“Former Bush aide says politics colored US 'terror alert'”
…confirming the manipulative propaganda that many rational people have suspected and known about all along…
…and with photos to prove it… yes, the various governments use mercenaries…,8599,1917759,00.html
“Blackwater Hit Squads: What Was the CIA Thinking?”

Photo: Gervasio Sanchez / AP
These on going stressful aspects further activate the continuing Jupiter Neptune transiting conjunct… now both in retrograde motion… thus, things are revealed (‘re’-trograde = ‘re’-veal)… a lot (Jupiter) of previously secret material (Neptune, Pluto) is being scandalously exposed (Neptune)…
…and more scandal and treachery in the entertainment environs…

Photo: Ryan Jenkins and Jasmine Fiore. Credits; Associated Press
If he has harsh aspects of Mars or Sun to Pluto… he probably is the murderer… no DOB’s available yet… but I’ll be watching… this will an interesting research chart… indeed…
…and as I theorized in my post about Michael Jackson this past July 28th
‘….From malpractice… by many physicians over the years through over medication… his body simply reached its saturation point and the accumulated toxins and the stress of the rehearsals caused heart failure… If he had not over dosed on some drug or other… the planned tour would have probably killed him anyway.
…so… perhaps malpractice/manslaughter… but I don’t see premeditation in the chart transits…’
“Police will charge Michael Jackson’s doctor with manslaughter within 2 weeks”

…it’s all in the charts… it’s just a matter of knowing where to look and how to read the symbols… after following this science for over 30 years now… it’s still an unending fascinating daily revelation… in the mechanics of our Creator’s marvelous cosmic machine!
…on to more fun things …let’s see what this powerful ‘Grand Cross’ unleashes in harmless football games …which is …by our participation as spectators… and bettors …a vicarious expression and therapeutic release of these violent energies… for us all…
With crossed up energies like these… it’s anybody’s game today… but I got a fiver that says the visiting Minnesota Vikings will have the edge over the Kansa City Chiefs…
…we shall see…
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