A very challenging and potentially violent “Grand Cross”… formed by two oppositions… Mars (energy, often violent in these aspects) at 25 degrees of Gemini squares Uranus (sudden and explosive, munitions, electrical, aircraft) at 25 degrees of Pisces… and it opposes Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn… Mars then squares Saturn (harsh, cruel) and Mercury (communication, travel, vehicles) at 21 and 24 degrees of Virgo.
All together, two oppositions, and four squares… that involves the potentially violent mix of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto! As we have seen in past posts, any square or conjunct involving any of two of these four can result in explosive violence… and all four are involved in the most difficult formation of all… a Grand Cross.
There is also a ‘Yod’ formation… or the ‘Finger of God’… a very strong destiny influence… formed by Venus sextile Mercury… and these two are then both Inconjunct Jupiter, that also is within a tight orb to Chiron, Neptune, and the bottom of the chart, the Ilium Coli or IC… which rule the final outcome in Horary astrology… and we’ve seen the nastiness that harsh aspects to Neptune can bring...
A few keywords from Rex E. Bills’, THE RULERSHIP BOOK;
Mars – “Aggressors, armed forces, attacks, bombers, casualties, conflict, crimes of violence, destruction, enemies (pubic or open), fire, invaders, maliciousness, military, munitions, murder, plagues, treason, uproars…” war and violence in general…
Saturn – ambitious persons, arrests, barbarians, brutality, cruelty, difficulties, endings… harbors for ships…
Uranus – “accidents, automobiles, bombers, suicide…” there it is right there… cars bombs, suicide bombers…
Pluto – “assassinations, atomic and hydrogen bombs… death…” no need to read further through the alphabet on this one…
… and now Neptune …in a triple conjunct with Chiron (wounding/healing)… and Jupiter (a lot of whatever it conjuncts with)… and all three are at the focal point of the “Yod” at the IC! …the destiny …and end of the matter! …but end of what, where, when, how, and why?
It doesn’t take a great psychic or astrologer to predict that there will be violence in Afghanistan on their election day tomorrow (tonight for us)… the Taliban have announced that they intend to disrupt the election with violence… and there have been bombings almost daily… and they will probably continue…
…but… I suspect other things as well… The allegedly ‘captured by pirates’ ship with a cargo of lumber… that the Russians found, boarded, arrested eight, and liberated the crew… many strange details (Neptune, sea, ships, etc)… read the story…
…some interesting quotes,
…“No ship has been hijacked in the Baltic Sea in several centuries, according to Swedish officials, and some security and maritime analysts said the sophistication of the operation pointed to state involvement and secret cargo, possibly nuclear material…”
…”Finnish officials have confirmed that firefighters took the unusual step of conducting radiation tests on the Arctic Sea before it left Pietarsaari, in western Finland, in late July. The results were negative.”
…”Mikhail Voitenko, a maritime security consultant and journalist who has been helping relatives of the crew members, said that the official version was full of holes and that the crime was beyond the means of ordinary pirates. Only "commandos" could pull off a hijacking in one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, within cellphone range, he argued, adding, "The operation cost more than the cargo and ship combined."
…very possible scandal (Neptune) …smuggling Plutonium (Pluto) …Pirates (Neptune, Pluto) in the North Atlantic? …captured without a shot …no hostages killed …all very secretive and mysterious… and with Neptune involved we may never know the whole truth of it…
…there are thousands of ways these keywords can be strung together …and with the planets involved …with the aspects that they’re making …I don’t think it will be good.
Who knows how far the violence will go between now and the 26th …when Mars and Pluto oppose each other at the Cardinal points of 0 degrees Cancer and 0 degrees Capricorn.
…check you kits …and be ready to duck for cover.
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