Monday, December 28, 2009


Like I said… the games would have another whacky upset weekend… The New Orleans Saints lose a second game in a row to the… Buccaneers?!? 20-17 …to a 47 yard field goal in over time… and the undefeated Colts… are defeated by the Jets 29-15… I saved some money… by listening to my intuition...

…and the crazy world continues to blow themselves up,

“Suicide Blast Kills 20 in Karachi Shiite Procession”

…and more than one religious rebellion is growing,

“Furor Erupts Over Atheist Display At State Capitol”

“The sign reads: "At the time of the winter solstice, let reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is just myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

…maybe the sign maker read and misunderstood my blog a few days ago. I didn’t say there wasn’t a God …religions simply misquote God …and make up stories that never really happened …many of them are ancient allegories …and they are meant to be examples of better ways to behave… other parts are just bad ‘B’ movie scripts…

Truly wise teachers sometimes use parables …simply because many people, despite their age, are very child like in their thinking …and need stories to better understand complicated things …like compassion.

…and/or political and religious leaders …and their hacks …have no originality… and are too lazy… so they simply rewrite other pre-existing religions… and change the names, or alter the spelling a little… and again, this very mean and child like behavior… adults call it plagiarism.

I simply don’t believe God is that angry …only really naive people believe that… we still have God’s greatest gift of all… free will… you don’t have to bet on the game… and God never said anything about blowing yourself up and killing other people… and if you believe that propaganda… that’s your choice… and your stupidity.

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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