If there must be a launch… midnight tonight is a better chart than the past two scrubbed missions… The harsh ‘T-Bars’ are still there but tonight at midnight… the Jupiter (lucky, good fortune) conjunct Neptune (voyages) is at the Mid Heaven… very fortuitous… and nearby is the ‘Parte of Fortune’ (the circle with the cross in it) is in the 9th House (rules long journeys)…
The Sun at 5 degrees of Virgo trines Pluto and sextiles Mars… hopefully making positive use of the tremendous power of the rockets (Mars/Uranus/Pluto)… and the Sun is in the 4th House which rules the final outcome of the event… and here it reads well for a risky but successful mission… which is what makes astronauts heroes… meeting the challenges… leaks, ‘T-Bars’, shredding foam panels, stopped up toilets, whatever… and succeeding anyway despite the problems.
…and the football games? It’s going to be interesting… In the past couple of games I said these ‘T-bars’ can flip the game either way…
…and the ones that I’m picking lately… have played just that way! I didn’t post a prediction for last night’s game… because I honestly wasn’t sure… a real coin flipper… so… I followed an intuitive hunch and put a fiver on the favorite and the short odds… the Philadelphia Eagles… vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars…
…and the Eagles won it …33 to 32, by kicking a field goal with 19 seconds left in the game! …I can’t count it my public predictions average because I didn’t post it …and I’ll readily admit …that one was just dumb luck.
Tonight… the charts are equally as crazy… so… don’t bet the farm on this prognostication… I’m going with a $5 win parley on the favorites and short money again… with the Arizona Cardinals and the Boston Patriots over the Green Bay Packers the Buffalo Bills…
…we shall see…
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews/idUSTRE57I5MU20090828
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