Wednesday, December 9, 2009


“Swine flu far less severe in latest calculations”

“…The analysis suggests that the death rate from the current wave of H1N1 flu cases probably will fall in a range that extends from far lower to slightly higher than the estimate of 36,000 deaths caused by seasonal flu in a typical year.”

…I recall writing a few posts and predictions about all this pig flu hype for the past few months. I still haven’t gotten a flu shot… and I haven’t gotten the flu since I quit getting them a decade ago.

But of course I cheat… and use homeopathic natural healing methods… like sleeping with a generator quartz crystal at the foot and head of my bed thus sleeping in a cocoon of piezoelectricity that cleans and balances my aura… and I usually hold a piece of Angelite (a marvelous healing stone for me) in the my right hand… and a piece of Bloodstone in the left hand (strengthens my immune system)… drink black coffee (a good laxative for me)… and green tea (a great antioxidant)…

I meditate and ‘run’ energies for about fifteen minutes a day… and I use Reiki self healing methods… some oriental Chi Gong breathing and exercise methods… along with some Cherokee and Apache crystal and herbal traditions… and it’s all free natural energy… The crystals and stones are a reasonable one time investment… because… they never wear out… and books about these subjects aren’t that expensive… and a lot of it is online… and in these humble columns of mine…

…all these things work for me in my reality …some will say it’s all bogus… superstition… placebo effects… etc. Yes, placebos… they work sometimes… because the people simply believe they will… maybe we create our own reality with our thoughts? I didn’t believe in the Pig flu hype… and I’m not sick…

The American Medical Association hates heretics and shaman like me… they used to burn us at the stake… You see…the thing is… my methods are free… and they really hate that part… and they would even accuse me of being a communist… and there are no ill side effects with these methods… the magic either works or it doesn’t… and I don’t hassle with insurance… my occasional (open minded) clients who request crystal, and Reiki, pendulum, and hot rock therapy… make whatever comfortable donation or barter they wish… Now, the astrology… that I’m going charge some money for… but a reasonable amount… and it’s a pay as you go… and ask… and are satisfied, sort of arrangement…

…but don’t misunderstand my view …I don’t discount allopathic medicine either …if it were not for cataract surgery and company insurance… I would be a blind old man. I simply use both views of healing… whatever works… but without all the hype and con, and excessive profits on human suffering, please…

…and just about everything works 66% of the time …and the Cardinal defense stifles Farve… and the Vikings lose… and I only got two out of three on my parley ticket again… a .666 average… which of course will cause comments from the ‘superstitious mark of the beast’ believers… many of whom are world leaders, members of Congress, the House, and the AMA…

…it’s a funny world, huh…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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