…whoa …the new Indian Chief retro… ya gotta love the fenders!

I think during these disruptive times… as transiting and shocking Uranus rips through our Pisces Neptune ruled dellusions, usually self created… and Neptune weaves its slippery clandestine fanatic intrigues around revolutionary Uranus ruled Aquarius… and the transiting square of Saturn to Pluto continues to crumble the obsolete… we all need to examine… and maybe overhaul some of our values and choices…
All these recent scandals are but a reflection of us all… whether we care to admit it or not…
The question that knaws at my curiosity… is why does our culture look to beauty queens, movie stars, politicians, and athletes for any sort of moral examples?… These professions are known to be based on hyped publicity and PR agents (professional well paid liars)…
The very nature of these professions are manipulative and preditory… they present a propoganda and camoflaged front… their business is ‘image’… which is basically, lying …not presenting things… as they really are… warts and all… and usually for the same reasons… they want your money! …or vote …or both …and to hold illusory power over you… and they usually engage only two dimensional thinking… cost and profit… us and them… and if they’re not one up on you… they consider themselves to be one down…
…and some… are a real piece of work… who actually believe that oral sex is not adultry… at least not for presiding presidents… or that they understand the complexity of USA and Russian relations… because they can see Russia from their front porch.
In that kind of reality… how can one expect anything other than constant contradiction and… scandal? …as life and astrology transits reveal their all too human sides… which have nothing to do with the false icon ‘persona’ they project… yet… we all still want to believe in the fantasy… to escape the dreainess of our average drab grey realities… ‘someday, over the rainbow… tomorrow… tomorrow… we can be… maybe… just like them… have faith… someday… tomorrow’
…and this past week we read of yet another young actress, Brittany Murphy, that suddenly dies in what was probably another presciption drug related death… and maybe your daughter wants to be like her?
…and it’s the same ole’ movie they keep re-releasing… now with copous green screen and bungee cord flying computer generated special effects… and the entertainment industry may be changing in that regard… I predicted over thirty years ago that the visual media entertainment would reach a technical level where human actors would become obsolete…
…and I think the recent release of ‘Avatar’ and other special effects fantasy films illustrates that point… but… it’s still the same ole scripts… hero and protagonist… black hats versus white hats… us and them…
While the computer generated characters don’t present the personal problems and scandals of human actors …like yesterday, Charlie Sheen was arrested for some kind of domestic violence …some of the technical geeks can get a little strange …I know, I work with a few of them in the broadcast studios.
…and now an 80 million dollar movie …with Robert Downey as Sherlock Holmes? …I’d much rather see a computer generated animated version of the black and white classic Basil Rathbone of 1939 ..but the costs would be even more exorbitant.
…like the the new retro style remake of the classic (circa 1940-50’s) Indian Chief motorcycle currently being promoted at $26,000… It’s a beautiful retro style bike… love the fenders!… but… no, thanks… I’ll keep my retro style Triumph Bonneville… it was only seven grand… back in 02’… and it’s paid for… and she runs great… even better than the 1963 Bonnie I had when I was nineteen… which my “Baby Blu” is the modern remake of… The 63’ Bonneville was maroon and silver stripped… and I named her ‘Mamie’ …after Mamie van Doren …a very hot lady of those ancient times…
It’s all a very strange bizarre trip …this life …as I get older I don’t mind it as much …life simply IS what it IS …in the moment of NOW …strange and bizarre at times.
…so… what do we choose to do with this coming new decade of 2010?
…meanwhile …the football games? …now we’ve got retrograde Mercury added to the mix …you may recall past articles on this infamous “Murphy’s Law” type transit where if something can go wrong… or miscommunicated… it more than likely will… and at the most inopportune time…
Ergo, from many $5 lessons paid for… in the ‘School of Hard Knocks’ …mundane astrology sports prognostication research department… I shall pass on any wagers this whacky weekend… but I definitely will watch what may be some very surprising games… the Laker fans got very ugly last night… get a grip folks, it’s just a game…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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