The Temptation and Expulsion From The Garden of Eden
Vatican Sistine Ceiling Painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti
“Sex Scandal Captivates Northern Ireland”
“British media reported Saturday that Iris Robinson -- a member of Britain's parliament since 2001, and the wife of Northern Ireland's leader, First Minister Peter Robinson -- will step down within days, following her confession to cheating on her husband 18 months ago. Mrs. Robinson said in an open letter Wednesday that she started the "brief affair" while suffering from severe depression.”
She was 58 at the time… and he was 19… Yes, ‘Mrs Robinson’… just like the song and the 1967 movie ‘The Graduate”… but this is the real deal… and she’s even known the guy since he was 9 years old… talk about a prohetic movie! …and while it is simply another human event that happens to thousands every hour… because we are all sexual creatures by nature… it is another pathetic confirmation of the world wide religious hypocracy.
She is also a Bible thumping gay basher… and in a local TV interview says, “Just as a murderer can be redeemed by the blood of Christ, so can a homosexual”
What is the real reason for all these centuries of sexual guilt… that can… and often does… lead to madness?
When you ‘sin’ by some religions standards… you have to repent… go to the place of worship… confess… and then, convieniantly for them… DONATE your money to them, say a few mantras, Hail Marys, kiss an icon… whatever… and everything is cool… and you’ve once again been emotionally manipulated and fleeced.
Why do religions make it so hard? …If a sin was stepping on a crack in the sidewalk… it would be perhaps inconvient to go for long walks… but it would be a possible commandment to adhere to. Can a normal sane person suppress and avoid… sex? …NO!
We’re hard wired for sex… like every other specie on this planet… and the switch goes on at puberty… and the religions damn well know it… and they manipulate their implanted guilt trip on you for life… meanwhile nature will …and does …take it’s course… and as I have commented in past columns… Sex energy is so powerful that in the 65 years since I was born… I have witnessed the world population TRIPLE… despite the commandments, attempted suppression, restrictions, forbidding… and guilt trips… ‘you sinner!’
Now, I ask you… has any of the various world religious ‘rules’ about sex had any positive effect? NO! …their various sexually repressed and perverted views have simply created masses of religious pyschotics… that are currently bombing each other somewhere on this planet everyday…
Why?... because whoever they are bombing dosen’t believe in the ‘right’ way… even though all their savoirs… Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mithra, Osiris, Bacchus, Attis… and a few others… were all born on the same day, December 25th …ergo… they’re all the same guy… and they all represent the Winter Solstice… what does sex have to do with it?
…and we live in a world where a politician …to get elected …must convence the voters that they sincerely believe in one of these fables… and is thus a rightious and moral person… with values… and are thus wise enough to lead you… and they know best what you need… like a bridge to nowhere… with government funds paying the bridge builders… who then pay the hack politiian a ‘kickback’ under the table… all so very moral and ethical… ‘it’s God’s plan to for us to build this pipeline…’ etc.
It’s all a greed and power trip …and misdirected and frustrated sex energy. Sex is ruled by Mars… find it in your natal horoscope chart… read the aspect definitons… and there is your indiviual ‘kink’ …whatever it is… and it’s ‘normal’ for that aspect… the trick is to find a compatible aspected consenting adult with the same aspect… and bingo! Nirvana! …happily married for forty years, etc
Stop listening to people who want to tell you what you need. …those questions you need to ask and answer for yourself …like, who am I really? …and what do I really want/need? What are my individual values? …what has meaning for me? Then peacefully be your true self without interfering with the rights of others… and allow others the same freedom… world peace… no problem…
Maybe it’s all a massive creative visualization… like maybe an illusion… that we all create? …we make a movie ‘The Graduate’… it’s worshipped by millions… for decades… an icon movie… launching a famous actor Dustin Hoffman… and a haunting older woman ‘seductress’ legend Ann Bancroft… who seduces the highschool graduate… that she’s known since his childhood…
Then worship that hit movie long enough… put enough mental energy, focus… emotional energy, obsession… into the vision… and it eventually happens! Mrs. Robinson is alive and well… and seduced a young man she’s known since he was a child… and is emersed in scandal in Northern Ireland!… almost the identical movie script… wrap your brain around that for a minute or two…
If enough people believe in the New Jersey Devil… or Big Foot… they will …create it …and some see it! …for real! …now here’s the problem …other’s may actually feel it …but they can’t see it …and they get the idea to ‘fake it’ about the guy who really saw it …and then they make up wild stories about him, after he’s dead …maybe even change his name, birthdate, and personal records… the FBI does it all the time with their witness protection program.
Nobody really knows what happened between Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid… except Pat and Billy… and they’re long dead …and all their friends as well… Now with a good pulp fiction writer you can make up a legend out of a long dead outlaw who got shot by a sheriff… or even a guy who is a ‘hands on’ energy transfer natural healer, a good shaman, and a wise mystic that teaches truth by parable… a good script writer can take that kind of character sketch… and an old basic script from some ancient astrology allegories…and he can make a big hit movie out of it!
Now, here’s were it gets turned around… the guy who’s had the pulp fiction writer dummy up a ‘gospel’ starts to preach… because he knows the people will ‘feel’ it… some things you can’t help but feel, like when “ole Yeller” dies in that classic Disney Movie… admit it, you cried… “You feel it! …Yes! …I feel it!... and it talks to me! …and here’s what it says it wants all of you NOT to do… because it is a sin and an abomination!”
…and the tent meetings get momentum and a groupie following …and then they get political …and a couple of thousand years later… here we are… blowing each other up over nonsense…
Now here’s the truth… it’s okay to masturbate… really, trust me… you won’t go blind… you won’t burn in hell… it doesn’t hurt anybody… and you might feel better… much better than blowing yourself up… or molesting an innocent child… or raping the planet with your greed.
…whoa …enough …reign it in…
…yes… this is a therapeutic RANT! And of course RANT comments are welcome… ‘right’.. ‘wrong’.. opinions… it doesn’t matter… we can agree to disagree… all that matters is honest communication…
The tensions are building with these aspects… crazy things are happening …Fox News is booking Sarah Palin on a daily basis… and as this Eclipse of the 15th occurs it may even get crazier… be cool… check your kits… and do your therapeutic writing, drawing, gardening, football astrology, or whatever it is that chills you out…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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