The on going details can be found at;
The mundane event chart for November 5, 2009, 1330 hrs, Ft. Hood, Texas has transiting Moon in exact square to Uranus, an erratic emotional ‘flipping out’ type of influence… transiting Mars (violence) in the 6th House (rules armies, navies)… and the Moon in the 4th …rules home, family… home base for two divisions and 65,000 personnel and families.
Most unfortunately… though the suspect is of Palestinian descent, he is a native born citizen born in Virginia… a Muslim… and an obviously deranged… psychiatrist? …all this will simply add fuel to the already paranoid, religious hatred, prejudiced fires of anger and violence… FOX News will have a field day with this for weeks… as the orbit of Mars is gets closer to the orbit of the Earth… and this close proximity will go on for about a year. Anger will be an issue we all have to deal with for awhile.
…and the daily propaganda will do just that… make you angry… One day you’re hearing that the economic recovery is underway… the DJIA is back at 10,000… everything is just peaches… and then you read,
“Jobless Rate Hits 10.2%”
…now we’re into the double digets …and why? The corruption rolls on,
"14 charged with insider trading"
Others can play with the DJIA yo-yo... me, I'm out of it... I'll keep my spare cash in my online bookie account... markets crash... and banks go belly up every Friday... but my bookie is always flush... and will mail me a check any time.
...and despite our folly ...Gaia, Mother Earth has her way of gradually fixing things... re-modeling, re-decorating, making new oceans, continents, mountains, etc.
"Giant Crack in Africa Will Create a New Ocean"
The dear readers who follow my rambling astrological pontifications may recall past posts in which I have alluded to much bigger forces like Mother Earth responding to these stressful transits with Teutonic plate shifting... which can cause one some inconvenience... depending on where you live and which parts of the Earth move...

…as our egos …national, political, religious debates, wars …and various other forms of madness rages on… Mother Earth may have other plans… and the impoverished Ethiopians may be the new owners of very valuable beach property… and here come the real estate developers… buying up large tracks of the desert… then casinos, night clubs, marinas… banks… malls… IPO stocks will be issued…
…check you kits… it’s getting whacky again…
…1030 AM …now 10:38 AM
…it’s happening all over …faster than I can write and post about it,
“Gunman on loose at Orlando high-rise”
…enough! …I’m not going anywhere today.
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