“Suicide Blast Kills at Least Seven, Injures Dozens in Kabul”
“Ana, first tropical storm of the season, could hit South Florida Thursday”
“Parched parts of California scorched by wildfires”
“Ransom demand for missing ship”
“Colonial becomes the biggest bank failure of 2009”
…all in one day… like a Déjà vu… or a collage of headline clippings representing the past year and the year to come… as the same major transits of last year repeat…
This year it is the harsh aspect of Mars opposition to Pluto (exact the 26th of this month)… last year it was the conjunct (Dec 28, 08’) and square (Apr 26, 09’) between the two… The senseless violence, wars, and careless crashes all fall into the influence of this transit
The opposition between transiting Saturn and Uranus is repeating (exact the 15th of Sep. 09’)… these are the financial upheavals… the shocking break up of the corrupt financial systems world wide
…and the conjunct of Jupiter to Neptune is, by 8 degree orb allowance, still on going… epidemics, scandal, storms, piracy…
more political lunacy… more Sarah Palin… hysteria, and dis-information… propaganda… illusion, drugs… assassins…
…with a big 7+ earthquake here and there.
The alarming part is …the intensity and frequency of these events seems to be increasing… as if malicious and clandestine forces are taking advantage of these tensions… and even intentionally using them to further their global aims of domination and control…
And/or… for making more money… with corruption, bribes, kickbacks… and then lucrative contracts to repair all the damage from their orchestrated wars… or maybe they skip out on paying the insurance claim with an ‘act of God’ clause… or denying health benefits because of prior conditions… or manipulating the stock and housing markets…
All done in such a way as to give them even more profit… from your money… that they then loan back to you at what was once considered loan shark rates… and then they buy the politicians to pass laws that protect them… from us…
Who are they? …the 1% of the population that holds 50% of the nations money …and so far they have caught and prosecuted one
…Bernie Madoff.
Our legends reflect the times… the ‘forces of darkness’…are at it again …the ‘Joker’ always comes back to rob and terrorize ‘Gotham City’ and hassle the ‘Batman’…just for the greed… and the maniacal evil of it!
...now just for the fun of it ...some art
Source: Mason's Comic Collection - BATMAN #186
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