of control… along with shocking random violence…
This pair Mars/Moon then oppose the Sun at 10 degrees of Aquarius that is conjunct to Venus at 14 degrees… The Venus Mars tension in this close Full Moon… can and probably will get personal… expect some more sex scandal news… runaway affairs… or even high profile sexual jealousy and violence…
This Full Moon may also re-activate the recent seismic and volcanic activity… as Saturn and Pluto remain in their exact square from Libra to Capricorn… from air to earth… thus, possibly, more severe storms, volcanic activity and earthquakes… check your kits…
…and the recent Eclipse has triggered the 500 point drop that I predicted might happen in the, in my opinion, way too high equities markets… On the 19th just after the Eclipse the DJIA peaked at 10,725 at the closing bell… and yesterday the 22nd …the DJIA closed at 10,172… down from the Eclipse -553 points.
…now if the Vikings lose to the Saints tonight …every prediction of the 1st will have come true this month… that’s getting a little spooky… even for the astrologer…
Noticeable hot spots; the Mars/Moon conjunct end of the Full Moon conjuncts the natal Uranus of Iraq’s natal chart at 10 degrees of Leo… potentially very explosive. The Sun part of the Full Moon conjuncts the natal Sun/Mars conjunct in the natal chart of Iran… also explosive. The Mars/Moon side of the Full Moon conjuncts the natal Saturn/Pluto conjunct of India (which includes Pakistan and Afghanistan… and this Full Moon is within orb of the natal Israel’s Moon/Pluto/Saturn conjunct…
Which one? Iran, Iraq, India, Israel? …one or more? …or all of them? …who knows? Things will be rather tense in the Middle East… border clashes, outbreak of a new war front, new wave of suicide bombings of government buildings and public markets? We shall see… be calm and alert… and ready to duck…
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