“A Lost European Culture, Pulled From Obscurity”
On the more positive side… the on going Uranus and Neptune mutual reception in the signs that they rule, Pisces and Aquarius, has revealed some more fascinating discoveries… like an ancient highly civilized culture in and around the Romania and Bulgaria area, known as the ‘Old European’ Culture… dating back to 6000 – 4500 BCE.
They had multiple room two story dwellings… and even made clay models of their dwellings (which is what the posted picture is)… perhaps the archeologists dug into the office of the local architect of the time? …or maybe it was a doll house for the kids? They had small cities, farming, animal husbandry …also very sophisticated sculpture and pottery, a thriving copper trade, exporting copper tools and artifacts… and they wore really sexy clothes… lived peacefully… and worshiped the Earth Goddess…
A thriving culture where one worked as an exporter-trader with a boat and crew, or a farmer-herder who fed the populace, or as an artesian of pottery or copper, or an artist and painter/decorator of the condos, condo builders, or a garment maker, or a copper smelter and tool maker, or maybe you worked in the copper mines… everybody has a different horoscope and eventually finds their niche… and these ancient people are yet another fascinating example of how life goes on… as the planets transit… and civilizations come and go…
These recent major transits that I’ve been researching and writing about… are the forces of change. Within the next decade or two… things will change radically… the obsolete will fall away… and we will have the opportunity to create something new and hopefully better… and that is always the question …what do we choose to do now?
...may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you...
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