Let’s look at another public duo… currently spewing a lot of hateful angry rethoric and getting the fringe elements of our society in a lather lately… both individuals are born just one day apart…
In my 30 some years of involvement with astrology I have observed the behavior of many devious con artists and hate mongers… who hide behind a false front of morality and patriotism and use it to manipulate their way through life…
They will cry outrage… and sometimes actual tears in public… and play the persecuted ‘martyr’ part …whenever their twisted views are challenged by more rational people.
…and in their natal charts I often find a twisted squared up bundle of energy involving the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune… In these two natal charts the Sun is at 22, Mars at 23, and Saturn at 25 degrees of Aquarius which is a tight, and often negative, triple conjunct that is square, within a 4 degree orb, to Neptune at 18 degrees of Scorpio.
In charts of these two people the triple conjunct square to Neptune is considered a ‘heavy affliction.’ Let’s go to the standard basic reference book, THE ASTROLOGER’S HANDBOOK, by Sakoian & Acker, that I often quote from… page 372, the last sentence of the second paragraph,
“Mars Square Neptune… Heavily afflicted horoscopes may even reveal treachery, deceit, and dishonesty.”
Now let’s look at another scary one, Saturn square Neptune… again from the same book, pages 378-379, from the last two paragraphs,
“…In some cases they are cunning and use devious methods to achieve their ambitions. Or they attract secret enemies and become involved in scandal and intrigue. Their friends can be unresponsive or unsympathetic, or vice versa.
The natives’ religious beliefs may be peculiar-dogmatic, rigid, or oppressive in some way. Very often they have martyr complexes and seek sympathy through suffering. Since this stance is usually unappealing, others will shun them and they will feel even more lonely and self-pitying. This vicious circle can ultimately lead to severe neuroses and even psychoses.”
….now the other sticky part of this four planet square …from page 354,
“Sun Square Neptune – This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence. If the natives are mystically inclined, they often consider themselves the chosen vessels of some Master or Divine Being. This belief is often the result of an unconscious desire for importance.”
…and they often claim that they and “God” have a plan… for the rest of us… and of course it’s for our own good…
…and who would listen to them?!?! …maybe 1500 or so souls were born every hour during that week or so… with the transiting aspects of February 1964… maybe a quarter of a million… add those in the population with a similar alignment through out the Viet Nam War era… and those are the listeners… probably a few million…
All those born from 1963 thru 1969 have Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo… the astrologers Dereck and Julia Parker, in their book, THE COMPLETE ASTROLOGER, published in 1971, defined the Uranus/Pluto conjunct thus,
“A strong positive and negative potential gives children born during the 1963-1969 period the power to rid the world of much evil, and create a dynamic, humanitarian and well organized society. Equally, they have the negative power to blow everything and everyone to pieces. Let us hope the influence will be positive.”
In that one definition, we see much of the world’s current problems… as these children come of age… 40 to 46… and as a group… they’re currently going through ‘mass mid-life crisis’
Now let’s look at the two currently active ‘inspired’ speaker/leaders… born just one day apart… with almost identical charts… both with a triple Sun, Mars, Saturn conjunct… that is square to Neptune… Sarah Palin born February 11, 1964 - Glenn Beck, February 10, 1964.

Click chart for detail view

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