The Stonehenge
From the astrology of Christmas we followed the eastern star Sirius, that is then followed by the ‘three wise men’… the three stars of the “Belt of Orion”… in the constellation of Virgo (whose symbol is the Virgin) to where the Sun/Son of God is born… in a manger (a Saturn symbol) between a goat and a horse stall (symbols of Capricorn and Sagittarius)…
The are 30 degrees to each sign of the Zodiac… at the age of 30, the ministry begins, or when the Sun/Son of God enters the sign of Aquarius (the symbol is a man carrying water, the Water Bearer)… and is baptized (in water)…
Then as the Son/Sun of God enters Pisces… the first of the 12 Disciples… the Fishermen are met… (Symbol of Pisces is the Fish)
The Sun/Son of God, the good shepherd is busy during the March-April months of Aries when the lambs are born (Symbol of Aries is the Lamb/Ram)
Then the Son/Sun of God lectures in parables about plowing, tilling, fallow ground, some seeds take, some perish on the rock, etc. …farming and husbandry, in the sign of Taurus (The symbol is the farm animal the Bull/Ox)
In Gemini the Sun/Son of God further communicates, with mountain side lectures, etc.
During a stormy night in the sign of Cancer (a water sign) the Son/Sun God calms the sea… and lectures about backsliders (a description of the Crab’s moment, and the Crab is the Symbol of the sign of Cancer)
The SUN rules the sign of Leo… the Son/Sun of God is in his glory… the heat of the Summer… Leo the entertainer, magic tricks at a wedding reception... turning water into wine, etc. the entertainer, the king, the Lion are Symbols of Leo…
The Sun/Son of God performs miraculous healing (Virgo rules healing)
In Libra is the Vineyard, grapes are harvested and pressed in September-October… the harvesting, the supper… the prophecies… the Balance is the symbol of Libra
Scorpio is the betrayal… the Son/Sun of God is weakened as the days get shorter in October-November…
The Sun/Son is then crucified between two thieves who drain his strength… Sagittarius and Capricorn… and is stabbed in the side by a spear of the Centaur/Centurion (Centaur is the symbol of Sagittarius)…
And dies, the Winter Solstice… and is reborn three days later…
Consider the number twelve… 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 months of the year, 12 hours daylight, 12 hours darkness, 12 disciples… Osiris and Krishna also had 12 disciples… and Hercules (another Sun/Son of God) had 12 labors…
…and the King’s foot …12 inches
…the Angels are trines and sextiles, beneficial and helpful if you pray (ask, make the effort to use the good fortune) … and the Demons (inner and outer) are the squares and oppositions that challenge one’s faith now and then… and teaches one through karma …that you reap what you sow… in one incarnation or another…
…now you know why astrologers were executed as ‘heretics’… they knew too much! …and that scares the willies out of political/religious dictators.
…remember what the wicked king said in Bill Shakespeare’s play, 'Hamlet'… “Aye… tis madness… But me thinkst.. there’s method in’t…” …and then he hired the spies Rosencranz and Guildenstern …to try and find out what Hamlet was really up to… and after Hamlet told them where to get off… the wicked King signed secret orders to have him killed in England…
…it’s a sticky wicked world sometimes…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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