Friday, November 6, 2009


As Saturn transits into Libra we have interesting examples of the shifting influence as it ingresses into another sign… the continuing back and forth struggle of the healthcare bill. This past Halloween (humm… what kind of omen is that?) Saturn transited over the cusp of Virgo into the sign of Libra.

Saturn entered the sign of Virgo in September 2007. For the past two years… during the election campaigns and thru the first year of a Democratic President and majority in the Senate and House… healthcare reform has been one of the big three issues and struggles… war, economy, and healthcare. Follow the keywords… Saturn = reform, Healthcare = Virgo, Compassionate movements for the welfare and rights of others = Pisces

Saturn has an orbit cycle of approximately 30 years (29.6)… with a half cycle of 15 (14.8) years. It takes approximately 2 years for Saturn to transit through a sign. Thus, when Saturn transits through Pisces… and then 15 years later through Virgo… healthcare and human welfare and rights issues become prominent for a couple of years… let’s follow past transits and some of the history…

Saturn’s transits through Pisces and Virgo;

Jun 1949 - Sept 1951 Virgo: President Harry Truman pushed for national healthcare and civil rights issues in his “Fair Deal” proposals, which failed to pass.

Mar 1964 - Mar 1967 Pisces: President Lyndon Johnson finally got Medicare and civil rights bills passed.

Nov 1977 - Sept 1980 Virgo: President Jimmy Carter’s healthcare reform efforts fail.

May 1993 – Apr 1996 Pisces: President Bill Clinton’s healthcare reform attempt fails.

Sep 2007 – Oct 2009 Virgo: President Barack Obama… ???

Will meaningful and effective healthcare reform come about? Saturn retrogrades back into Virgo from April 2010 until going back into Libra in July 0f 2010… Ergo, it will appear to fail for awhile and then come back in April 2010 as an issue… for once last chance to get an effective Bill passed or to amend and re-do whatever is passed during this tricky mixed energy cusp transit.

…if not, then maybe 15 more years of the… ‘same ole, same ole…’

This time around war and economic issues may cause real reform to flounder once more… or something of a mess may be passed… only to be another reform issue in 2023-25.

…we shall see…

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