On Christmas Eve the daylight hours begin to get a bit longer than the night… and the Son/Sun of God is resurrected …on ‘Christmas Day’ …after symbolically dying on the 21st …the Winter Solstice… as the night hours became longer…
This happens every year. At that time (depending on the overcast and air pollution) a bright star in the east, Sirius, is very noticeable… the legendary predictive sign of the birth of the ‘messiah’… and in an alignment behind it are three more stars… the legendary ‘three wise men’ …Orion, three belt stars following the sign… and this all occurs in the constellation sign of Virgo… whose symbol is the Virgin…

This is all an allegory. It’s called Winter Solstice. It is the beginning of winter, plants wither and die, animals hibernate, etc. Then as the daylight gradually gets longer after the 25th of December there is a ‘rebirth’ of everything in the Spring… called Spring Equinox… or Easter… the celebration of the miraculous resurrection… of all life, not just a messiah/man.
This is all very predictable… since the ancient times of the Astrologer Wizards who worked with the Stonehenge outdoor astrology chart calculator…
Thus, an evil corrupt egomaniac leader (usually with harsh aspects between the Sun and Saturn or Mars, Neptune, and Pluto in their birth chart) who has a smart astrologer and some good script writers in his employ… can fool a lot of people for a long time…
…and then often …some time later …after he secures power and control …the evil tyrant has his ‘religious front men’ declare the astrologer and the script writers ‘heretics’ …and possessed with demons, etc… and they execute them… or maybe some ‘lone nut’ assassinates them… to hide the real facts behind these invented and often (every few centuries) re-written legends.
For all intents and purposes the SUN is our GOD in this solar system. If that light goes out, eight minutes later we freeze, and all the planets in this rather small and mediocre solar system will die as well. The essence spirit of the SUN/SON of GOD lives within each one of us.
Try this… sit quietly, try and blank your mind, put your attention in the center of your chest and feel your heart beat, and know that the heart chakra is ruled by the SUN/SON of GOD… and it is the center of your soul and conscience… if you truly listen to it… you will receive it’s joy, bliss, and unconditional love and forgiveness... and you just might turn into a nicer person. The Kingdom of Heaven is within… not in the sky.
No, I am not a Grinch… and I’m not stealing your Christmas. I love the holidays like everyone else… to include all the schmaltzy movies like Scrooge, and the various Disney cartoon movies, Santa, Rudolf, and all the other parable stories … it’s a marvelous time of the year, to give and to love, and to celebrate life and the coming new year.
…yes, let all of us sing Christmas and other religious songs of all faiths… in praise of love and giving… who cares if the song is a parable?… if it makes you feel good and filled with loving spirit… what does it matter?… Holy Night, Jingle Bells, Rudolph The Red Nosed Rain Deer… Rock Around The Clock… whatever, just sing from your heart with joy and love…
But don’t try and tell me I’m going to burn in hell because I bet a fiver on a Sunday football game… or because I imbibe fermented spirits on occasion… or because I consider birth control to be strictly the woman’s prerogative (I certainly practice it… should that be of any interest to any female readers of my pontificating)… and don’t tell me that my gay friends are going to burn in hell because they love each other and want to form a legal commitment.
AND SARAH PALIN, don’t tell me that GOD has a plan for us to build a pipeline across Alaska! …you’re full of crap! It was your plan in which you would make a pile of corrupt money from bribes and kick back benefits!
Yes, Hell exists… we’re living in it… and we’re the one’s who created it… and… we can simply choose to do something better…
So... what are we going to do? … spiritually evolve? …or go bust?
It’s up to you, me, and all of us. We can and may eventually evolve because of the most marvelous of all of God’s gifts to us …free will.

Have a happy and joyful rebirth… and may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
© Mason Garrett
Thanks for bringing the Sun out of the cold in your post. It's time to consider that the ancients may have been right about the living Sun.
ReplyDeleteMy recently published book, Sun of gOd, examines the implications of a conscious Sun and living stars. It may seem far out today, but that is simply because of 17 centuries of cover-up. In fact, it makes even more sense in light of what we know about the cosmos today than it ever did. Find out how the book has been received at Amazon or see some of the responses to it at http://www.sunofgod.net.
Britain's favourite astrologer, Jonathan Cainer, found it to be a life-changing read. His endorsement is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64Xk2c65eAI