“Egypt discovers new workers' tombs near pyramids”
“Egypt Tombs Suggest Pyramids Not Built by Slaves”
It continues to amaze me, the dual, positive and negative expression of these energies… the mutual reception of Uranus and Neptune in the signs of Pisces and Aquarius… that I often write about these days… the duality continues… On the bad side we have all fanatic religious and political turmoil and scandals… and on the positive side every month one new amazing discovery after another is found … another piece of the past puzzles… and even more mystery is discovered… it is an amazing world, indeed…
Graves of free men, workers on the pyramids have been found nearby… perhaps 10,000 as compared to the previous 100,000 slaves estimate. This a particularly fascinating find… for me… because I have long held the opinion that these magnificent structures were built by a fraternity of freemen and craftsmen… perhaps precursors to the Mason and Stone worker guilds of the world… and the theory, that the blocks may have been formed one at a time… by a system sort of like mixing and pouring ‘cement’… into forms built in place… then after the mixture sets… the form is moved to pour another block next to it… and so on… mixing, pouring, and stacking… level by level…
I didn’t say it was easy… and yes, it probably took a couple of decades or more… but I do feel it more a viable theory than the old slave theories…
These energies provide fascinating possibilities for true research and breakthroughs…for real knowledge… let us all try to make the efforts to use these energies in a positive and enlightening manner… for the benefit of all…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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