…sure …everything is just peachy… as seen from this unemployment office line…
I found all these contradictory articles on the same Google News page within 2 minutes this morning… of course there is the usual global warming… confirmed by the folks in the Midwest…
“Frigid temperatures follow heavy snow into Midwest”
…as world leaders confab (my word con/fabricate) about how to get more of your money… with a ‘world hot times tax’ to drum up 10 trillion dollars to repair the world’s over heating problem…
“European Leaders Home in on Global Warming Policy”
…and the war/peace business is going well,
“Obama defends war at Nobel Peace Prize ceremony”
…just when things might settle down into some sane home prices… the dumb wildebeest speculators start to cross the same crocodile infested river again… as greedy investors snap up foreclosures and repeat the same problem that caused the inflated hyped real estate market in the first place… and always does..
“Wisconsin foreclosures stay flat in November”
…because the ‘house flippers’ bought them all..
“House Flipping Makes a Comeback”
…I really do think we need some sort of early sex education in this country… like about ‘when and where’…it is appropriate… would be a good starting lecture… where were these naked teachers when I was in school?
“Brooklyn School’s Hot For Teacher Count Up to THREE”
…and this one …can you make sense of it?
“US Stocks Higher On Jobs Data; Dollar Also Gaining”
…and yet more folks are out of work?!?
“New U.S. jobless claims rise” [article photo]
…what we have here is Jupiter (idealist expectations) approaching another conjunct with Neptune (fraud, scandal, delusion, deception… self or otherwise)… in addition to the conflicting harsh realities of the current transiting square between Saturn and Pluto… further exacerbated by the current (until May 2010) close orbit of Mars to the Earth’s… and it is making its station and soon will be retrograde… thus, a lot of hopeful expectations, amidst still a lot of lies, fraud, scandal, corruption, and violence… and all of us will be under some stress for a while…
…check you kits …and be cool…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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