Source: NASA TV
It often amazes me the synchronicity of it all… the NASA scientists picked the perfect hour of the ‘lucky’ window of time and space, as we observed in last night’s post and chart… and the Shuttle ship Discovery had another successful launch amidst the on going madness of the current Grand Square influence…
I am not saying that NASA has a ‘secret’ astrologer on the payroll… it just amazes me how the two sciences often do agree… and at the precise same moments! Their science said it was a ‘go’ and so did mundane astrology… and both sciences were right! …a successful launch!… Good Luck!... and Godspeed Discovery!
…the rest of the planet is still being battered about in the Grand Cross of Moon, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Pluto… and going through a rough period of hot fire, violence, and severe weather… right to the end of the month as predicted in the post of July 31st…
“Jimena Strengthens to Hurricane South of Mexico”
“New Myanmar clashes leave 1 dead, dozens injured”
“Remote Attacks Adds to Iraqi Concern”
…and possible new trouble brewing,
“Israel has Iran in its sights”
…and still burning in my area,
“Calif. Firefighters wage fierce wildfire battles”
…like I said the games went both ways… and I only got half of it Patriots – 27, Redskins – 24… and the energy flipped the other way and the Packers took advantage of it winning 44 -37 over the Cardinals… oh, well… it was an energetic game, indeed…
…today there is a definite possible underdog upset if the Buffalo Bills will just stay focused… they can beat the Pittsburgh Steelers… and just for the fun of it… I’ll put down a fiver on that possibility… $5 to Win on Buffalo…
…we shall see…
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