Friday, December 4, 2009


Some 1000 or more people in Plano, Texas pay $28.99 (the price of the book) for a ticket… some of which are re-sold by ticket scalpers for $250 – 500 on Craig’s List… to stand in line for 24 hours to have Sarah Palin autograph their $28.99 copy of her book (plus tax)… yeah, for real… read it for yourself,

…and the on going American fetish over the female breast size… now you can have your own waist and thigh fat recycled to augment your breast size with your own liposuctioned fat tissue… Thoughts become reality… what guy hasn’t had the thought at one time or another… ‘if some of that part of her could just be moved over there and some that taken off there…’ Well, now you can,

“Your Own Fat, Relocated”

“…After being condemned in the early ’90s, this procedure is generating newfound excitement among the handful of doctors nationwide who offer it and patients keen to enlarge their breasts without resorting to implants.”

You don’t have to work out at the gym… just lay around and get fat… and then have the fat moved around until it looks good…

…fiction to science… someday we may clone perfect body model blanks… then have one’s consciouness and memories transferred to the blank perfect clone body… as simple as transferring your computer data on a CD backup disk to a new computer… and sex will no longer be for procreation but simply for pleasure… among perfect body clones… won’t that be fun?

Humm… I must remember to put the copy write bug on this article so as to have ‘intellectual property rights’ on this musing… this could make me rich… I can see the stock options now… ‘Acme Body Clone Engineering, ticker ACBE, will offer IPO at $18…’

…transiting Neptune in Aquarius brings about strange things …as we read and hear about in the news daily now …and strange ideas to the madcap minds of eccentric astrology writers…

Mason Garrett © 2009

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