Monday, August 24, 2009


Hurricane Bill blows by US… while other parts of the world get battered by severe storms, fires, and floods… check out the photos link…

We were lucky, and Hurricane Bill blew by… I don’t mind being wrong on that one… other parts of the world haven’t been so lucky during these tense transits… check out the link to photos of storms, fires, and floods world wide the past couple of days…

…raging wildfires in Athens, Greece, August 22nd… a tornado rips Williamsville, Illinois, Aug 20th… parts of Manila, Philippines flooded by Monsoon rains Aug 22nd… Laomi, Illinois struck by tornado Aug 20th…

…and with this on going squared up tension… murders and suicides will occur… and make the news…

“Suspect in U.S. model murder found dead in Canada”

At least we can thank Ryan for sparring us another… paid for by the taxpayers… months on end ‘trial of the century’…and the daily legal analysis by the media circus…

Truly a tragic event… yet what bothers me is… in all these past few days of searching for him… all the establishment media can provide is a mug shot… and the title of ‘Reality Show’ Star?!?!... but no DOB, which is a basic form of identification… Yes, I know that’s an astrologer’s bias…

There are better Horary astrologers than me, like Alphee Lavoie, of Dell Horoscope Magazine, who probably could have found his general location had the date of birth been published… there’s no excuse… the name, case number, and DOB are under most police mugs shots… it’s standard identification… and it was once standard journalism to report it.

I’ve done Jasmine Florie’s Noon style chart (no time of birth yet) and found that at 12:05 PM August 15th, San Diego, CA… transiting Mars was at 23 of Gemini opposed to her natal Neptune at 24 degrees of Sagittarius… and both squared by Uranus at 25 degrees Pisces… the same sort of nasty ‘T-Bar’ that’s been influencing the general violence all this past month.

There were a few thousand people born within the same time frame as Jasmine that day… and of course they did not all end up murdered this past August 15th …unless they were involved with someone with potentially dangerous natal aspects like Mars to Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto… Ryan Jinken’s DOB will eventually show up… and we’ll look at the combined compatibility charts.

An example of a dangerous natal aspect… Cho Sueing-Hui, the student who shot and killed 32 other students at Virginia Tech, on April 16th 2007, had an exact conjunct of natal Mars at 3 degrees and Pluto at 2 degrees of Scorpio… I suspect we shall find a similar aspect in Ryan Jinken’s natal chart when we have a DOB to work with…

…we shall see…

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