Sunday, November 29, 2009


I’ve been away a few days avoiding rants during this holiday season… to give myself and others room to try and have a little joy, and gathering, and a day off from all the madness currently going on world wide… war, bombings, security breaches, scandal, fraud, flu, assassinations, accidents, ferry sinking… all previously predicted during these stressful transits … and most of it happening within the first week of the month… to the point of it being redundant now… why go on about it?

Scandalous events of late… which are increasing as transiting Jupiter approaches conjunction with Neptune again… are revealing even more decadent values of our society.

What is so significant about two party crashers? …an official White House State Dinner party is blatantly crashed by Michaele and Tareq Salahi,

“Party Crashers: Pay Us $500K, We'll Talk”

“…representatives for Michaele and Tareq Salahi contacted networks to urge them to "get their bids in" for an interview.”

There were times I have seen… maybe a few decades ago… when the couple would have simply been spotted, handcuffed, and discreetly led away… and would probably still be in holding cell under intense interrogation… and would more than likely get some jail time for it.

…today it’s just another finger pointing scandal …and the perps will more than likely get their ‘high’ bid for one or more of the talk show interviews… what has Levi really done? …other than play hockey and get his girlfriend pregnant… and then pose naked for Playgirl Magazine? …and he makes the interview rounds and squeezes all that he can get out the Palin circus…

The fact is… if you’re reading about it now… there have been bids already made… by all the networks… and one of them will get the high bid… and this party crashing couple will get more money for their chit chat ‘tell all’ than some average honest people make in their life time… and or a lucrative book deal… Sarah and others have shown us that it really doesn’t take a lot of brains… just be a rouge… and you’re on your way to millions.

I’ve turned off my ancient tube television… for over a year now… still I must shift through all the internet articles for information that confirms my mundane astrology research… and I find that I’m even being repelled by that… it’s really difficult to be an impartial observer lately…

…and sometimes I find myself more interested now in the study of the astrological influences on the growing of plants… flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruit…

…if the roots are good, the plants will come back to life after the winter months. There in nature is the answer… and it begs the question, what are the real conditions of this nation’s financial roots?

…another bubble pops …the over loaning financing hype real estate debacle… now in Dubai… is this the final crack that the pressures of Saturn opposition Uranus… and now Saturn square Pluto… transits over the past three months have caused… as perhaps more and more loan and financial fraud are revealed… perhaps even leaking into the World Bank itself?

…I’m thinking I’ll get some more tomatoes plants this season… the Roma did well this past year… and I must trim back the grapevine a bit… it has taken over the back fence to point of separating the wood… strong roots… and maybe some Saint Augustine turf squares… the grass seed I put out seems to just feed the birds…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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