“Massive wave of jellyfish to attack Japan”
…another odd bit …at my first glance of the headline I thought they were going to do a retro camp remake of the Japanese Godzilla style movies of the 1950’s… But no… it’s for real… the Nomura’s jellyfish gets up to 2 meters across and weighs up to 200kg… things are really getting out of hand …now we have terrorist Jellyfish threatening Japan!
…astrologically …jellyfish - are ruled by Neptune …now conjunct Jupiter (big and a lot) …attacking - Mars opposition Pluto and square Uranus… these are strange and stressful times, indeed…
SCARY MONEY BOMB…‘Tick…tick…tic…
“Estimate for 10-Year Deficit Raised to $9 Trillion”
I don’t have enough numbers on my calculator to divide that by the population of 300 million… and like any and all ‘Ponzi’ schemes… it has to eventually crumble and fall. The early players of the pyramid game like AIG, GM, and all the other privileged alphabet corporations and bank executives get all the money… and the rest of us players lose…
We can attribute the ‘relief euphoria’ of late… to the on going over optimistic influences of the Jupiter conjunct Neptune transits that are now separating… and here comes the reality shaker and breaker… the up coming (Sep 15th) opposition of Saturn and Uranus which coincided with the market slides of 2008… and in September-October the markets may test the bottom again… or make a new one…
…and nature …oblivious to our petty woes continues with its storms,
“Tropical Storm Danny forms in the Atlantic”
…and a bit closer to home for me …in an area where I once lived,
“Wildfire continues to burn in Angeles National Forest”
…and the usual daily bombing,
“Second blast strikes Kandahar”
The Middle East remains a nuclear power keg… and everybody around it is playing with matches… if they blow themselves up… life will go on… as it has for millions of years now… but in what forms? …these will be interesting times, indeed…
…things are happening faster than I can write about them… You, dear reader… might be unknowingly carrying a small bomb,
“'Exploding' iPhones investigated”
…ah, yes... the marvels of technology… someday you may answer your cell phone and blow your head off… and if you’re one of those idiots who talk and text while driving… it could be a really messy traffic jam…
…an interesting expression of the energies… cell phones ruled by Uranus… square Mars = explosion… a textbook definition of the aspect.
…crazy days …do be careful, dear reader…
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