Let’s look at the Crucifixion story of …pick any one of them you like …Jesus, Mithra, Krishna, Buddha, Osiris, Bacchus, Attis…
…okay …Jesus of Nazareth
…first thing …google your historical maps …that are verified by mainstream science archeologist guys …on the alleged approximate date of birth in the year ‘0’ CE Midnight LMT, Nazareth, Palestine.
…neither Nazareth nor Bethlehem are on the map… the condo and mall developers had not arrived yet… no permits, deeds, surveyor measurements… nada… just vacant scrub brush chaparral and desert…
…but, it would have been a good long term investment …a 100 or so years later a major camel caravan trading route came through… and ‘Rick’s Oasis Camel Stop CafĂ© Casino Inn’… with camel care stalls… various other saloons… brothels… boutiques… general store and supply outlets… spring up… the previously depressed local population is making good money… and the local economy is up…
…in another hundred years or so …the surrounding Nazareth County area… became a good size town… and they even elected a sheriff and deputies… to keep the camel drivers in line at the belly dancer clubs… those boys can get a little rowdy at times… when they’re had too much wine and hashish…
This is the problem when legends and parables are made human and taken literally… the historical facts don’t always match up…
…let’s look at the symbols …and the reality they represent …Jesus is crucified between two thieves and then mortally wounded in the side by the Centurion’s spear… at that time of year, mid December …the Sun/Son of God is approaching the cusp of Sagittarius (the Centaur/Centurion, spear) and Capricorn (Saturn, death, Winter Solstice)…
…now the reality …I recall a mid December many years ago …the car battery had gone dead, a common occurrence in sudden cold weather… and I was replacing it with a new battery I had… and as I lifted it into the engine compartment… my shirt tail was out… and a sudden burst of that icy northeastern cold wind hit my taut muscle and it felt like a spear going into my side… I finished up… and then went back in the house… went to bed… and felt like I was dead…
…a few days later it was Christmas, the day seemed brighter, I seemed miraculously reborn… maybe like Jesus, and I felt better… happy and content… with a day off… watching the children play with their presents…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Thursday, December 31, 2009

I visualize and mediate on a peaceful and festive Blue Moon Happy New Year’s Eve… I invite you all to join me… perhaps our combined mental energies can help bring that into reality… that would be really nice… and I would not mind being made the fool… if nothing really bad happens… and the game ends up… Mundane Astrologers 0… and Mystic Shaman 1…
But… we have observed over the past year how some of these current repeating aspects can and often do cause some amount of havoc world wide …and they may again …but, where? …aye, there’s the rub, Horatio…
…let’s look at two recent ‘hot spots’ …the Mayon Volcano in the Philippines… and Tehran, Iran
The Eclipse is a strong gravitational stress and it will apply pressure to the now very active Mayon volcano… In the mundane chart in that location, the Eclipse occurs in the 2nd House (finances, goods) and 8th (shared property, death) and is square to, and thus a ‘T-Bar’ to Saturn (restrictions, lack) at 5 degrees of Libra in the 11th House (here it would represent the populace)… Uranus (sudden, explosion, volcano) in the 4th House (home, and result of the question in mundane astrology)… also with Uranus in Neptune (rules the sea) a Tsunami could more than likely occur as well… all together, very possible, and potentially very disastrous.

[click charts for detail views]
In Iran the Eclipse occurs in the 10th (government, world standing) and the 4th (home, and result of the question)… with Uranus in the 1st (rebellion of basic self -the people) square to the Eclipse. Pluto squares Saturn from the the 7th (open enimies, on both sides) ...a very explosive mix, things may get far worse.

While there could very well be a terrorist attack in New York… I see the stress as more in the finance area… as the Eclipse occurs in the afternoon of the trading hours… and in the 2nd and 8th House (money) with the Saturn square in the 5th House (speculation)… with an Eclipse it can be a big market move… up or down… I tend to feel this might be the moment of reckoning if the DJIA hasn’t made it to 10,600 and closed above it… this could be the beginning of a big move down…

I sincerely hope that I am totally wrong… this is not a parley bet I would want to win… Even without astrology we’ve had more than enough forewarning… there are some powerful forces at work here… check you kits.
…may your all have good fortune this year… and may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Stonehenge
From the astrology of Christmas we followed the eastern star Sirius, that is then followed by the ‘three wise men’… the three stars of the “Belt of Orion”… in the constellation of Virgo (whose symbol is the Virgin) to where the Sun/Son of God is born… in a manger (a Saturn symbol) between a goat and a horse stall (symbols of Capricorn and Sagittarius)…
The are 30 degrees to each sign of the Zodiac… at the age of 30, the ministry begins, or when the Sun/Son of God enters the sign of Aquarius (the symbol is a man carrying water, the Water Bearer)… and is baptized (in water)…
Then as the Son/Sun of God enters Pisces… the first of the 12 Disciples… the Fishermen are met… (Symbol of Pisces is the Fish)
The Sun/Son of God, the good shepherd is busy during the March-April months of Aries when the lambs are born (Symbol of Aries is the Lamb/Ram)
Then the Son/Sun of God lectures in parables about plowing, tilling, fallow ground, some seeds take, some perish on the rock, etc. …farming and husbandry, in the sign of Taurus (The symbol is the farm animal the Bull/Ox)
In Gemini the Sun/Son of God further communicates, with mountain side lectures, etc.
During a stormy night in the sign of Cancer (a water sign) the Son/Sun God calms the sea… and lectures about backsliders (a description of the Crab’s moment, and the Crab is the Symbol of the sign of Cancer)
The SUN rules the sign of Leo… the Son/Sun of God is in his glory… the heat of the Summer… Leo the entertainer, magic tricks at a wedding reception... turning water into wine, etc. the entertainer, the king, the Lion are Symbols of Leo…
The Sun/Son of God performs miraculous healing (Virgo rules healing)
In Libra is the Vineyard, grapes are harvested and pressed in September-October… the harvesting, the supper… the prophecies… the Balance is the symbol of Libra
Scorpio is the betrayal… the Son/Sun of God is weakened as the days get shorter in October-November…
The Sun/Son is then crucified between two thieves who drain his strength… Sagittarius and Capricorn… and is stabbed in the side by a spear of the Centaur/Centurion (Centaur is the symbol of Sagittarius)…
And dies, the Winter Solstice… and is reborn three days later…
Consider the number twelve… 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 months of the year, 12 hours daylight, 12 hours darkness, 12 disciples… Osiris and Krishna also had 12 disciples… and Hercules (another Sun/Son of God) had 12 labors…
…and the King’s foot …12 inches
…the Angels are trines and sextiles, beneficial and helpful if you pray (ask, make the effort to use the good fortune) … and the Demons (inner and outer) are the squares and oppositions that challenge one’s faith now and then… and teaches one through karma …that you reap what you sow… in one incarnation or another…
…now you know why astrologers were executed as ‘heretics’… they knew too much! …and that scares the willies out of political/religious dictators.
…remember what the wicked king said in Bill Shakespeare’s play, 'Hamlet'… “Aye… tis madness… But me thinkst.. there’s method in’t…” …and then he hired the spies Rosencranz and Guildenstern …to try and find out what Hamlet was really up to… and after Hamlet told them where to get off… the wicked King signed secret orders to have him killed in England…
…it’s a sticky wicked world sometimes…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 6217
Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble SM4 ERO Team
…NASA photos tend to put things in perspective
…and they all have Suns/Sons of Gods …stars, suns, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, planetoids, frozen bits of ice …abandoned space stations and shipwrecks …orbits …transits …interplanetary aspects of various tensions …things explode now and then …cool off …and then re-grow …visions …bad dreams …all the stuff that great movies are made of…
…all these worlds are spinning machines …with timed cycles …and they work effortlessly and perfectly …and all the inhabitants …here and there… have free will choice to do as they will…
…a perigee eclipse is coming the 31st …a lot of tensions …very possible terrorists actions, new war, violence …and nature’s violence like volcanic activity, earthquakes, tsunami, and serve storms… check you kits.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Like I said… the games would have another whacky upset weekend… The New Orleans Saints lose a second game in a row to the… Buccaneers?!? 20-17 …to a 47 yard field goal in over time… and the undefeated Colts… are defeated by the Jets 29-15… I saved some money… by listening to my intuition...
…and the crazy world continues to blow themselves up,
“Suicide Blast Kills 20 in Karachi Shiite Procession”
…and more than one religious rebellion is growing,
“Furor Erupts Over Atheist Display At State Capitol”
“The sign reads: "At the time of the winter solstice, let reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is just myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
…maybe the sign maker read and misunderstood my blog a few days ago. I didn’t say there wasn’t a God …religions simply misquote God …and make up stories that never really happened …many of them are ancient allegories …and they are meant to be examples of better ways to behave… other parts are just bad ‘B’ movie scripts…
Truly wise teachers sometimes use parables …simply because many people, despite their age, are very child like in their thinking …and need stories to better understand complicated things …like compassion.
…and/or political and religious leaders …and their hacks …have no originality… and are too lazy… so they simply rewrite other pre-existing religions… and change the names, or alter the spelling a little… and again, this very mean and child like behavior… adults call it plagiarism.
I simply don’t believe God is that angry …only really naive people believe that… we still have God’s greatest gift of all… free will… you don’t have to bet on the game… and God never said anything about blowing yourself up and killing other people… and if you believe that propaganda… that’s your choice… and your stupidity.
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
…and the crazy world continues to blow themselves up,
“Suicide Blast Kills 20 in Karachi Shiite Procession”
…and more than one religious rebellion is growing,
“Furor Erupts Over Atheist Display At State Capitol”
“The sign reads: "At the time of the winter solstice, let reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is just myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
…maybe the sign maker read and misunderstood my blog a few days ago. I didn’t say there wasn’t a God …religions simply misquote God …and make up stories that never really happened …many of them are ancient allegories …and they are meant to be examples of better ways to behave… other parts are just bad ‘B’ movie scripts…
Truly wise teachers sometimes use parables …simply because many people, despite their age, are very child like in their thinking …and need stories to better understand complicated things …like compassion.
…and/or political and religious leaders …and their hacks …have no originality… and are too lazy… so they simply rewrite other pre-existing religions… and change the names, or alter the spelling a little… and again, this very mean and child like behavior… adults call it plagiarism.
I simply don’t believe God is that angry …only really naive people believe that… we still have God’s greatest gift of all… free will… you don’t have to bet on the game… and God never said anything about blowing yourself up and killing other people… and if you believe that propaganda… that’s your choice… and your stupidity.
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Sunday, December 27, 2009

In past articles I’ve expressed the opinion that Iran will be less of a threat to the world… as they become more and more occupied with their own internal revolution.
“Anti-government protests turn deadly in Tehran”
…..“This is a month of blood. The dictator will fall,” peopled shouted…
Currently Pluto is transiting through the 10th House of Iran’s natal chart based on the date of February 1, 1979, 9 AM, Tehran. I share with you an except from a standard reference book, PLANETS IN TRANSIT, by the world famous contemporary astrologer, Robert Hand,
Pluto transiting through the 10th House – “…Pluto arouses your ambitions, the desire to take control and dominate. Its actions can be quite ruthless, like a force of nature that has no regard for human standards or morality and ethics. But people who act like this under the influence of Pluto are quite often tragic. Having thrown away their humanity, they discover that they can expect no quarter from others who unite to oppose them.”
Apply that definition to the nation and current regime… as a person or entity… and the definition reads the same… and is exactly what is going on in Iran today… and it began as rebellious Uranus transited over the Ascendant of Iran’s current mundane birth chart… in March of 2009 a couple of months before the time of their disputed election …and Saturn now squares Pluto from the 7th House (open enemies, and in this case they are the angry population)… and transiting Uranus (revolution) squares their natal Neptune (religion)… indicating another religious or moral principles inspired internal revolution…
I believe… from these current transits… that we are witnessing the beginning of the next internal Iranian revolution that may eventually bring down the current regime. The big battles may begin in May, 2010 as Uranus moves into Aries.
…we shall see…
click on chart for detail view

Saturday, December 26, 2009
…whoa …the new Indian Chief retro… ya gotta love the fenders!

I think during these disruptive times… as transiting and shocking Uranus rips through our Pisces Neptune ruled dellusions, usually self created… and Neptune weaves its slippery clandestine fanatic intrigues around revolutionary Uranus ruled Aquarius… and the transiting square of Saturn to Pluto continues to crumble the obsolete… we all need to examine… and maybe overhaul some of our values and choices…
All these recent scandals are but a reflection of us all… whether we care to admit it or not…
The question that knaws at my curiosity… is why does our culture look to beauty queens, movie stars, politicians, and athletes for any sort of moral examples?… These professions are known to be based on hyped publicity and PR agents (professional well paid liars)…
The very nature of these professions are manipulative and preditory… they present a propoganda and camoflaged front… their business is ‘image’… which is basically, lying …not presenting things… as they really are… warts and all… and usually for the same reasons… they want your money! …or vote …or both …and to hold illusory power over you… and they usually engage only two dimensional thinking… cost and profit… us and them… and if they’re not one up on you… they consider themselves to be one down…
…and some… are a real piece of work… who actually believe that oral sex is not adultry… at least not for presiding presidents… or that they understand the complexity of USA and Russian relations… because they can see Russia from their front porch.
In that kind of reality… how can one expect anything other than constant contradiction and… scandal? …as life and astrology transits reveal their all too human sides… which have nothing to do with the false icon ‘persona’ they project… yet… we all still want to believe in the fantasy… to escape the dreainess of our average drab grey realities… ‘someday, over the rainbow… tomorrow… tomorrow… we can be… maybe… just like them… have faith… someday… tomorrow’
…and this past week we read of yet another young actress, Brittany Murphy, that suddenly dies in what was probably another presciption drug related death… and maybe your daughter wants to be like her?
…and it’s the same ole’ movie they keep re-releasing… now with copous green screen and bungee cord flying computer generated special effects… and the entertainment industry may be changing in that regard… I predicted over thirty years ago that the visual media entertainment would reach a technical level where human actors would become obsolete…
…and I think the recent release of ‘Avatar’ and other special effects fantasy films illustrates that point… but… it’s still the same ole scripts… hero and protagonist… black hats versus white hats… us and them…
While the computer generated characters don’t present the personal problems and scandals of human actors …like yesterday, Charlie Sheen was arrested for some kind of domestic violence …some of the technical geeks can get a little strange …I know, I work with a few of them in the broadcast studios.
…and now an 80 million dollar movie …with Robert Downey as Sherlock Holmes? …I’d much rather see a computer generated animated version of the black and white classic Basil Rathbone of 1939 ..but the costs would be even more exorbitant.
…like the the new retro style remake of the classic (circa 1940-50’s) Indian Chief motorcycle currently being promoted at $26,000… It’s a beautiful retro style bike… love the fenders!… but… no, thanks… I’ll keep my retro style Triumph Bonneville… it was only seven grand… back in 02’… and it’s paid for… and she runs great… even better than the 1963 Bonnie I had when I was nineteen… which my “Baby Blu” is the modern remake of… The 63’ Bonneville was maroon and silver stripped… and I named her ‘Mamie’ …after Mamie van Doren …a very hot lady of those ancient times…
It’s all a very strange bizarre trip …this life …as I get older I don’t mind it as much …life simply IS what it IS …in the moment of NOW …strange and bizarre at times.
…so… what do we choose to do with this coming new decade of 2010?
…meanwhile …the football games? …now we’ve got retrograde Mercury added to the mix …you may recall past articles on this infamous “Murphy’s Law” type transit where if something can go wrong… or miscommunicated… it more than likely will… and at the most inopportune time…
Ergo, from many $5 lessons paid for… in the ‘School of Hard Knocks’ …mundane astrology sports prognostication research department… I shall pass on any wagers this whacky weekend… but I definitely will watch what may be some very surprising games… the Laker fans got very ugly last night… get a grip folks, it’s just a game…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
…whoa …the new Indian Chief retro… ya gotta love the fenders!

I think during these disruptive times… as transiting and shocking Uranus rips through our Pisces Neptune ruled dellusions, usually self created… and Neptune weaves its slippery clandestine fanatic intrigues around revolutionary Uranus ruled Aquarius… and the transiting square of Saturn to Pluto continues to crumble the obsolete… we all need to examine… and maybe overhaul some of our values and choices…
All these recent scandals are but a reflection of us all… whether we care to admit it or not…
The question that knaws at my curiosity… is why does our culture look to beauty queens, movie stars, politicians, and athletes for any sort of moral examples?… These professions are known to be based on hyped publicity and PR agents (professional well paid liars)…
The very nature of these professions are manipulative and preditory… they present a propoganda and camoflaged front… their business is ‘image’… which is basically, lying …not presenting things… as they really are… warts and all… and usually for the same reasons… they want your money! …or vote …or both …and to hold illusory power over you… and they usually engage only two dimensional thinking… cost and profit… us and them… and if they’re not one up on you… they consider themselves to be one down…
…and some… are a real piece of work… who actually believe that oral sex is not adultry… at least not for presiding presidents… or that they understand the complexity of USA and Russian relations… because they can see Russia from their front porch.
In that kind of reality… how can one expect anything other than constant contradiction and… scandal? …as life and astrology transits reveal their all too human sides… which have nothing to do with the false icon ‘persona’ they project… yet… we all still want to believe in the fantasy… to escape the dreainess of our average drab grey realities… ‘someday, over the rainbow… tomorrow… tomorrow… we can be… maybe… just like them… have faith… someday… tomorrow’
…and this past week we read of yet another young actress, Brittany Murphy, that suddenly dies in what was probably another presciption drug related death… and maybe your daughter wants to be like her?
…and it’s the same ole’ movie they keep re-releasing… now with copous green screen and bungee cord flying computer generated special effects… and the entertainment industry may be changing in that regard… I predicted over thirty years ago that the visual media entertainment would reach a technical level where human actors would become obsolete…
…and I think the recent release of ‘Avatar’ and other special effects fantasy films illustrates that point… but… it’s still the same ole scripts… hero and protagonist… black hats versus white hats… us and them…
While the computer generated characters don’t present the personal problems and scandals of human actors …like yesterday, Charlie Sheen was arrested for some kind of domestic violence …some of the technical geeks can get a little strange …I know, I work with a few of them in the broadcast studios.
…and now an 80 million dollar movie …with Robert Downey as Sherlock Holmes? …I’d much rather see a computer generated animated version of the black and white classic Basil Rathbone of 1939 ..but the costs would be even more exorbitant.
…like the the new retro style remake of the classic (circa 1940-50’s) Indian Chief motorcycle currently being promoted at $26,000… It’s a beautiful retro style bike… love the fenders!… but… no, thanks… I’ll keep my retro style Triumph Bonneville… it was only seven grand… back in 02’… and it’s paid for… and she runs great… even better than the 1963 Bonnie I had when I was nineteen… which my “Baby Blu” is the modern remake of… The 63’ Bonneville was maroon and silver stripped… and I named her ‘Mamie’ …after Mamie van Doren …a very hot lady of those ancient times…
It’s all a very strange bizarre trip …this life …as I get older I don’t mind it as much …life simply IS what it IS …in the moment of NOW …strange and bizarre at times.
…so… what do we choose to do with this coming new decade of 2010?
…meanwhile …the football games? …now we’ve got retrograde Mercury added to the mix …you may recall past articles on this infamous “Murphy’s Law” type transit where if something can go wrong… or miscommunicated… it more than likely will… and at the most inopportune time…
Ergo, from many $5 lessons paid for… in the ‘School of Hard Knocks’ …mundane astrology sports prognostication research department… I shall pass on any wagers this whacky weekend… but I definitely will watch what may be some very surprising games… the Laker fans got very ugly last night… get a grip folks, it’s just a game…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
“Woman arrested for threatening to kill Michelle Obama”
…just last night I’m writing about the influence, Mars retrograde, now Mercury retrograde, and in opposition to Neptune (rules assassins) …and within hours we have news of an assassination threat to the nation’s First Lady…
Tensions are building again as the perigee eclipse approaches on the 31st… be aware.
“Woman arrested for threatening to kill Michelle Obama”
…just last night I’m writing about the influence, Mars retrograde, now Mercury retrograde, and in opposition to Neptune (rules assassins) …and within hours we have news of an assassination threat to the nation’s First Lady…
Tensions are building again as the perigee eclipse approaches on the 31st… be aware.
Friday, December 25, 2009
“Bomb Attempt on U.S. Bound Flight”

Not much detail yet… except that some brave passengers subdued the ‘on fire’ suspect… whose bomb failed to cause any major damage other than set the bomber on fire. Holiday travel is hassle enough without these religious nuts… sorry, if that’s not politically correct… but it’s time to call it what it is…

“Woman knocks down Pope as Mass; Christmas celebrations begin”
First the Prime Minister is attacked by an unstable person… and now the Pope… things are tense in Italy…
And another actor has got himself in a jam…

“Charlie Sheen arrested on felony charges in Aspen, Colo.”
I really don’t want the assassination prediction to come about… so, let’s just say these were close enough… and definitely an example of the close Mars orbit and station influence that I discussed a few articles back.
…the other precarious day to come soon will be the eclipse of the perigee Moon on the 31st… stay calm, but alert…
“Bomb Attempt on U.S. Bound Flight”

Not much detail yet… except that some brave passengers subdued the ‘on fire’ suspect… whose bomb failed to cause any major damage other than set the bomber on fire. Holiday travel is hassle enough without these religious nuts… sorry, if that’s not politically correct… but it’s time to call it what it is…

“Woman knocks down Pope as Mass; Christmas celebrations begin”
First the Prime Minister is attacked by an unstable person… and now the Pope… things are tense in Italy…
And another actor has got himself in a jam…

“Charlie Sheen arrested on felony charges in Aspen, Colo.”
I really don’t want the assassination prediction to come about… so, let’s just say these were close enough… and definitely an example of the close Mars orbit and station influence that I discussed a few articles back.
…the other precarious day to come soon will be the eclipse of the perigee Moon on the 31st… stay calm, but alert…
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On Christmas Eve the daylight hours begin to get a bit longer than the night… and the Son/Sun of God is resurrected …on ‘Christmas Day’ …after symbolically dying on the 21st …the Winter Solstice… as the night hours became longer…
This happens every year. At that time (depending on the overcast and air pollution) a bright star in the east, Sirius, is very noticeable… the legendary predictive sign of the birth of the ‘messiah’… and in an alignment behind it are three more stars… the legendary ‘three wise men’ …Orion, three belt stars following the sign… and this all occurs in the constellation sign of Virgo… whose symbol is the Virgin…

This is all an allegory. It’s called Winter Solstice. It is the beginning of winter, plants wither and die, animals hibernate, etc. Then as the daylight gradually gets longer after the 25th of December there is a ‘rebirth’ of everything in the Spring… called Spring Equinox… or Easter… the celebration of the miraculous resurrection… of all life, not just a messiah/man.
This is all very predictable… since the ancient times of the Astrologer Wizards who worked with the Stonehenge outdoor astrology chart calculator…
Thus, an evil corrupt egomaniac leader (usually with harsh aspects between the Sun and Saturn or Mars, Neptune, and Pluto in their birth chart) who has a smart astrologer and some good script writers in his employ… can fool a lot of people for a long time…
…and then often …some time later …after he secures power and control …the evil tyrant has his ‘religious front men’ declare the astrologer and the script writers ‘heretics’ …and possessed with demons, etc… and they execute them… or maybe some ‘lone nut’ assassinates them… to hide the real facts behind these invented and often (every few centuries) re-written legends.
For all intents and purposes the SUN is our GOD in this solar system. If that light goes out, eight minutes later we freeze, and all the planets in this rather small and mediocre solar system will die as well. The essence spirit of the SUN/SON of GOD lives within each one of us.
Try this… sit quietly, try and blank your mind, put your attention in the center of your chest and feel your heart beat, and know that the heart chakra is ruled by the SUN/SON of GOD… and it is the center of your soul and conscience… if you truly listen to it… you will receive it’s joy, bliss, and unconditional love and forgiveness... and you just might turn into a nicer person. The Kingdom of Heaven is within… not in the sky.
No, I am not a Grinch… and I’m not stealing your Christmas. I love the holidays like everyone else… to include all the schmaltzy movies like Scrooge, and the various Disney cartoon movies, Santa, Rudolf, and all the other parable stories … it’s a marvelous time of the year, to give and to love, and to celebrate life and the coming new year.
…yes, let all of us sing Christmas and other religious songs of all faiths… in praise of love and giving… who cares if the song is a parable?… if it makes you feel good and filled with loving spirit… what does it matter?… Holy Night, Jingle Bells, Rudolph The Red Nosed Rain Deer… Rock Around The Clock… whatever, just sing from your heart with joy and love…
But don’t try and tell me I’m going to burn in hell because I bet a fiver on a Sunday football game… or because I imbibe fermented spirits on occasion… or because I consider birth control to be strictly the woman’s prerogative (I certainly practice it… should that be of any interest to any female readers of my pontificating)… and don’t tell me that my gay friends are going to burn in hell because they love each other and want to form a legal commitment.
AND SARAH PALIN, don’t tell me that GOD has a plan for us to build a pipeline across Alaska! …you’re full of crap! It was your plan in which you would make a pile of corrupt money from bribes and kick back benefits!
Yes, Hell exists… we’re living in it… and we’re the one’s who created it… and… we can simply choose to do something better…
So... what are we going to do? … spiritually evolve? …or go bust?
It’s up to you, me, and all of us. We can and may eventually evolve because of the most marvelous of all of God’s gifts to us …free will.

Have a happy and joyful rebirth… and may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
© Mason Garrett
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE TO ALL! …this year it falls on today the 22nd… great time for a bonfire and party at the Stonehenge…
“Druids, pagans mark shortest day of year”

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
“Druids, pagans mark shortest day of year”

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Monday, December 21, 2009
I have tried over the years to gently approach vehement religious people with the following interesting facts… today is the Winter Solstice… It is the shortest day of the year… the night hours are actually a bit longer… thus the Son/Sun of God symbolically dies… but not to worry… the Son/Sun of God will be reborn the 25th… as always… and the daylight once again gets longer than the night until Summer Solstice in August.
I share here an interesting article of confirmation… from main stream science… National Geographic, no less…
"…This gave rise to an interesting play on words," Yeide said. "In several languages, not just in English, people have traditionally compared the rebirth of the sun with the birth of the son of God."
Many Gods and Saviors have this… son of God birthday…
Born December 25th of a Virgin Mother;
Attis of Phrygia Virgin Nana
Dionysus/Bacchus of Greece Virgin birth – no name available
Horus/Osiris of Egypt Virgin Isis/Meri
Budda of India Virgin Maya
Krishna of India Virgin Devki
Mithra of Persia Virgin birth – no name available
Jesus of Nazareth Virgin Mary
Don’t take my word for it, do your own research… use your computer search engines… you’ll be amazed at the similarities in their stories.
On the 25th… we celebrate love and giving… and that’s exactly what the Son/Sun of God does… it unconditionally loves and gives light and life to us all… saint and sinner alike… living here on the Goddess Gaia… mother earth. Symbolically all religious… in their uncorrupted and unedited versions… say the same thing and it’s all the same God/Creator …who never said anything about killing anyone for any reason… so… let’s try and live in peace… and stop making war over semantics… and for profits… for an evil greedy minority of egomaniac power mongers.
…Happy holidays to all… and may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
I share here an interesting article of confirmation… from main stream science… National Geographic, no less…
"…This gave rise to an interesting play on words," Yeide said. "In several languages, not just in English, people have traditionally compared the rebirth of the sun with the birth of the son of God."
Many Gods and Saviors have this… son of God birthday…
Born December 25th of a Virgin Mother;
Attis of Phrygia Virgin Nana
Dionysus/Bacchus of Greece Virgin birth – no name available
Horus/Osiris of Egypt Virgin Isis/Meri
Budda of India Virgin Maya
Krishna of India Virgin Devki
Mithra of Persia Virgin birth – no name available
Jesus of Nazareth Virgin Mary
Don’t take my word for it, do your own research… use your computer search engines… you’ll be amazed at the similarities in their stories.
On the 25th… we celebrate love and giving… and that’s exactly what the Son/Sun of God does… it unconditionally loves and gives light and life to us all… saint and sinner alike… living here on the Goddess Gaia… mother earth. Symbolically all religious… in their uncorrupted and unedited versions… say the same thing and it’s all the same God/Creator …who never said anything about killing anyone for any reason… so… let’s try and live in peace… and stop making war over semantics… and for profits… for an evil greedy minority of egomaniac power mongers.
…Happy holidays to all… and may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Big Ben does it again… a final play 19 yard pass to Mike Wallace… and the Steelers beat the Packers 37-36! Russell completes a pass in the last 35 seconds, and the underdog by 14 points, The Raiders beat the Broncos 20-19! The underdog Titans score a field goal in over time and beat the Dolphins 27-24… The 9 point underdog Panthers defeat the Vikings 26-7… and the lowly Buccaneers beat the Seahawks 24-7… who woulda thunk it? …sure woulda been a nice parley bet…
I keep telling myself that I actually won… by knowing better (for once) than to make any bets on such a day… with Mars sitting on its station at 19 degrees of Leo and cooking all the squares… too much energy to accurately make a prediction… other than… bang! …it will be a surprise.
Too cold to ride my motorcycle… pooh… and burrrrrr….
I keep telling myself that I actually won… by knowing better (for once) than to make any bets on such a day… with Mars sitting on its station at 19 degrees of Leo and cooking all the squares… too much energy to accurately make a prediction… other than… bang! …it will be a surprise.
Too cold to ride my motorcycle… pooh… and burrrrrr….
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Philippine volcano may erupt soon… it gets colder yet… and the stock markets are still rotten to the core with fraud…
Again things are happening faster than I can write about them …now if I could just be this accurate in football games …I might finally be able to retire from all this madness.
As Mars stations and begins its retrograde movement the prolonged pressures are applied to the already tense aspects… and various parts of the Earth’s crust will move… and the Mayon volcano in the Philippines may have a major eruption as tens of thousands of villagers are evacuated,

“Major volcanic eruption feared in Philippines”
…another manipulating stock market and real estate billionaire exposed …and how many more are still at large and manipulating?
“Claims of Insider Trading From Trader’s Ex-wife”
Mars continues its pressure and opposes the Neptune Jupiter conjunct, thus exposing more fraud and scandal numbers (in this case hidden manipulative trading)… and Saturn squares Pluto and continues to pressure the Earth’s crust and fault lines…
…tragic …but fascinating confirmation …and more data for mundane astrology and the predictions of future earthquake and volcano activity.
…and it turns the foul weather up a notch more,

photo: Liz Robbins
…check you kits …sudden disruptive events can happen anywhere on the planet during these stressful transits… the next being the partial Lunar eclipse and perigee (Moon orbit at nearest point to the Earth, thus more gravitational force pulling at the Earth) …that occurs on the 31st.
…with these transits …I’m not betting on any teams today …anything can happen …like the Saints losing to the Cowboys last night, 24-17?!? …what the hey?
Again things are happening faster than I can write about them …now if I could just be this accurate in football games …I might finally be able to retire from all this madness.
As Mars stations and begins its retrograde movement the prolonged pressures are applied to the already tense aspects… and various parts of the Earth’s crust will move… and the Mayon volcano in the Philippines may have a major eruption as tens of thousands of villagers are evacuated,

“Major volcanic eruption feared in Philippines”
…another manipulating stock market and real estate billionaire exposed …and how many more are still at large and manipulating?
“Claims of Insider Trading From Trader’s Ex-wife”
Mars continues its pressure and opposes the Neptune Jupiter conjunct, thus exposing more fraud and scandal numbers (in this case hidden manipulative trading)… and Saturn squares Pluto and continues to pressure the Earth’s crust and fault lines…
…tragic …but fascinating confirmation …and more data for mundane astrology and the predictions of future earthquake and volcano activity.
…and it turns the foul weather up a notch more,

photo: Liz Robbins
…check you kits …sudden disruptive events can happen anywhere on the planet during these stressful transits… the next being the partial Lunar eclipse and perigee (Moon orbit at nearest point to the Earth, thus more gravitational force pulling at the Earth) …that occurs on the 31st.
…with these transits …I’m not betting on any teams today …anything can happen …like the Saints losing to the Cowboys last night, 24-17?!? …what the hey?
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The stationing Mars (appears to stop) creates pressures on the same degrees for a few days …and with that pressure added to the Saturn Pluto square …we get a 6.4+M earthquake off Taiwan,
“Chinese mainland expresses sympathy to quake-hit Taiwan compatriots”
…and it adds to the severe storms,
“Eurostar trains suspended as cold weather continues”
“Snow socks Eastern states, halts travel
Five deaths appeared to be linked to the weather system, which stretched from the Carolinas to New England and into several Midwestern states.”
I seem to be getting all the December predictions spot on… and on time… all except for football games?… The Saints blow it!… 24-17!?! …and they had all the planets on their side! …oh, well …maybe it’s time to switch over to basketball games… the Lakers are doing well… humm… we shall see…
“Chinese mainland expresses sympathy to quake-hit Taiwan compatriots”
…and it adds to the severe storms,
“Eurostar trains suspended as cold weather continues”
“Snow socks Eastern states, halts travel
Five deaths appeared to be linked to the weather system, which stretched from the Carolinas to New England and into several Midwestern states.”
I seem to be getting all the December predictions spot on… and on time… all except for football games?… The Saints blow it!… 24-17!?! …and they had all the planets on their side! …oh, well …maybe it’s time to switch over to basketball games… the Lakers are doing well… humm… we shall see…
…sticky transits,
“Unemployment Down In 36 States in November”
Many years ago an astrology client of mine, a lovely business woman, with a master’s degree in statistics… an archetype multi tasking data whiz Gemini… once told me… “statistics can prove whatever you want… depending on which side of the statistics you read…”
…so …if they count unemployment by the number of unemployment checks issued per week… what about those whose checks have run out by now? …are they still counted? and if so… how? …otherwise, if not counted these numbers less makes it look like the claims are going down… but in reality there are even more unemployed… and maybe one more person… or family… is living in their motorhome… truck camper… car… or under the bridge…
…again, I’m just asking questions …like …who profits, if I believe these numbers?
A very brilliant contemporary astrologer, Caroline Casey, in her book, GETTING THE GODS TO WORK FOR YOU; THE ASTROLOGICAL LANGUAGE OF THE PSYCHE, puts the point very well, “…don’t believe anything… but entertain all possibilities.”
…and the ‘recovery’ is booming right along …as 7 more banks bite the dust …total bank casualities for the year thus far …140 belly up …that’s an average of one bank per day since my last report on this data last Friday,
“Seven U.S. Banks Are Seized, Raising Year’s Failure Toll to 140”
…another car company goes under …again,
“Saab dies--again.”
As the transiting Jupiter and Neptune conjunction is exact now at 24 degrees of Aquirus, and with Mars now in opposition… more false numbers and data scandals may emerge… as well as a possible assassination of a promenant leader… and more violent weather as transiting Mars (violent storms) is in opposition to Neptune (sea, rain, snow) in Aquarius (Uranus ruled – sudden, stark)… check you kits, especially those living on the Atlantic and Gulf sides…
…and the games will be wild this weekend! …Mars rules fooball …how will the retrograde movement effect things? …I’m staying with the New Orleans Saints …with a $5 win bet that says they go marching on toward that perfect undefeated number in tonight’s game with the Dallas Cowboys …hallelujah!
…we shall see…
“Unemployment Down In 36 States in November”
Many years ago an astrology client of mine, a lovely business woman, with a master’s degree in statistics… an archetype multi tasking data whiz Gemini… once told me… “statistics can prove whatever you want… depending on which side of the statistics you read…”
…so …if they count unemployment by the number of unemployment checks issued per week… what about those whose checks have run out by now? …are they still counted? and if so… how? …otherwise, if not counted these numbers less makes it look like the claims are going down… but in reality there are even more unemployed… and maybe one more person… or family… is living in their motorhome… truck camper… car… or under the bridge…
…again, I’m just asking questions …like …who profits, if I believe these numbers?
A very brilliant contemporary astrologer, Caroline Casey, in her book, GETTING THE GODS TO WORK FOR YOU; THE ASTROLOGICAL LANGUAGE OF THE PSYCHE, puts the point very well, “…don’t believe anything… but entertain all possibilities.”
…and the ‘recovery’ is booming right along …as 7 more banks bite the dust …total bank casualities for the year thus far …140 belly up …that’s an average of one bank per day since my last report on this data last Friday,
“Seven U.S. Banks Are Seized, Raising Year’s Failure Toll to 140”
…another car company goes under …again,
“Saab dies--again.”
As the transiting Jupiter and Neptune conjunction is exact now at 24 degrees of Aquirus, and with Mars now in opposition… more false numbers and data scandals may emerge… as well as a possible assassination of a promenant leader… and more violent weather as transiting Mars (violent storms) is in opposition to Neptune (sea, rain, snow) in Aquarius (Uranus ruled – sudden, stark)… check you kits, especially those living on the Atlantic and Gulf sides…
…and the games will be wild this weekend! …Mars rules fooball …how will the retrograde movement effect things? …I’m staying with the New Orleans Saints …with a $5 win bet that says they go marching on toward that perfect undefeated number in tonight’s game with the Dallas Cowboys …hallelujah!
…we shall see…
Friday, December 18, 2009
This is truly one of the most honest and amazing articles that I’ve read in many years… that confirms the mutual views of ancient mundane astrology… and modern science…
The article historically accounts for the various thousands of weather cycles that modern man has experienced over the past 13,000 years, with sometimes as much as an 18 degree increase in temperature in just twenty years…
“…The bottom line? Weather changes and the occasional meteor have tossed this planet through roughly 142 mass extinctions since life began 3.85 billion years ago. That's an average of one mass extinction every 26.5 million years. Where did these mass die-offs come from? Nature. There were no human capitalists, industrialists or cultures of consumerism to blame.”
…all of which confirms what I, and many other professional astrologers like Richard Nolle, and Robert Hand, have been saying… these repeating transits… the last time around 535-480 BCE… are bringing about both social and planetary changes…
Historical changes are coming… ready or not… while we strut around, with self rightous puffed up egos, argue, and debate ad-infinatum… Mother Earth may have her own re-decorating plans… and continent add on plans… as the crack in the Ethopian desert gets longer and wider day by day…
…and whatever happins …we will …and usually do …adapt.
…I’ve put on another sweater vest …poured a hot cup of green tea… added a log to the fire place …and now tuck the cozy warm afghan about me …and type on…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
The article historically accounts for the various thousands of weather cycles that modern man has experienced over the past 13,000 years, with sometimes as much as an 18 degree increase in temperature in just twenty years…
“…The bottom line? Weather changes and the occasional meteor have tossed this planet through roughly 142 mass extinctions since life began 3.85 billion years ago. That's an average of one mass extinction every 26.5 million years. Where did these mass die-offs come from? Nature. There were no human capitalists, industrialists or cultures of consumerism to blame.”
…all of which confirms what I, and many other professional astrologers like Richard Nolle, and Robert Hand, have been saying… these repeating transits… the last time around 535-480 BCE… are bringing about both social and planetary changes…
Historical changes are coming… ready or not… while we strut around, with self rightous puffed up egos, argue, and debate ad-infinatum… Mother Earth may have her own re-decorating plans… and continent add on plans… as the crack in the Ethopian desert gets longer and wider day by day…
…and whatever happins …we will …and usually do …adapt.
…I’ve put on another sweater vest …poured a hot cup of green tea… added a log to the fire place …and now tuck the cozy warm afghan about me …and type on…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The continuing transits of Saturn and Pluto in square to each other… is the blockage… Pluto rules destruction and transformation. It is at 2 degrees of Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) and Saturn (restriction) is at 3 degrees of Libra (balance, diplomacy, cooperation, etc)… thus, business interests (Saturn and Capricorn) …are not cooperating (Saturn in square to Pluto and in Libra)… and we’re seeing it daily,
“Health-Care Deadline Challenged by Republican Stalling Tactics”
…and our troops …and other NATO troops are dying …in support of this corrupt politician whose own Supreme Court declares him corrupt and is asking him to step down,
“Pakistan's president under pressure after ruling”
“China Sees No Chance Of Climate Deal: Source”
…no big surprise there…
…but …not to worry …they’re finding new planets similar to the Earth all the time now… and only 40 light years away… and a sauna like atmosphere and surface temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit,
“A Sultry World Is Found Orbiting a Distant Star”

…artist’s conception, not actual photo
Let us all try to find equitable compromise and cooperation with each other …the world really needs it right now.
“Health-Care Deadline Challenged by Republican Stalling Tactics”
…and our troops …and other NATO troops are dying …in support of this corrupt politician whose own Supreme Court declares him corrupt and is asking him to step down,
“Pakistan's president under pressure after ruling”
“China Sees No Chance Of Climate Deal: Source”
…no big surprise there…
…but …not to worry …they’re finding new planets similar to the Earth all the time now… and only 40 light years away… and a sauna like atmosphere and surface temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit,
“A Sultry World Is Found Orbiting a Distant Star”

…artist’s conception, not actual photo
Let us all try to find equitable compromise and cooperation with each other …the world really needs it right now.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
…the trick is to exercise your peripheral vision…
“Berlusconi joins long list of targeted politicians”
“ROME — The souvenir-flinging man who attacked Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi joins a long list of gatecrashers, shoe-throwers and other security breachers who have embarrassed, bruised and even killed leaders worldwide.”
…and now …they’re truly ‘coming out of the wood work’ …and out from under the rocks where they usually hide during the day,
“VICE QUEEN – “I set up Tiger’s ₤25,000 orgies with 15 girls”
…aw, come on, lady… there’s only so many hours in the day… and he does have to play a tournament now then… in between making commercials…
…sticky nasty Mars moving into orb of opposing Neptune (scandal).
…we must try to keep our sense of humor.
“Berlusconi joins long list of targeted politicians”
“ROME — The souvenir-flinging man who attacked Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi joins a long list of gatecrashers, shoe-throwers and other security breachers who have embarrassed, bruised and even killed leaders worldwide.”
…and now …they’re truly ‘coming out of the wood work’ …and out from under the rocks where they usually hide during the day,
“VICE QUEEN – “I set up Tiger’s ₤25,000 orgies with 15 girls”
…aw, come on, lady… there’s only so many hours in the day… and he does have to play a tournament now then… in between making commercials…
…sticky nasty Mars moving into orb of opposing Neptune (scandal).
…we must try to keep our sense of humor.
Monday, December 14, 2009
More rumblings and scandals… as the squared forces of Saturn (authority, establishment) meet the ruthless reformative power of Pluto… which can bring about absolute destruction if opposed… in short… these are forces that will transform you… with your cooperation or not…
The 9th and the 10th there were four 6.0 to 6.4 earthquakes… fortunately in remote areas with no major damage or deaths… and there have been daily earthquakes world wide since then in the 5+M range… check you kits… there is a perigee Lunar eclipse on the 31st …and that will be stressful to the Earth’s crust and Fault lines
I’m watching for the effects of transiting Mars as it slows down and approaches its station on the 20th. Since the powerful Yod formation of last October, which had Mars as the focal point, the stock market has continued its upward stair step climb… and now the DJIA hovers in a 10,300 to 10,500 range… It will be interesting to see if the market retreats after the 20th as this powerful Mars energy goes retrograde…
…while celebrity scandals spew …and protesters riot …and plates rattle in remote areas …the terrorist bombings seem to be easing up a bit …maybe one every two or three days now …instead of daily …again it will be interesting to see if things calm down a bit… or get worse… with the Mars retrograde cycle.
…and a bit more scandal …now the Catholic church again …and their frustrated sex lives,
“Pope shares 'outrage' at sex abuse by Irish priests”
…they just don’t get it …sex is energy (ruled by Mars) …and it will have its expression… positive or negative… prolonged sexual repression and guilt over simple energies is equally as unhealthy, and sometimes mentally dangerous, as is over indulgence of sexual gratification …it is a simple matter of being a responsible adult about sexual activity… and if one indulges …do so with a consenting adult who has the same desires toward you… or self therapy, masturbate… or transform the energy through Tantric sexual meditation... anything else is simply some form of pedophilia, prostitution, or rape.
...and the Bangels didn't quite do it ...the Vikings beat'em 30-10 ...two out of three again …and that doesn't count on a parley ...pooh, I lost again ...and the same ole' .666 average ...got to hit the charts and do better than this.
The 9th and the 10th there were four 6.0 to 6.4 earthquakes… fortunately in remote areas with no major damage or deaths… and there have been daily earthquakes world wide since then in the 5+M range… check you kits… there is a perigee Lunar eclipse on the 31st …and that will be stressful to the Earth’s crust and Fault lines
I’m watching for the effects of transiting Mars as it slows down and approaches its station on the 20th. Since the powerful Yod formation of last October, which had Mars as the focal point, the stock market has continued its upward stair step climb… and now the DJIA hovers in a 10,300 to 10,500 range… It will be interesting to see if the market retreats after the 20th as this powerful Mars energy goes retrograde…
…while celebrity scandals spew …and protesters riot …and plates rattle in remote areas …the terrorist bombings seem to be easing up a bit …maybe one every two or three days now …instead of daily …again it will be interesting to see if things calm down a bit… or get worse… with the Mars retrograde cycle.
…and a bit more scandal …now the Catholic church again …and their frustrated sex lives,
“Pope shares 'outrage' at sex abuse by Irish priests”
…they just don’t get it …sex is energy (ruled by Mars) …and it will have its expression… positive or negative… prolonged sexual repression and guilt over simple energies is equally as unhealthy, and sometimes mentally dangerous, as is over indulgence of sexual gratification …it is a simple matter of being a responsible adult about sexual activity… and if one indulges …do so with a consenting adult who has the same desires toward you… or self therapy, masturbate… or transform the energy through Tantric sexual meditation... anything else is simply some form of pedophilia, prostitution, or rape.
...and the Bangels didn't quite do it ...the Vikings beat'em 30-10 ...two out of three again …and that doesn't count on a parley ...pooh, I lost again ...and the same ole' .666 average ...got to hit the charts and do better than this.
Sunday, December 13, 2009

“Thai police seize North Korean aircraft carrying 40 tons of heavy weapons”
“…Over the years, North Korea is reported to have done business with the armed forces of Egypt, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan and Vietnam.
Military sources in Thailand speculated that the aircraft seized in Bangkok was probably bound for Pakistan.”
The fact that I just wrote an article in reference to the profitable business of violence and war… and then we have this next day confirmation… doesn’t surprise me. What I find encouraging is that the problem was solved by local law enforcement… the Thailand Police… just doing their job of enforcing a UN resolution of sanctions against North Korea’s weapon dealing… without a massive army invading intervention and war.
…things have a way of balancing out …even though the world criminals represent the ‘square’ obsticles to us all …they are not immune to the squares either …and they get busted …now and then.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The world is going to hell in a hand basket… a man’s hard built reputation and family life is at stake due to his own foolishness… the experts still can’t make up their minds as to hotter or colder… only that it’s going to cost us 10 trillion dollars to fix the ‘problem’… even the President is pissed at the ‘fat cat’ bankers doling out bonuses to themselves with the bail out and stimulus money… the markets continue to be manipulated… many of Berine Madoff’s fraud gang are still at large… and hundreds of others like them… and they’re probably out ‘flipping’ repossessed houses right now… and 3 more banks bit the dust this week, bringing the score to 133 failed banks for the year so far…
…but it’s all just peachy… as so aptly put by one of America’s typical CEOs in regard to the Tiger scandals,
“…Yahoo Inc. CEO Carol Bartz told an investor conference that the Woods story was "better than Michael Jackson dying" for bringing people to her site and helping the company sell enough extra advertising to boost profits.”
…it’s all about the ratings …and the money …and now the Icon Tiger walks away with his money… to take an ‘indefinite’ break… I would too… and I wish him well… and I will leave him from my thoughts… it’s none of my business… he’s not a client of mine and he didn’t ask for my opinion.
…icons …evil regimes …empires …civilizations …they come and go …as the melodrama of life goes on …as the planets spin…
I certainly got the scandal prediction part right this month. Mars (nasty) is currently parked in the sign of Leo (show biz, sports) and within orb to opposing the Jupiter (a lot) Neptune (scandal) conjunction in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, shocking)
…now how does all this influence the football games? …the planet transits are a really mixed bag today… and so, I’ll flow more with intuition this week… and go with a $5… 3 game parley… with the Bengals making the 6½+ point spread, and with the Saints and the Eagles to win.
…we shall see…
…but it’s all just peachy… as so aptly put by one of America’s typical CEOs in regard to the Tiger scandals,
“…Yahoo Inc. CEO Carol Bartz told an investor conference that the Woods story was "better than Michael Jackson dying" for bringing people to her site and helping the company sell enough extra advertising to boost profits.”
…it’s all about the ratings …and the money …and now the Icon Tiger walks away with his money… to take an ‘indefinite’ break… I would too… and I wish him well… and I will leave him from my thoughts… it’s none of my business… he’s not a client of mine and he didn’t ask for my opinion.
…icons …evil regimes …empires …civilizations …they come and go …as the melodrama of life goes on …as the planets spin…
I certainly got the scandal prediction part right this month. Mars (nasty) is currently parked in the sign of Leo (show biz, sports) and within orb to opposing the Jupiter (a lot) Neptune (scandal) conjunction in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, shocking)
…now how does all this influence the football games? …the planet transits are a really mixed bag today… and so, I’ll flow more with intuition this week… and go with a $5… 3 game parley… with the Bengals making the 6½+ point spread, and with the Saints and the Eagles to win.
…we shall see…
Friday, December 11, 2009
…an ancient quote, and still true …an example of some of the real motivations that have nothing to do with… ‘holy war’
“…The American commander in charge of training the Afghan security forces said Wednesday that there had been a recent wave of recruits for the Afghan Army, most likely because of a pay increase that he said put salaries close to those of Taliban fighters.
The commander, Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV, said that an Afghan soldier in a high-combat area like Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan would now make a starting salary of $240 a month, up from $180. General Caldwell said that the Taliban often paid insurgents $250 to $300 a month.” (emphasis mine)

…Do you really want an end to the wars? …follow the money trail back to whoever is paying the terrorists and supplying them with weapons, explosives, money… and for once bomb, shoot, and or arrest the right bad guys.
The problem is… such honorable and right ways of doing things… just might expose the fact that the real villains are civilians that live among us… in private gated communities world wide… and they have been financing and supplying both… and all sides… at tremendous and obscene profits for decades and perhaps even centuries… an interesting example to read about is the 400 year history of the German Krupp family dynasty …that has made canons and weapons for every nation in the world since the 1870’s.

…or in my opinion …one of the biggest scams of all …Pearl Harbor… you can make a lot of money building a new navy for a government… but first you need to scrap the existing obsolete navy… so… you arrange to have it conveniently sunk in a surprise attack… and then you get to build a new navy to go kill the ‘enemy’… who built their weapons from re-cycled ‘scrap’ iron that you sold them a decade earlier… and you get to enter the really big war with the Nazis… because they have a alliance treaty with Japan… for a fascinating and very detailed account by a navel officer read Robert B. Stennett’s book, DAY OF DECEIT,

…these aren’t theories …they’re facts …wars are very profitable for a small, yet world wide, group of people… who some how seem to survive them all… and continue their very profitable activities at the rest of the world’s expense and suffering.
…you might find the research on the Bilderberg Group annual meetings interesting

…also annual meetings of world leaders at the Bohemian Groove… the membership list is quite enlightening,

…and here we are …most of us seemingly trapped in a daily commuting/working/consuming/indebted slavery and the meaningless tread mill of our lives… how to get out of it? …and have just a little peace and quiet… at a reasonable and affordable expense?
I think people like Mahatma Gandhi of India, gave us some, difficult at times, but basically peaceful and very effective methods… mainly non-cooperation… like millions of people just stop… sit down… and do nothing… until effective policy changes are made… like England leaving their country after 200 years of unlawful occupation for profit and plunder.

…but ..that won’t be done if people are content to sit back and watch the ‘reality’ of someone else’s reality… in some contrived ‘Reality TV Show’ …and even making the ‘reality’ nobody… an autograph signing ‘Reality TV celebrity icon’… like Jon Gosselin…

…and of course who really controls all this ‘reality media’?…what big things do we look at in life? …what really matters to us?
…what choices do we make as Uranus continues with its bizarre and shocking revelations as it transits through the Neptune realms of Pisces illusion and deception… which of course could be redirected toward the positive expressions of true compassion and healing? …before it transits into the revolutionary influence of Aries… this coming May, 2010…
This can only come about by owning and accepting the truth… which is what shocking Uranus is showing us… what do we choose to do with it?
“…The American commander in charge of training the Afghan security forces said Wednesday that there had been a recent wave of recruits for the Afghan Army, most likely because of a pay increase that he said put salaries close to those of Taliban fighters.
The commander, Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV, said that an Afghan soldier in a high-combat area like Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan would now make a starting salary of $240 a month, up from $180. General Caldwell said that the Taliban often paid insurgents $250 to $300 a month.” (emphasis mine)

…Do you really want an end to the wars? …follow the money trail back to whoever is paying the terrorists and supplying them with weapons, explosives, money… and for once bomb, shoot, and or arrest the right bad guys.
The problem is… such honorable and right ways of doing things… just might expose the fact that the real villains are civilians that live among us… in private gated communities world wide… and they have been financing and supplying both… and all sides… at tremendous and obscene profits for decades and perhaps even centuries… an interesting example to read about is the 400 year history of the German Krupp family dynasty …that has made canons and weapons for every nation in the world since the 1870’s.

…or in my opinion …one of the biggest scams of all …Pearl Harbor… you can make a lot of money building a new navy for a government… but first you need to scrap the existing obsolete navy… so… you arrange to have it conveniently sunk in a surprise attack… and then you get to build a new navy to go kill the ‘enemy’… who built their weapons from re-cycled ‘scrap’ iron that you sold them a decade earlier… and you get to enter the really big war with the Nazis… because they have a alliance treaty with Japan… for a fascinating and very detailed account by a navel officer read Robert B. Stennett’s book, DAY OF DECEIT,

…these aren’t theories …they’re facts …wars are very profitable for a small, yet world wide, group of people… who some how seem to survive them all… and continue their very profitable activities at the rest of the world’s expense and suffering.
…you might find the research on the Bilderberg Group annual meetings interesting

…also annual meetings of world leaders at the Bohemian Groove… the membership list is quite enlightening,

…and here we are …most of us seemingly trapped in a daily commuting/working/consuming/indebted slavery and the meaningless tread mill of our lives… how to get out of it? …and have just a little peace and quiet… at a reasonable and affordable expense?
I think people like Mahatma Gandhi of India, gave us some, difficult at times, but basically peaceful and very effective methods… mainly non-cooperation… like millions of people just stop… sit down… and do nothing… until effective policy changes are made… like England leaving their country after 200 years of unlawful occupation for profit and plunder.

…but ..that won’t be done if people are content to sit back and watch the ‘reality’ of someone else’s reality… in some contrived ‘Reality TV Show’ …and even making the ‘reality’ nobody… an autograph signing ‘Reality TV celebrity icon’… like Jon Gosselin…

…and of course who really controls all this ‘reality media’?…what big things do we look at in life? …what really matters to us?
…what choices do we make as Uranus continues with its bizarre and shocking revelations as it transits through the Neptune realms of Pisces illusion and deception… which of course could be redirected toward the positive expressions of true compassion and healing? …before it transits into the revolutionary influence of Aries… this coming May, 2010…
This can only come about by owning and accepting the truth… which is what shocking Uranus is showing us… what do we choose to do with it?
Thursday, December 10, 2009

…sure …everything is just peachy… as seen from this unemployment office line…
I found all these contradictory articles on the same Google News page within 2 minutes this morning… of course there is the usual global warming… confirmed by the folks in the Midwest…
“Frigid temperatures follow heavy snow into Midwest”
…as world leaders confab (my word con/fabricate) about how to get more of your money… with a ‘world hot times tax’ to drum up 10 trillion dollars to repair the world’s over heating problem…
“European Leaders Home in on Global Warming Policy”
…and the war/peace business is going well,
“Obama defends war at Nobel Peace Prize ceremony”
…just when things might settle down into some sane home prices… the dumb wildebeest speculators start to cross the same crocodile infested river again… as greedy investors snap up foreclosures and repeat the same problem that caused the inflated hyped real estate market in the first place… and always does..
“Wisconsin foreclosures stay flat in November”
…because the ‘house flippers’ bought them all..
“House Flipping Makes a Comeback”
…I really do think we need some sort of early sex education in this country… like about ‘when and where’…it is appropriate… would be a good starting lecture… where were these naked teachers when I was in school?
“Brooklyn School’s Hot For Teacher Count Up to THREE”
…and this one …can you make sense of it?
“US Stocks Higher On Jobs Data; Dollar Also Gaining”
…and yet more folks are out of work?!?
“New U.S. jobless claims rise” [article photo]
…what we have here is Jupiter (idealist expectations) approaching another conjunct with Neptune (fraud, scandal, delusion, deception… self or otherwise)… in addition to the conflicting harsh realities of the current transiting square between Saturn and Pluto… further exacerbated by the current (until May 2010) close orbit of Mars to the Earth’s… and it is making its station and soon will be retrograde… thus, a lot of hopeful expectations, amidst still a lot of lies, fraud, scandal, corruption, and violence… and all of us will be under some stress for a while…
…check you kits …and be cool…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
“Swine flu far less severe in latest calculations”
“…The analysis suggests that the death rate from the current wave of H1N1 flu cases probably will fall in a range that extends from far lower to slightly higher than the estimate of 36,000 deaths caused by seasonal flu in a typical year.”
…I recall writing a few posts and predictions about all this pig flu hype for the past few months. I still haven’t gotten a flu shot… and I haven’t gotten the flu since I quit getting them a decade ago.
But of course I cheat… and use homeopathic natural healing methods… like sleeping with a generator quartz crystal at the foot and head of my bed thus sleeping in a cocoon of piezoelectricity that cleans and balances my aura… and I usually hold a piece of Angelite (a marvelous healing stone for me) in the my right hand… and a piece of Bloodstone in the left hand (strengthens my immune system)… drink black coffee (a good laxative for me)… and green tea (a great antioxidant)…
I meditate and ‘run’ energies for about fifteen minutes a day… and I use Reiki self healing methods… some oriental Chi Gong breathing and exercise methods… along with some Cherokee and Apache crystal and herbal traditions… and it’s all free natural energy… The crystals and stones are a reasonable one time investment… because… they never wear out… and books about these subjects aren’t that expensive… and a lot of it is online… and in these humble columns of mine…
…all these things work for me in my reality …some will say it’s all bogus… superstition… placebo effects… etc. Yes, placebos… they work sometimes… because the people simply believe they will… maybe we create our own reality with our thoughts? I didn’t believe in the Pig flu hype… and I’m not sick…
The American Medical Association hates heretics and shaman like me… they used to burn us at the stake… You see…the thing is… my methods are free… and they really hate that part… and they would even accuse me of being a communist… and there are no ill side effects with these methods… the magic either works or it doesn’t… and I don’t hassle with insurance… my occasional (open minded) clients who request crystal, and Reiki, pendulum, and hot rock therapy… make whatever comfortable donation or barter they wish… Now, the astrology… that I’m going charge some money for… but a reasonable amount… and it’s a pay as you go… and ask… and are satisfied, sort of arrangement…
…but don’t misunderstand my view …I don’t discount allopathic medicine either …if it were not for cataract surgery and company insurance… I would be a blind old man. I simply use both views of healing… whatever works… but without all the hype and con, and excessive profits on human suffering, please…
…and just about everything works 66% of the time …and the Cardinal defense stifles Farve… and the Vikings lose… and I only got two out of three on my parley ticket again… a .666 average… which of course will cause comments from the ‘superstitious mark of the beast’ believers… many of whom are world leaders, members of Congress, the House, and the AMA…
…it’s a funny world, huh…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
“Swine flu far less severe in latest calculations”
“…The analysis suggests that the death rate from the current wave of H1N1 flu cases probably will fall in a range that extends from far lower to slightly higher than the estimate of 36,000 deaths caused by seasonal flu in a typical year.”
…I recall writing a few posts and predictions about all this pig flu hype for the past few months. I still haven’t gotten a flu shot… and I haven’t gotten the flu since I quit getting them a decade ago.
But of course I cheat… and use homeopathic natural healing methods… like sleeping with a generator quartz crystal at the foot and head of my bed thus sleeping in a cocoon of piezoelectricity that cleans and balances my aura… and I usually hold a piece of Angelite (a marvelous healing stone for me) in the my right hand… and a piece of Bloodstone in the left hand (strengthens my immune system)… drink black coffee (a good laxative for me)… and green tea (a great antioxidant)…
I meditate and ‘run’ energies for about fifteen minutes a day… and I use Reiki self healing methods… some oriental Chi Gong breathing and exercise methods… along with some Cherokee and Apache crystal and herbal traditions… and it’s all free natural energy… The crystals and stones are a reasonable one time investment… because… they never wear out… and books about these subjects aren’t that expensive… and a lot of it is online… and in these humble columns of mine…
…all these things work for me in my reality …some will say it’s all bogus… superstition… placebo effects… etc. Yes, placebos… they work sometimes… because the people simply believe they will… maybe we create our own reality with our thoughts? I didn’t believe in the Pig flu hype… and I’m not sick…
The American Medical Association hates heretics and shaman like me… they used to burn us at the stake… You see…the thing is… my methods are free… and they really hate that part… and they would even accuse me of being a communist… and there are no ill side effects with these methods… the magic either works or it doesn’t… and I don’t hassle with insurance… my occasional (open minded) clients who request crystal, and Reiki, pendulum, and hot rock therapy… make whatever comfortable donation or barter they wish… Now, the astrology… that I’m going charge some money for… but a reasonable amount… and it’s a pay as you go… and ask… and are satisfied, sort of arrangement…
…but don’t misunderstand my view …I don’t discount allopathic medicine either …if it were not for cataract surgery and company insurance… I would be a blind old man. I simply use both views of healing… whatever works… but without all the hype and con, and excessive profits on human suffering, please…
…and just about everything works 66% of the time …and the Cardinal defense stifles Farve… and the Vikings lose… and I only got two out of three on my parley ticket again… a .666 average… which of course will cause comments from the ‘superstitious mark of the beast’ believers… many of whom are world leaders, members of Congress, the House, and the AMA…
…it’s a funny world, huh…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
“Copenhagen climate summit issues: money”
Now they finally get around to it ‘...ah, yes… by the way… the money… you see we’ve got this problem… it’s getting too hot from all the carbon emissions… but we can fix it… and keep it from raising more than 2 degrees celsius by 2050… but… it’s gonna cost ya… about 10 trillion dollars… so… we’ll have to raise some taxes on the whole world…’
…okay… as I put another log in the fireplace at my chilly little house down by the river… I got a question… or two… How does all this get fixed for 10 trillion dollars?… and who gets paid 10 trillion dollars to fix this over heating problem?… and are you in any way connected to them in a business… or stock option… or grant sort of way?
…can we have a little more transparency on all of this?
…excuse me a moment …while I stir the coals up with the poker and add another log to the fire…
I could use one of those extra degrees right now… oh, but I have to wait until 2050 or so… let’s see now… I’ll be 106 then… maybe… we shall see…
…makes you wonder …about that conspiracy theroy ‘…with their controled media… they create a problem (oil dependency, over heating, terrorists, WMDs, pig flu… whatever…)… then we demand a solution… then they provide it… at a cost… of more of our liberties and money…’
…I’m not rabble rousing …I’m just asking questions …because I’m believing less and less… of what I hear, see, and read… in all the news media… around my parts it’s cold and rainey… and I’ve survived another round of lay offs… and I’m getting closer to Chapter 7 everyday.
…how’s the weather and economic recovery going in your reality? ...any sudden (Uranus) changes in your reality (Neptune/Pisces illusions) lately?
“Copenhagen climate summit issues: money”
Now they finally get around to it ‘...ah, yes… by the way… the money… you see we’ve got this problem… it’s getting too hot from all the carbon emissions… but we can fix it… and keep it from raising more than 2 degrees celsius by 2050… but… it’s gonna cost ya… about 10 trillion dollars… so… we’ll have to raise some taxes on the whole world…’
…okay… as I put another log in the fireplace at my chilly little house down by the river… I got a question… or two… How does all this get fixed for 10 trillion dollars?… and who gets paid 10 trillion dollars to fix this over heating problem?… and are you in any way connected to them in a business… or stock option… or grant sort of way?
…can we have a little more transparency on all of this?
…excuse me a moment …while I stir the coals up with the poker and add another log to the fire…
I could use one of those extra degrees right now… oh, but I have to wait until 2050 or so… let’s see now… I’ll be 106 then… maybe… we shall see…
…makes you wonder …about that conspiracy theroy ‘…with their controled media… they create a problem (oil dependency, over heating, terrorists, WMDs, pig flu… whatever…)… then we demand a solution… then they provide it… at a cost… of more of our liberties and money…’
…I’m not rabble rousing …I’m just asking questions …because I’m believing less and less… of what I hear, see, and read… in all the news media… around my parts it’s cold and rainey… and I’ve survived another round of lay offs… and I’m getting closer to Chapter 7 everyday.
…how’s the weather and economic recovery going in your reality? ...any sudden (Uranus) changes in your reality (Neptune/Pisces illusions) lately?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Then one is shocked, angry, disappointed… your fantasy of beauty or of a champion, or whatever… is shattered. You are the one who created the fantasy and or the icon and… worshipped it. The predator media circles like a shark and hunts for and finds and even buys profitable food… for the millions of subscriber icon junkies who have to have their daily hate/envy gossip fix… to justify their own hunger for recognition and justification of their pointless hedonistic empty lives.
…they hide behind their envy with a pompous hypocrite front ‘…he cheated! …I don’t cheat!’ …and they’re not a billionaire with all manner of fan women always trying to snag them… just for the bragging rights…and maybe a quick $25,000 from a gossip tabloid for the juicy details… true or not…
…while complex… the humanoid, like any other specie, is often quite predictable… like the crocodiles who patiently wait for the same herd of dumb wildebeest to cross the river at the same location every year…
…it’s all somewhere in the natal horoscope …and if I got your date of birth …I got the goods on you …and you can’t lie to me.
…if a man is famous and a billionaire …and maybe once too often the significant other says… ‘oh.. not now, I’ve got a migraine…’ …and he has a dozen or more numbers on his cell phone that he can call 24/7… ‘oh… I understand, dear… you get some rest… I’ve got some business at the office I need to take of… maybe a quick business trip as well…’
It happens everyday …it’s just a matter of scale …some of us are major league players …some are local minor league …and some are amateur sand lot and pickup players… it’s all the same game… with all the same types of players.
…look at the divorce statistics …it’s about 50% …that’s a high causality rate in any battle …even the battle the sexes …take a moment and ponder that… you’re sitting having coffee with a ‘best’ friend… now ponder the fact that you’re going on a mission together… and that one of you won’t come back… then look around at the other tables with seated couples… visualize every other couple disappearing… that’s the reality of 50% casualties… and of the 50% survivors, how many are truly happy after the battles? …you see it all the time …a shell shocked ‘yes, dear’ zombie that follows their insane significant other wherever they may lead them… crocodiles or whatever…
Reality… Fact… no one person on this planet can satisfy all of one’s complex and infinite wants and needs… nor you theirs… especially when most of us don’t really know what we truly want and need… because we look to others to tell us what we should want and need… instead of exploring and searching for and finding… and then being… and living our lives… as our true selves and with the better potentials.
…some cultures are simply older and more mature about it… a famous European leader dies… and both his wife and mistress and all the children of both… peacefully and respectfully attend his funeral… because they all loved him… and he loved and provided for all of them…
…just some thoughts on the current scandals… as Uranus transits and continues to shockingly rip its way through the fantasy and illusory world of the Neptune ruled sign of Pisces (glamour, entertainment, fantasy, illusion, cheating, fraud)… exposing reality as it really is...
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
…they hide behind their envy with a pompous hypocrite front ‘…he cheated! …I don’t cheat!’ …and they’re not a billionaire with all manner of fan women always trying to snag them… just for the bragging rights…and maybe a quick $25,000 from a gossip tabloid for the juicy details… true or not…
…while complex… the humanoid, like any other specie, is often quite predictable… like the crocodiles who patiently wait for the same herd of dumb wildebeest to cross the river at the same location every year…
…it’s all somewhere in the natal horoscope …and if I got your date of birth …I got the goods on you …and you can’t lie to me.
…if a man is famous and a billionaire …and maybe once too often the significant other says… ‘oh.. not now, I’ve got a migraine…’ …and he has a dozen or more numbers on his cell phone that he can call 24/7… ‘oh… I understand, dear… you get some rest… I’ve got some business at the office I need to take of… maybe a quick business trip as well…’
It happens everyday …it’s just a matter of scale …some of us are major league players …some are local minor league …and some are amateur sand lot and pickup players… it’s all the same game… with all the same types of players.
…look at the divorce statistics …it’s about 50% …that’s a high causality rate in any battle …even the battle the sexes …take a moment and ponder that… you’re sitting having coffee with a ‘best’ friend… now ponder the fact that you’re going on a mission together… and that one of you won’t come back… then look around at the other tables with seated couples… visualize every other couple disappearing… that’s the reality of 50% casualties… and of the 50% survivors, how many are truly happy after the battles? …you see it all the time …a shell shocked ‘yes, dear’ zombie that follows their insane significant other wherever they may lead them… crocodiles or whatever…
Reality… Fact… no one person on this planet can satisfy all of one’s complex and infinite wants and needs… nor you theirs… especially when most of us don’t really know what we truly want and need… because we look to others to tell us what we should want and need… instead of exploring and searching for and finding… and then being… and living our lives… as our true selves and with the better potentials.
…some cultures are simply older and more mature about it… a famous European leader dies… and both his wife and mistress and all the children of both… peacefully and respectfully attend his funeral… because they all loved him… and he loved and provided for all of them…
…just some thoughts on the current scandals… as Uranus transits and continues to shockingly rip its way through the fantasy and illusory world of the Neptune ruled sign of Pisces (glamour, entertainment, fantasy, illusion, cheating, fraud)… exposing reality as it really is...
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Again, the first week of the month is a rough one as Mars slows down and exerts even more influence upon our Earth orbit… some examples,
“Philippine President Declares Martial Law”
“Militants Raid Mosque in Pakistan Army Town
Attack During Service Near Military Headquarters Kills at Least 36 People, Including Senior Officers”
…and sudden freak accidents, Mars rules fire,
“Fire Sweeps Through Club in Russia, Killing 100”
…and an ancient tale of boom and bust in the real estate cycles, … another Jupiter Neptune conjunct hyped bubble pops…
“Dubai: A High Rise, Then a Steep Fall”
…and the DJIA is still bumping its head at the 10,500 ceiling… will it poke through to higher ground… or fall off an over extended ladder next week?
…on the more fun side… the planets are a little better for me now… feeling more with it… so I’m, going with a $5 dollar win parley on the Colts, the Saints, and the Vikings this Sunday…
…we shall see..
“Philippine President Declares Martial Law”
“Militants Raid Mosque in Pakistan Army Town
Attack During Service Near Military Headquarters Kills at Least 36 People, Including Senior Officers”
…and sudden freak accidents, Mars rules fire,
“Fire Sweeps Through Club in Russia, Killing 100”
…and an ancient tale of boom and bust in the real estate cycles, … another Jupiter Neptune conjunct hyped bubble pops…
“Dubai: A High Rise, Then a Steep Fall”
…and the DJIA is still bumping its head at the 10,500 ceiling… will it poke through to higher ground… or fall off an over extended ladder next week?
…on the more fun side… the planets are a little better for me now… feeling more with it… so I’m, going with a $5 dollar win parley on the Colts, the Saints, and the Vikings this Sunday…
…we shall see..
Friday, December 4, 2009
Some 1000 or more people in Plano, Texas pay $28.99 (the price of the book) for a ticket… some of which are re-sold by ticket scalpers for $250 – 500 on Craig’s List… to stand in line for 24 hours to have Sarah Palin autograph their $28.99 copy of her book (plus tax)… yeah, for real… read it for yourself,
…and the on going American fetish over the female breast size… now you can have your own waist and thigh fat recycled to augment your breast size with your own liposuctioned fat tissue… Thoughts become reality… what guy hasn’t had the thought at one time or another… ‘if some of that part of her could just be moved over there and some that taken off there…’ Well, now you can,
“Your Own Fat, Relocated”
“…After being condemned in the early ’90s, this procedure is generating newfound excitement among the handful of doctors nationwide who offer it and patients keen to enlarge their breasts without resorting to implants.”
You don’t have to work out at the gym… just lay around and get fat… and then have the fat moved around until it looks good…
…fiction to science… someday we may clone perfect body model blanks… then have one’s consciouness and memories transferred to the blank perfect clone body… as simple as transferring your computer data on a CD backup disk to a new computer… and sex will no longer be for procreation but simply for pleasure… among perfect body clones… won’t that be fun?
Humm… I must remember to put the copy write bug on this article so as to have ‘intellectual property rights’ on this musing… this could make me rich… I can see the stock options now… ‘Acme Body Clone Engineering, ticker ACBE, will offer IPO at $18…’
…transiting Neptune in Aquarius brings about strange things …as we read and hear about in the news daily now …and strange ideas to the madcap minds of eccentric astrology writers…
Mason Garrett © 2009
…and the on going American fetish over the female breast size… now you can have your own waist and thigh fat recycled to augment your breast size with your own liposuctioned fat tissue… Thoughts become reality… what guy hasn’t had the thought at one time or another… ‘if some of that part of her could just be moved over there and some that taken off there…’ Well, now you can,
“Your Own Fat, Relocated”
“…After being condemned in the early ’90s, this procedure is generating newfound excitement among the handful of doctors nationwide who offer it and patients keen to enlarge their breasts without resorting to implants.”
You don’t have to work out at the gym… just lay around and get fat… and then have the fat moved around until it looks good…
…fiction to science… someday we may clone perfect body model blanks… then have one’s consciouness and memories transferred to the blank perfect clone body… as simple as transferring your computer data on a CD backup disk to a new computer… and sex will no longer be for procreation but simply for pleasure… among perfect body clones… won’t that be fun?
Humm… I must remember to put the copy write bug on this article so as to have ‘intellectual property rights’ on this musing… this could make me rich… I can see the stock options now… ‘Acme Body Clone Engineering, ticker ACBE, will offer IPO at $18…’
…transiting Neptune in Aquarius brings about strange things …as we read and hear about in the news daily now …and strange ideas to the madcap minds of eccentric astrology writers…
Mason Garrett © 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

“A Lost European Culture, Pulled From Obscurity”
On the more positive side… the on going Uranus and Neptune mutual reception in the signs that they rule, Pisces and Aquarius, has revealed some more fascinating discoveries… like an ancient highly civilized culture in and around the Romania and Bulgaria area, known as the ‘Old European’ Culture… dating back to 6000 – 4500 BCE.
They had multiple room two story dwellings… and even made clay models of their dwellings (which is what the posted picture is)… perhaps the archeologists dug into the office of the local architect of the time? …or maybe it was a doll house for the kids? They had small cities, farming, animal husbandry …also very sophisticated sculpture and pottery, a thriving copper trade, exporting copper tools and artifacts… and they wore really sexy clothes… lived peacefully… and worshiped the Earth Goddess…
A thriving culture where one worked as an exporter-trader with a boat and crew, or a farmer-herder who fed the populace, or as an artesian of pottery or copper, or an artist and painter/decorator of the condos, condo builders, or a garment maker, or a copper smelter and tool maker, or maybe you worked in the copper mines… everybody has a different horoscope and eventually finds their niche… and these ancient people are yet another fascinating example of how life goes on… as the planets transit… and civilizations come and go…
These recent major transits that I’ve been researching and writing about… are the forces of change. Within the next decade or two… things will change radically… the obsolete will fall away… and we will have the opportunity to create something new and hopefully better… and that is always the question …what do we choose to do now?
...may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you...
Though Southern California’s weather is mild during the winter compared to most other locales in the country… it still gets rather nippy in Long Beach… and I add another log to my fireplace in my little house by the river… and I wonder, ‘humm… they keep saying that the planet is warming… not in this part… I hardly used the fireplace last winter… what gives?’
“The Web Discloses Inconvenient Climate Truths
The world cannot trust scientists who abuse their power.”
“Climategate: Follow the Money
Climate change researchers must believe in the reality of global warming just as a priest must believe in the existence of God.”
Along with the usual celebrity scandals, now something strange with Tiger Woods life… and tennis star Serena Williams being fined a record $82,000 for another temper tantrum… and almost everybody you meet has an attitude… now there is a new scandal brewing over the ‘climate change’ movement.
It seems some of the world’s top science guys haven’t been exactly straight forward with the numbers… it’s actually gotten colder the past few years or so… and perhaps it is a trend.
Again… as Jupiter and Neptune near their 3rd conjunction now… scandal erupts …and again involving money… The money trail leads to major corporations like Exxon and others… and the funding of the global warming camps… which of course must keep their numbers right to keep getting the big buck grants… which pays the scientists, buys their equipment, and pays the rent for their facilities.
It appears… as revealed by rebellious truth seeking email hackers… the ‘global warming camp’ has been very active in trying to silence or smear and discredit any other scientist who says ‘but wait… my data says it’s getting colder.’ Why? …maybe, because if they convince the world that it’s getting warmer from gasoline and industrial carbon emissions… then they, and Al gore, and his partners Kliener Perkins will make a bundle of money if they can convert the world to ethanol fuels…
Hotter? Colder? …it will be both …and in extremes …and it will stretch over a period of time accented by sudden events like volcano eruptions, earthquakes, and perhaps radical continent shifting. For example there is currently a volcano in Africa acting up… that could radically change everything,
“Volcano could trigger tsunami disaster for New York”
…and the Nyiragongo volcano in the Congo emits more sulfer dioxide into the atmoshere in a week than most industrial countries do in a year…
…all of this that has been going on is the result of the Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn ‘T-Bar’ formation that occurred a few years ago… the last time this paticualr alinement occurred was around 535-6 CE when the Volcano Krakatoa errupted in the Pacific and was the probable trigger of the cold dark ages for a few hundred years… The next big ‘T Bar’ will be Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in 2010… and the last time this occurred was around 540 CE, the last Roman emporer times.
These are not events that can be timed exactly… at least not by this soothsayer… but nonetheless the climates will change… radically either way, and maybe both ways… and scientists and politician businessmen will try and make a buck off every slight fluctuation in temperature… and the crack in the Etheopian desert gets a little wider and longer… day by day…
“The Web Discloses Inconvenient Climate Truths
The world cannot trust scientists who abuse their power.”
“Climategate: Follow the Money
Climate change researchers must believe in the reality of global warming just as a priest must believe in the existence of God.”
Along with the usual celebrity scandals, now something strange with Tiger Woods life… and tennis star Serena Williams being fined a record $82,000 for another temper tantrum… and almost everybody you meet has an attitude… now there is a new scandal brewing over the ‘climate change’ movement.
It seems some of the world’s top science guys haven’t been exactly straight forward with the numbers… it’s actually gotten colder the past few years or so… and perhaps it is a trend.
Again… as Jupiter and Neptune near their 3rd conjunction now… scandal erupts …and again involving money… The money trail leads to major corporations like Exxon and others… and the funding of the global warming camps… which of course must keep their numbers right to keep getting the big buck grants… which pays the scientists, buys their equipment, and pays the rent for their facilities.
It appears… as revealed by rebellious truth seeking email hackers… the ‘global warming camp’ has been very active in trying to silence or smear and discredit any other scientist who says ‘but wait… my data says it’s getting colder.’ Why? …maybe, because if they convince the world that it’s getting warmer from gasoline and industrial carbon emissions… then they, and Al gore, and his partners Kliener Perkins will make a bundle of money if they can convert the world to ethanol fuels…
Hotter? Colder? …it will be both …and in extremes …and it will stretch over a period of time accented by sudden events like volcano eruptions, earthquakes, and perhaps radical continent shifting. For example there is currently a volcano in Africa acting up… that could radically change everything,
“Volcano could trigger tsunami disaster for New York”
…and the Nyiragongo volcano in the Congo emits more sulfer dioxide into the atmoshere in a week than most industrial countries do in a year…
…all of this that has been going on is the result of the Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn ‘T-Bar’ formation that occurred a few years ago… the last time this paticualr alinement occurred was around 535-6 CE when the Volcano Krakatoa errupted in the Pacific and was the probable trigger of the cold dark ages for a few hundred years… The next big ‘T Bar’ will be Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in 2010… and the last time this occurred was around 540 CE, the last Roman emporer times.
These are not events that can be timed exactly… at least not by this soothsayer… but nonetheless the climates will change… radically either way, and maybe both ways… and scientists and politician businessmen will try and make a buck off every slight fluctuation in temperature… and the crack in the Etheopian desert gets a little wider and longer… day by day…
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Last month we saw a rash of violence, rape, burnings, shootings, mass murder… all within the first week… and then on through the month… no need to elaborate on the gory details, you all read and listen to the news. This current influence is the closeness of the Mars orbit to the Earth’s orbit that occurs approximately every two years. It will continue on through May of 2010.
The first week of December may be another intensely violent one again… as Mars begins to slow down as it approaches it station (it appears to stop) on the 20th… and then goes retrograde (appears to go backwards) and thus repeats the same troublesome transits… which may bring yet another particularly violent month.
Try to be calm and non confrontational… tempers are short, world wide, and the really stressed will snap during these transits. We all have to deal with this until next May… so, be cool… and be ready to duck.
The slow moving transits of Saturn and Pluto stay within a two degree orb in their square… still stressful but now with the Mars stress as well. Possible serious storms, maybe some volcanic activity… and some 6M+ earthquakes… check your kits.
Towards the end of the month will be extremely stressful with a Lunar eclipse on the 31st when the Moon is perigee (the closest it gets to the Earth in it’s orbit) thus perhaps setting off the retrograde Mars stressful transits all over again.
I still see the stock markets at very precarious highs… held there simply by more worthless money being printed… no matter how high you throw the ball… eventually it comes down and faster than it went up. That’s just simple physics and not complicated mundane astrology. The astrology says it should have come down last September with the Saturn Uranus opposition… and now it’s way over due… add the stressful Mars and the Saturn Pluto square… Is 10,500 the DJIA ceiling? …we shall see…
The first week of December may be another intensely violent one again… as Mars begins to slow down as it approaches it station (it appears to stop) on the 20th… and then goes retrograde (appears to go backwards) and thus repeats the same troublesome transits… which may bring yet another particularly violent month.
Try to be calm and non confrontational… tempers are short, world wide, and the really stressed will snap during these transits. We all have to deal with this until next May… so, be cool… and be ready to duck.
The slow moving transits of Saturn and Pluto stay within a two degree orb in their square… still stressful but now with the Mars stress as well. Possible serious storms, maybe some volcanic activity… and some 6M+ earthquakes… check your kits.
Towards the end of the month will be extremely stressful with a Lunar eclipse on the 31st when the Moon is perigee (the closest it gets to the Earth in it’s orbit) thus perhaps setting off the retrograde Mars stressful transits all over again.
I still see the stock markets at very precarious highs… held there simply by more worthless money being printed… no matter how high you throw the ball… eventually it comes down and faster than it went up. That’s just simple physics and not complicated mundane astrology. The astrology says it should have come down last September with the Saturn Uranus opposition… and now it’s way over due… add the stressful Mars and the Saturn Pluto square… Is 10,500 the DJIA ceiling? …we shall see…
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I’ve been away a few days avoiding rants during this holiday season… to give myself and others room to try and have a little joy, and gathering, and a day off from all the madness currently going on world wide… war, bombings, security breaches, scandal, fraud, flu, assassinations, accidents, ferry sinking… all previously predicted during these stressful transits … and most of it happening within the first week of the month… to the point of it being redundant now… why go on about it?
Scandalous events of late… which are increasing as transiting Jupiter approaches conjunction with Neptune again… are revealing even more decadent values of our society.
What is so significant about two party crashers? …an official White House State Dinner party is blatantly crashed by Michaele and Tareq Salahi,
“Party Crashers: Pay Us $500K, We'll Talk”
“…representatives for Michaele and Tareq Salahi contacted networks to urge them to "get their bids in" for an interview.”
There were times I have seen… maybe a few decades ago… when the couple would have simply been spotted, handcuffed, and discreetly led away… and would probably still be in holding cell under intense interrogation… and would more than likely get some jail time for it.
…today it’s just another finger pointing scandal …and the perps will more than likely get their ‘high’ bid for one or more of the talk show interviews… what has Levi really done? …other than play hockey and get his girlfriend pregnant… and then pose naked for Playgirl Magazine? …and he makes the interview rounds and squeezes all that he can get out the Palin circus…
The fact is… if you’re reading about it now… there have been bids already made… by all the networks… and one of them will get the high bid… and this party crashing couple will get more money for their chit chat ‘tell all’ than some average honest people make in their life time… and or a lucrative book deal… Sarah and others have shown us that it really doesn’t take a lot of brains… just be a rouge… and you’re on your way to millions.
I’ve turned off my ancient tube television… for over a year now… still I must shift through all the internet articles for information that confirms my mundane astrology research… and I find that I’m even being repelled by that… it’s really difficult to be an impartial observer lately…
…and sometimes I find myself more interested now in the study of the astrological influences on the growing of plants… flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruit…
…if the roots are good, the plants will come back to life after the winter months. There in nature is the answer… and it begs the question, what are the real conditions of this nation’s financial roots?
…another bubble pops …the over loaning financing hype real estate debacle… now in Dubai… is this the final crack that the pressures of Saturn opposition Uranus… and now Saturn square Pluto… transits over the past three months have caused… as perhaps more and more loan and financial fraud are revealed… perhaps even leaking into the World Bank itself?
…I’m thinking I’ll get some more tomatoes plants this season… the Roma did well this past year… and I must trim back the grapevine a bit… it has taken over the back fence to point of separating the wood… strong roots… and maybe some Saint Augustine turf squares… the grass seed I put out seems to just feed the birds…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Scandalous events of late… which are increasing as transiting Jupiter approaches conjunction with Neptune again… are revealing even more decadent values of our society.
What is so significant about two party crashers? …an official White House State Dinner party is blatantly crashed by Michaele and Tareq Salahi,
“Party Crashers: Pay Us $500K, We'll Talk”
“…representatives for Michaele and Tareq Salahi contacted networks to urge them to "get their bids in" for an interview.”
There were times I have seen… maybe a few decades ago… when the couple would have simply been spotted, handcuffed, and discreetly led away… and would probably still be in holding cell under intense interrogation… and would more than likely get some jail time for it.
…today it’s just another finger pointing scandal …and the perps will more than likely get their ‘high’ bid for one or more of the talk show interviews… what has Levi really done? …other than play hockey and get his girlfriend pregnant… and then pose naked for Playgirl Magazine? …and he makes the interview rounds and squeezes all that he can get out the Palin circus…
The fact is… if you’re reading about it now… there have been bids already made… by all the networks… and one of them will get the high bid… and this party crashing couple will get more money for their chit chat ‘tell all’ than some average honest people make in their life time… and or a lucrative book deal… Sarah and others have shown us that it really doesn’t take a lot of brains… just be a rouge… and you’re on your way to millions.
I’ve turned off my ancient tube television… for over a year now… still I must shift through all the internet articles for information that confirms my mundane astrology research… and I find that I’m even being repelled by that… it’s really difficult to be an impartial observer lately…
…and sometimes I find myself more interested now in the study of the astrological influences on the growing of plants… flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruit…
…if the roots are good, the plants will come back to life after the winter months. There in nature is the answer… and it begs the question, what are the real conditions of this nation’s financial roots?
…another bubble pops …the over loaning financing hype real estate debacle… now in Dubai… is this the final crack that the pressures of Saturn opposition Uranus… and now Saturn square Pluto… transits over the past three months have caused… as perhaps more and more loan and financial fraud are revealed… perhaps even leaking into the World Bank itself?
…I’m thinking I’ll get some more tomatoes plants this season… the Roma did well this past year… and I must trim back the grapevine a bit… it has taken over the back fence to point of separating the wood… strong roots… and maybe some Saint Augustine turf squares… the grass seed I put out seems to just feed the birds…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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