Friday, December 18, 2009


This is truly one of the most honest and amazing articles that I’ve read in many years… that confirms the mutual views of ancient mundane astrology… and modern science…

The article historically accounts for the various thousands of weather cycles that modern man has experienced over the past 13,000 years, with sometimes as much as an 18 degree increase in temperature in just twenty years…

“…The bottom line? Weather changes and the occasional meteor have tossed this planet through roughly 142 mass extinctions since life began 3.85 billion years ago. That's an average of one mass extinction every 26.5 million years. Where did these mass die-offs come from? Nature. There were no human capitalists, industrialists or cultures of consumerism to blame.”

…all of which confirms what I, and many other professional astrologers like Richard Nolle, and Robert Hand, have been saying… these repeating transits… the last time around 535-480 BCE… are bringing about both social and planetary changes…

Historical changes are coming… ready or not… while we strut around, with self rightous puffed up egos, argue, and debate ad-infinatum… Mother Earth may have her own re-decorating plans… and continent add on plans… as the crack in the Ethopian desert gets longer and wider day by day…

…and whatever happins …we will …and usually do …adapt.

…I’ve put on another sweater vest …poured a hot cup of green tea… added a log to the fire place …and now tuck the cozy warm afghan about me …and type on…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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