Since my November 1st Predictions post, there has been mad gunmen, suicide bombers, foul weather, financial fraud, etc., reported in the news media everyday… except for the ongoing stock market madness and the Chicago Bears blowing it… all the predicted depressing stuff has happened in the first week …enough!
I want to write about a much happier storm today… and an inspirational one. The legendary pin-up model, actress, and stripper… the legendary, Tempest Storm.
She was hot in the 1950’s… some of us juvenile delinquents would steal magazines with her photos from newsstands …she was an ‘inspiration’ to millions of us adolescents of the sexually repressed 1950’s era.
…and today she is still performing in Las Vegas as a stripper! …at the age of 80! …The Grande Dame of Burlesque… and as hot as ever… and again living proof that ‘age is just another number.’
She was born, Annie Blanche Banks, in Eastman, GA, February 29, 1928. No birth time… but a Noon style chart reveals the key aspects… a Venus/Mars conjunction in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) which then is beneficially in sextile to a Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Aries (ruled by Mars) Mutual reception between Mars and Uranus… Aries = Mars rules and deposits Uranus. Aquarius = Uranus rules and deposits Mars.
My theory… a ‘double sextile’ equals a trine… and again beneficial… and as always, trines and sextiles can be very ‘lucky’… but one has to make the efforts to use them, otherwise their potentials are wasted. She used this positive energy by simply working hard on her dance routines, showing up for auditions, photo shoots, and performing wherever the opportunity opened up and her agents booked her…
The Conjuncts themselves also define the nature of the ‘fame and fortune’… Venus at 8 degrees of Aquarius conjuncts Mars at 1 degree by a 7 degree orb. The famous 1950’s era astrologer Grant Lewi, defined the Venus/Mars conjunct aspect in a natal chart as the “It” aspect… the one’s who have ‘it’ are hot… and they often become sex icons in our entertainment culture.
The other conjunction, Uranus at 2 degrees and Jupiter at 7 degrees of Aries is the ‘shocking in your face’ Uranus… combined with Jupiter (a lot of flash)… and again in your face energy… and this is confirmed by her nickname in the 1950’s… “The Girl with the fabulous front”
…and then both of these conjunct power packages are further strengthened by the beneficial sextile and mutual reception… She has her share of squares and oppositions and has had her problems just like the rest of us… and is a marvelous example of how a remarkable person made the most out their natural talents… and by choosing to do what they enjoy… has lived a full and incredible life… She even dated JFK and Elvis.
…another interesting mutual reception …her Sun (essence) is in Neptune (glamour, entertainment) ruled Pisces …and her Neptune (entertainment) is in the ‘exhibitionist’ sign of Leo ruled by the Sun… ergo, again the mutual reception theme… for a third time… thus a very strong inclination to perform and entertain.
…and she is still doing it! Just Google her name… there are many delightful articles about her and videos of her current and past performances available online… check her out her history just for the fun of it.
Sources; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempest_Storm

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