Saturday, December 19, 2009


…sticky transits,

“Unemployment Down In 36 States in November”

Many years ago an astrology client of mine, a lovely business woman, with a master’s degree in statistics… an archetype multi tasking data whiz Gemini… once told me… “statistics can prove whatever you want… depending on which side of the statistics you read…”

…so …if they count unemployment by the number of unemployment checks issued per week… what about those whose checks have run out by now? …are they still counted? and if so… how? …otherwise, if not counted these numbers less makes it look like the claims are going down… but in reality there are even more unemployed… and maybe one more person… or family… is living in their motorhome… truck camper… car… or under the bridge…

…again, I’m just asking questions …like …who profits, if I believe these numbers?

A very brilliant contemporary astrologer, Caroline Casey, in her book, GETTING THE GODS TO WORK FOR YOU; THE ASTROLOGICAL LANGUAGE OF THE PSYCHE, puts the point very well, “…don’t believe anything… but entertain all possibilities.”

…and the ‘recovery’ is booming right along …as 7 more banks bite the dust …total bank casualities for the year thus far …140 belly up …that’s an average of one bank per day since my last report on this data last Friday,

“Seven U.S. Banks Are Seized, Raising Year’s Failure Toll to 140”

…another car company goes under …again,

“Saab dies--again.”

As the transiting Jupiter and Neptune conjunction is exact now at 24 degrees of Aquirus, and with Mars now in opposition… more false numbers and data scandals may emerge… as well as a possible assassination of a promenant leader… and more violent weather as transiting Mars (violent storms) is in opposition to Neptune (sea, rain, snow) in Aquarius (Uranus ruled – sudden, stark)… check you kits, especially those living on the Atlantic and Gulf sides…

…and the games will be wild this weekend! …Mars rules fooball …how will the retrograde movement effect things? …I’m staying with the New Orleans Saints …with a $5 win bet that says they go marching on toward that perfect undefeated number in tonight’s game with the Dallas Cowboys …hallelujah!

…we shall see…

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