Sunday, December 6, 2009


Then one is shocked, angry, disappointed… your fantasy of beauty or of a champion, or whatever… is shattered. You are the one who created the fantasy and or the icon and… worshipped it. The predator media circles like a shark and hunts for and finds and even buys profitable food… for the millions of subscriber icon junkies who have to have their daily hate/envy gossip fix… to justify their own hunger for recognition and justification of their pointless hedonistic empty lives.

…they hide behind their envy with a pompous hypocrite front ‘…he cheated! …I don’t cheat!’ …and they’re not a billionaire with all manner of fan women always trying to snag them… just for the bragging rights…and maybe a quick $25,000 from a gossip tabloid for the juicy details… true or not…

…while complex… the humanoid, like any other specie, is often quite predictable… like the crocodiles who patiently wait for the same herd of dumb wildebeest to cross the river at the same location every year…

…it’s all somewhere in the natal horoscope …and if I got your date of birth …I got the goods on you …and you can’t lie to me.

…if a man is famous and a billionaire …and maybe once too often the significant other says… ‘oh.. not now, I’ve got a migraine…’ …and he has a dozen or more numbers on his cell phone that he can call 24/7… ‘oh… I understand, dear… you get some rest… I’ve got some business at the office I need to take of… maybe a quick business trip as well…’

It happens everyday …it’s just a matter of scale …some of us are major league players …some are local minor league …and some are amateur sand lot and pickup players… it’s all the same game… with all the same types of players.

…look at the divorce statistics …it’s about 50% …that’s a high causality rate in any battle …even the battle the sexes …take a moment and ponder that… you’re sitting having coffee with a ‘best’ friend… now ponder the fact that you’re going on a mission together… and that one of you won’t come back… then look around at the other tables with seated couples… visualize every other couple disappearing… that’s the reality of 50% casualties… and of the 50% survivors, how many are truly happy after the battles? …you see it all the time …a shell shocked ‘yes, dear’ zombie that follows their insane significant other wherever they may lead them… crocodiles or whatever…

Reality… Fact… no one person on this planet can satisfy all of one’s complex and infinite wants and needs… nor you theirs… especially when most of us don’t really know what we truly want and need… because we look to others to tell us what we should want and need… instead of exploring and searching for and finding… and then being… and living our lives… as our true selves and with the better potentials.

…some cultures are simply older and more mature about it… a famous European leader dies… and both his wife and mistress and all the children of both… peacefully and respectfully attend his funeral… because they all loved him… and he loved and provided for all of them…

…just some thoughts on the current scandals… as Uranus transits and continues to shockingly rip its way through the fantasy and illusory world of the Neptune ruled sign of Pisces (glamour, entertainment, fantasy, illusion, cheating, fraud)… exposing reality as it really is...

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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