“Dubai’s Khalifa Tower, World’s Tallest Building, Opens With Fanfare”

This an excellent opportunity for a mundane event chart… and the charting of an entity’s future… using, what I refer to as a, ‘Noon style destiny chart.’
The Mid Heaven is on the recent Eclipse axis at 9 degrees of Capricorn… a very sensitive point for some time to come… especially in the Middle East… There is also a triple conjunct of the Sun, Venus, and Mercury at 13-14 degrees of Capricorn, Mercury retrograde, and both Mercury and Venus are ‘under the beams’ (within 2 degrees of the Sun, the orb varies with the individual astrologer, and in this point I hold a conservative view of 2 degrees, others may allow up to 6)…and it is therefore termed ‘combust’ …and is considered a weakened influence… nonetheless, it indicates the ‘fanfare’ of the event, being within orb of the Mid Heaven.
The troublesome future transit that I see occurs around February 16th, 2015… as transiting Pluto conjuncts this natal Sun/Mercury/Venus triplet at 13-14 degrees of Capricorn… A historical example of this type of transit would the Pluto transit over the natal Sun of the former Soviet Union in the early 1990’s… and their internal collapse…
…also threatening is the transit of Uranus that conjuncts the Ascendant at 13 degrees of Aries… which is thus an exact square to the Pluto conjunct! …ominous …and the transiting conjunct of Venus and Mars at 24-26 degrees of Pisces will have just passed over the natal Uranus at 23 degrees…
The grace of the natal Moon trine to the Mid Heaven and triple conjunct may favor the outcome… through diligent maintenance and defense… as would indicated by Saturn in the 6th House of service…
…not to worry 2015 is a ways off …and the whole planet may be going through stressful times with those transits… life will go on…
In a near future article I will explain the Apocalypse and Deluge allegories… and how they apply to our astrological transits.
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
click chart for detail view

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