“Iranian Opposition Protesters Hijack Government Rally”
Like I’ve said before… I don’t see Iran as that big of a threat… they’re going to have their hands full with their own civil war.
“British MP calls for Afghanistan withdrawal as five UK soldiers are killed”
Local law enforcement have successfully detained would be terrorists… while large armies still flounder in the field…
“Howells argued for a phased pullout of British forces from Helmand and said that money would be better spent on expanding overseas intelligence operations and securing Britain from terrorist attack at home.”
…maybe things will lighten up for awhile,
“Two wild and crazy guys go to the Oscars”
…we do need some laughs …this might be fun to watch …and of course I’ll do some charts and try to predict the winners, just for the fun of it.
…another entertainer could enter politics,
“On Monday night’s show, Colbert announced that the Colbert Nation will be sponsoring the US Speedskating team in the 2010’s Vancouver Winter Olympics.”
…and people are noticing effective and innovative leadership,
"This sponsorship shows breathtaking brilliance on Stephen's part, so much so that I now regard him as Presidential timber and will seriously consider voting for him in 2012," Dick Ebersol, chairman of NBC Universal Sports and Olympics, told The TV Column in a statement.”

President Colbert?
We’ve had an actor, Ronald Reagan as a President… actors as State Governors, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie Ventura… and mayors, Clint Eastwood… and now Al Frankel as a U.S. Senator… so, yeah…why not a comedian for president?
…and again, a movie has already predicted it with Robins Williams’ brilliant performance in ‘Man of the Hour’… which, just like the movie… would probably lead to another computer scandal…
“Intel charged with antitrust - NY attorney general”
…be it monarchy, communist or capitalist …bribes and kickbacks basically run everything.
Are you ready for the remake of “V” to air soon? …a remake of the 1982 Sci-fi series about the ‘Lizard’ aliens that look human taking over the world? This is the main theme of conspiracy advocate David Icke… and the best way to discredit something is to make a movie about it… thus people confuse fact and fiction… and then forget about it.
Remember Olive Stone’s movie JFK? One fact… the pristine unscratched ‘magic bullet’ that went through President Kennedy, through the car seat, and then through Governor Donnelly… and then lands in the floor of the car to be recovered later… Anyone who has served in the military… or even fired guns on a range into sandbags knows that when a bullet strikes anything… be it a sandbag or human…it distorts. If one fact is covered up… how many others are… and why?
I’m beginning to be convinced that all of life is one big hologram like MOVIE illusion in the mind… and your natal horoscope is the ‘script’ for the part that you’ll play in this MOVIE… which is multi-dimensional and all a ‘free will choice improvisation’…
…if I get fired or laid off …and have the free time …I may start another blog in the future… ‘Cosmosism’ …a ‘new time’ philosophy/religion/world view… what the hey, why not another ‘ism’… things can’t get much worse… or can they?
…we shall see…
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