Airplane Suicide Bomber Armageddon in New York…

Bunker Bomb Armageddon in Baghdad…
Every 500-600 years there is a major planetary alignment involving a Grand Cross or T- Bar formation… that will herald… and some times initiate radical environmental and social changes throughout the planet.

Tsunami and Hurricane Armageddon of Sri Lanka and New Orleans…
Let’s explore some more ancient astrology symbols in the Bible… in relation to the past decade…
In “Revelations” who are these legendary fearsome Four Horsemen that suddenly show up just before all hell breaks loose?
The first guy is armed with a bow, has a crown, and rides a white horse. This is an allegorical symbol representing transiting Venus.
The second rider has a sword and rides a red horse, and this symbolizes transiting Mars.
The third one carries a balance and rides a black horse and this is transiting Saturn… the tester… the taskmaster… the weighing of karma on the scales, etc.
And the fourth horseman rides a pale green horse and is death… and in a subconscious way represents to me… the death of old ideas and thinking… as this symbol would represent Mercury… and the passage of ideas and old ways of thinking… leading to an enlightenment… after confronting the tests to my reality.
Mercury, Venus, and Mars in our natal charts are the composite of the mental, emotional, and physical daily personality that we meet our daily world (Saturn-reality) through… Saturn is our fears, cautions, limitations… tasks, labors, tests.
…when your four horsemen, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Mercury are involved in a major Grand Cross (two oppositions at a square angle to each other) or a T-Bar (two opposing planets that are both squared by a third) transit… you’re going to go through some challenges and radical changes… that’s what growing and evolution is all about… constant change from birth to death… be it for the individual, group, nation, or an entity.
You don’t have to worry about WHEN the four horsemen will show up…
because the are already here… and always have been… inside you, look for them in your natal chart… just like the Sun/Son of God is inside you… in the heart chakra… look for it… go within… Mercury is in the throat chakra, Venus in the heart, Mars in the navel, Jupiter in the Solar Plexus, and Saturn the spine… we are but miniature models of the universe… ‘as above, so below…’
When and where? Here’s a fascinating Bible clue… which was stolen from an ancient astrology allegory… the Four Beasts.
In King Jim’s version of the Bible… Ezekiel and Revelations tell us about the four mysterious cherubim or creatures… again it’s an allegory with ancient astrology symbols… [brackets are mine] “…the first animal was like a lion [Leo] and the second like a calf [Taurus] and the third had the face of a man [Aquarius – water bearer] and the fourth was like a flying eagle [another ancient astrology symbol for Scorpio]…”
Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio – are the ‘fixed’ signs, in the middle of the four seasons… and the most sensitive spot is 15 degrees of each of these signs… any alignment of these personal planets with Saturn… in a Grand Cross or T-Bar formation… on or near these points… foretell of major changes…
A historical example… which I charted, lived through, and even celebrated by doing an abstract expressionist painting… expressing the forces experienced at the moment of the Eclipse… It was heralded as “The Mother of all Eclipses,” …and many dire predictions were flourishing at the time… a Solar Eclipse with a “Grand Cross” occurred August 11th, 1999… and it was definitely an ‘omen’ for the coming new millennia…
The Solar Eclipse (Sun/Moon conjunct) was at 18 degrees of Leo (Lion like creature) in opposition to Uranus (Explosive, change) in Aquarius (Water-bearer, Man like creature) and squaring them both and forming the Grand Cross… the opposition of Saturn (the tester) at 16 degrees of Taurus (the calf like creature) to Mars at 16 degrees of Scorpio (the eagle like creature)… all four mysterious Apocalyptic creatures… (the Signs and their rulers, Leo-Sun, Aquarius-Saturn-Uranus, Taurus-Venus, and Scorpio-Mars-Pluto)… all within 3 degrees of orb to the 15 degree power points of the ‘Fixed’ signs… and all are thus activated by the ‘Grand Cross’…
…the day itself was not that calamitous… the eclipse was more of a herald of what was to come… for the next decade or so…
Let’s review the past decade… If you were near or in either of the Twin Towers, or the Pentagon on 9/11… or on the receiving end of a bunker busting bomb in Iraq… or in New Orleans when Katrina hit… or in any number of embassies and hotels that have suffered attacks… or kidnapped at sea by pirates… or in the stock market in 2008 or heavily invested with Bernie Madoff… or a celebrity too dependant on prescription drugs… you have experienced a personal ARMAGEDDON in your individual reality…
…or the rise and fall of dozens of political, media, and sports icons… Tiger Woods being the latest to fall from grace… and they all have experienced a personal ARMAGEDDON… and if we look at their natal charts these same Eclipse points will be activating their charts and lives… as they do in all of our charts… ‘As above, so below’
…my list is brief …and I’m sure you dear readers could add pages to it …from the history of the past decade …that we’ve all just lived through…
…and it’s still on going …with war, terrorist attacks, financial uncertainty, climate and Pig flu panics… and on it goes…with the various booms and busts… and the current transits indicating yet more to come.
We all have been going through some major changes this past decade… and they’re all there in that mundane chart of the ‘Grand Cross’ and.. “The Mother Of All Eclipses” - August 11. 1999,

click chart for detail view
The next Solar Eclipse will be January 15th 2010 …and …yes …that’s next week… will it be another ‘freaky’ Friday?
…we shall see…