Most of the August forecast has come to pass… and them some… it could have been worse… but it was bad enough… all smoky and ashy where I live… but no danger where I’m at in Long Beach by the river and the harbor… it’s still rather depressing…
…and some people by free will choice …have used these energies of ‘change’ in peaceful and constructive ways… and we see a peaceful revolution for a change?…
“Japan victor hails ‘revolution’ ”
Japanese Democratic voters have finally broken free of 50 years of the conservative party rule that has failed to stimulate their faltering economy… I hope they have better luck with their Democrats than we’ve had with ours thus far…
In my opinion… our Democrats have turned into the ‘same ole’ Republican deal makers with ‘corporate interests’… and the old Republicans have turned in a rudderless ship of fools drifting in the ‘horse latitudes’ …with Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck trying to fill the sails with hot air.
…and …more world wide government fraud scandal,
“Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Indicted”
…What is Dick Chaney nervous about?
“Chaney says cooperation with CIA probe, “will depend”
On what?… maybe a plea bargain? Drop the charges down from torture and war crimes… to aggravated assault and battery? …with a suspended sentence… probation… and mandatory anger management counseling?
…and the daily bombing,
“Attack on Pakistan police center kills eighteen officers.”
…and now it gets stormy on my side of the planet,
“Hurricane Jimena Approaching Baja California”
…and closer to me still,
“Los Angeles Forest Fires Threaten Foothills”
…the games? …just research for now …the Grand Cross is simply to volatile to accurately predict which way these explosive transits will go… we’ll start up again with regular season play next week.
…later for now …as I work on what’s coming down the pike in September…
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
As we have seen the past couple months… the current ongoing Jupiter conjunct with Neptune… expands and reveals more fraud, scandal, drug, and other bizarre crimes…
I’ve been getting many inquiries about the most recent sensational news crimes of the murder of the model Jasmine Fiore by her ex-husband Ryan Jinkens… and now the latest bizarre kidnapping of 11 year old Jaycee Dugard, and the holding her captive and abusing her for the past 18 years… by Phillip Garrido.
I’ve done both of these charts now… and I’m still searching for accurate times and location… but nonetheless, simple Noon style charts reveal the basic aspects that both individuals failed to deal with… I will only discuss this one aspect in their respective charts until I complete further research… which will be posted in the future Sex Astrology Blog that I plan to launch in early October.
Ryan Jenkins had Venus in opposition to Pluto… This is an aspect that can be a very negative obsessive compulsion of separating… and yet trying to pull it all together… trying so hard to ‘make it happen’ they often create resistance from others… which then drives them to try even harder… ‘But I love you!’… is the often manipulative plea… and again that pushes away the one they desire…
Sometimes, in a way that only they can understand, they relish the suffering… extremes can be S&M games… and if it is with consenting adult partners of similar inclination and observers of ‘safe play’… then it can be a harmless and very therapeutic release… and for them, mutually pleasurable… and not a crime.
…extreme possessiveness, and outbursts of jealous rage are often found with this aspect. The fragments of information that have been reported indicate witnesses of such behavior by Ryan Jinkens toward Jasime during and after their marriage/divorce/ reconciliation…
Phillip Garrido has an exact square between Venus and Pluto. The dark side of this aspect is similar with more emphasis on ‘control’… manipulative, mentally and/or emotionally, and at its extreme… outright bondage and captivity… which is exactly what happened.
It doesn’t have to be that way… it is a matter of free will choice. Mahatma Gandhi had both Mars and Venus in opposition to Pluto and he chooses to use the power of the aspect to lead his people… India… out from 200 years of Colonial English bondage.
Irving Klaw was a popular bondage genre and pinup photographer of the 1940-50s era who made Bettie Page famous as a pin up and bondage photography model… He had Venus square Pluto… one may not hold his work in favor… but one must admit it was a fairly harmless release of the energy… and he did pay the consenting models and was a professional photographer who treated them with respect.
The charts of Ryan and Phillip are quite disturbing… there is still a lot to research to do on these two yet… but so far just these two aspects tell the basic tragedy…
…and the games… tragedy!… the Bills must not have read my post last night? …the planets were there ...where were they? …for that matter, where’s my head at?! …making bets during a ‘Grand Cross’?! Steelers 17 …Bills 0 …pooh, I lost…
oh, well… it’s preseason and they’re all trying new plays… different team line ups, defense styles, etc… mundane astrologers do the same thing … I try some of Lilly’s theories… a little Vedic… maybe some Declination numbers… just getting the ‘play book’ together…
…sounds good, huh… the truth… I was wrong… but maybe it was a bad aspect from the planet Bogus?...
[astrology joke by Robert Hand, “…maybe it was a bad aspect from Bogus…” …and the client replies, “I’ve never heard of the planet Bogus.” …Robert deadpans, “It is a hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet that rules everything that astrologers can not explain…”]
I’ve been getting many inquiries about the most recent sensational news crimes of the murder of the model Jasmine Fiore by her ex-husband Ryan Jinkens… and now the latest bizarre kidnapping of 11 year old Jaycee Dugard, and the holding her captive and abusing her for the past 18 years… by Phillip Garrido.
I’ve done both of these charts now… and I’m still searching for accurate times and location… but nonetheless, simple Noon style charts reveal the basic aspects that both individuals failed to deal with… I will only discuss this one aspect in their respective charts until I complete further research… which will be posted in the future Sex Astrology Blog that I plan to launch in early October.
Ryan Jenkins had Venus in opposition to Pluto… This is an aspect that can be a very negative obsessive compulsion of separating… and yet trying to pull it all together… trying so hard to ‘make it happen’ they often create resistance from others… which then drives them to try even harder… ‘But I love you!’… is the often manipulative plea… and again that pushes away the one they desire…
Sometimes, in a way that only they can understand, they relish the suffering… extremes can be S&M games… and if it is with consenting adult partners of similar inclination and observers of ‘safe play’… then it can be a harmless and very therapeutic release… and for them, mutually pleasurable… and not a crime.
…extreme possessiveness, and outbursts of jealous rage are often found with this aspect. The fragments of information that have been reported indicate witnesses of such behavior by Ryan Jinkens toward Jasime during and after their marriage/divorce/ reconciliation…
Phillip Garrido has an exact square between Venus and Pluto. The dark side of this aspect is similar with more emphasis on ‘control’… manipulative, mentally and/or emotionally, and at its extreme… outright bondage and captivity… which is exactly what happened.
It doesn’t have to be that way… it is a matter of free will choice. Mahatma Gandhi had both Mars and Venus in opposition to Pluto and he chooses to use the power of the aspect to lead his people… India… out from 200 years of Colonial English bondage.
Irving Klaw was a popular bondage genre and pinup photographer of the 1940-50s era who made Bettie Page famous as a pin up and bondage photography model… He had Venus square Pluto… one may not hold his work in favor… but one must admit it was a fairly harmless release of the energy… and he did pay the consenting models and was a professional photographer who treated them with respect.
The charts of Ryan and Phillip are quite disturbing… there is still a lot to research to do on these two yet… but so far just these two aspects tell the basic tragedy…
…and the games… tragedy!… the Bills must not have read my post last night? …the planets were there ...where were they? …for that matter, where’s my head at?! …making bets during a ‘Grand Cross’?! Steelers 17 …Bills 0 …pooh, I lost…
oh, well… it’s preseason and they’re all trying new plays… different team line ups, defense styles, etc… mundane astrologers do the same thing … I try some of Lilly’s theories… a little Vedic… maybe some Declination numbers… just getting the ‘play book’ together…
…sounds good, huh… the truth… I was wrong… but maybe it was a bad aspect from the planet Bogus?...
[astrology joke by Robert Hand, “…maybe it was a bad aspect from Bogus…” …and the client replies, “I’ve never heard of the planet Bogus.” …Robert deadpans, “It is a hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planet that rules everything that astrologers can not explain…”]
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Source: NASA TV
It often amazes me the synchronicity of it all… the NASA scientists picked the perfect hour of the ‘lucky’ window of time and space, as we observed in last night’s post and chart… and the Shuttle ship Discovery had another successful launch amidst the on going madness of the current Grand Square influence…
I am not saying that NASA has a ‘secret’ astrologer on the payroll… it just amazes me how the two sciences often do agree… and at the precise same moments! Their science said it was a ‘go’ and so did mundane astrology… and both sciences were right! …a successful launch!… Good Luck!... and Godspeed Discovery!
…the rest of the planet is still being battered about in the Grand Cross of Moon, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Pluto… and going through a rough period of hot fire, violence, and severe weather… right to the end of the month as predicted in the post of July 31st…
“Jimena Strengthens to Hurricane South of Mexico”
“New Myanmar clashes leave 1 dead, dozens injured”
“Remote Attacks Adds to Iraqi Concern”
…and possible new trouble brewing,,0,7428703.story
“Israel has Iran in its sights”
…and still burning in my area,
“Calif. Firefighters wage fierce wildfire battles”
…like I said the games went both ways… and I only got half of it Patriots – 27, Redskins – 24… and the energy flipped the other way and the Packers took advantage of it winning 44 -37 over the Cardinals… oh, well… it was an energetic game, indeed…
…today there is a definite possible underdog upset if the Buffalo Bills will just stay focused… they can beat the Pittsburgh Steelers… and just for the fun of it… I’ll put down a fiver on that possibility… $5 to Win on Buffalo…
…we shall see…
Friday, August 28, 2009

If there must be a launch… midnight tonight is a better chart than the past two scrubbed missions… The harsh ‘T-Bars’ are still there but tonight at midnight… the Jupiter (lucky, good fortune) conjunct Neptune (voyages) is at the Mid Heaven… very fortuitous… and nearby is the ‘Parte of Fortune’ (the circle with the cross in it) is in the 9th House (rules long journeys)…
The Sun at 5 degrees of Virgo trines Pluto and sextiles Mars… hopefully making positive use of the tremendous power of the rockets (Mars/Uranus/Pluto)… and the Sun is in the 4th House which rules the final outcome of the event… and here it reads well for a risky but successful mission… which is what makes astronauts heroes… meeting the challenges… leaks, ‘T-Bars’, shredding foam panels, stopped up toilets, whatever… and succeeding anyway despite the problems.
…and the football games? It’s going to be interesting… In the past couple of games I said these ‘T-bars’ can flip the game either way…
…and the ones that I’m picking lately… have played just that way! I didn’t post a prediction for last night’s game… because I honestly wasn’t sure… a real coin flipper… so… I followed an intuitive hunch and put a fiver on the favorite and the short odds… the Philadelphia Eagles… vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars…
…and the Eagles won it …33 to 32, by kicking a field goal with 19 seconds left in the game! …I can’t count it my public predictions average because I didn’t post it …and I’ll readily admit …that one was just dumb luck.
Tonight… the charts are equally as crazy… so… don’t bet the farm on this prognostication… I’m going with a $5 win parley on the favorites and short money again… with the Arizona Cardinals and the Boston Patriots over the Green Bay Packers the Buffalo Bills…
…we shall see…
Thursday, August 27, 2009
“Japan on brink of change”
Recent voter fraud demonstrators are still being tried in Iran… Pakistan may erupt in outright civil war any time… Israel and Palestine continue in their bloody stalemate…
…as transiting Uranus approaches it’s ingress into the sign of Aries… (March 21st 2011) potential revolutions are brewing… masses of people world wide are fed up with their enslavement… physical, emotional, financial… in many different forms… by an elite minority of world wide corrupt financial and political power brokers…
Most U.S. citizens are not in favor any more war for any reason other than self defense from invasion on their home soil… and there’s a big wish for the government to take care our nation’s problems for a change…
…and let other folks fix their own family and tribal feuding …or finally wipe themselves out… It’s not openly admitted… but the silent dark side of a lot of people would like to see a total troop withdrawal… and then for a sudden ten mile deep 3000 mile wide sink hole to suddenly open up …and swallow the entire Middle East
…this nonsense has been going on since the Crusades of the middle ages! …nobody wins …ever! Get this… there is no one place of ‘promised’ or ‘Holy Land’! …the planet Gaia …Mother Earth …is a living being …your ‘Holy Land’ is whatever piece of it you’re standing on… at this moment of …here and now!
…if you respect the planet …and take care not to harm it unnecessarily …it will nurture and provide for you …hunters, gathers, herders, farmers, fishers… have gotten happily by for millions of years now… until religions and governments screw things up… So.. okay, they didn’t have SUV’s and satellite access… but they never blew their heads off with faulty cell phones either.
…dear reader, I hope my ‘rant’ has brought you a chuckle or two.
I am simply letting go… and with therapeutic writing …letting these on going stressful squared up energies of these on going transits… spill out harmlessly onto paper… or I guess… into cyberspace would be a more accurate term… it puts me in a much better mood… and hopefully entertains you…
…later, when it cools off… maybe I’ll go outside and mix up a bucket of ready-create… and cement in a few more stones and bricks to my motorcycle parking pad under the Grapefruit tree…
Any kind of getting your hands in the dirt work like digging, weeding, planting, clearing, masonry… are good therapeutic ways to harmlessly and constructively ground out these stressful energies… by conscious free will choice … plus, they’re strong energies… stay cool and work, and you can get a lot done… peacefully… and while you’re at it… try and love one another… we’re all part of the same Enchilada.
…bricks, later… for now… a bowl of strawberry ice cream and chocolate chip cookies…
…Good plan, Bubba…
“Japan on brink of change”
Recent voter fraud demonstrators are still being tried in Iran… Pakistan may erupt in outright civil war any time… Israel and Palestine continue in their bloody stalemate…
…as transiting Uranus approaches it’s ingress into the sign of Aries… (March 21st 2011) potential revolutions are brewing… masses of people world wide are fed up with their enslavement… physical, emotional, financial… in many different forms… by an elite minority of world wide corrupt financial and political power brokers…
Most U.S. citizens are not in favor any more war for any reason other than self defense from invasion on their home soil… and there’s a big wish for the government to take care our nation’s problems for a change…
…and let other folks fix their own family and tribal feuding …or finally wipe themselves out… It’s not openly admitted… but the silent dark side of a lot of people would like to see a total troop withdrawal… and then for a sudden ten mile deep 3000 mile wide sink hole to suddenly open up …and swallow the entire Middle East
…this nonsense has been going on since the Crusades of the middle ages! …nobody wins …ever! Get this… there is no one place of ‘promised’ or ‘Holy Land’! …the planet Gaia …Mother Earth …is a living being …your ‘Holy Land’ is whatever piece of it you’re standing on… at this moment of …here and now!
…if you respect the planet …and take care not to harm it unnecessarily …it will nurture and provide for you …hunters, gathers, herders, farmers, fishers… have gotten happily by for millions of years now… until religions and governments screw things up… So.. okay, they didn’t have SUV’s and satellite access… but they never blew their heads off with faulty cell phones either.
…dear reader, I hope my ‘rant’ has brought you a chuckle or two.
I am simply letting go… and with therapeutic writing …letting these on going stressful squared up energies of these on going transits… spill out harmlessly onto paper… or I guess… into cyberspace would be a more accurate term… it puts me in a much better mood… and hopefully entertains you…
…later, when it cools off… maybe I’ll go outside and mix up a bucket of ready-create… and cement in a few more stones and bricks to my motorcycle parking pad under the Grapefruit tree…
Any kind of getting your hands in the dirt work like digging, weeding, planting, clearing, masonry… are good therapeutic ways to harmlessly and constructively ground out these stressful energies… by conscious free will choice … plus, they’re strong energies… stay cool and work, and you can get a lot done… peacefully… and while you’re at it… try and love one another… we’re all part of the same Enchilada.
…bricks, later… for now… a bowl of strawberry ice cream and chocolate chip cookies…
…Good plan, Bubba…
Photo: GETTY

“Massive wave of jellyfish to attack Japan”
…another odd bit …at my first glance of the headline I thought they were going to do a retro camp remake of the Japanese Godzilla style movies of the 1950’s… But no… it’s for real… the Nomura’s jellyfish gets up to 2 meters across and weighs up to 200kg… things are really getting out of hand …now we have terrorist Jellyfish threatening Japan!
…astrologically …jellyfish - are ruled by Neptune …now conjunct Jupiter (big and a lot) …attacking - Mars opposition Pluto and square Uranus… these are strange and stressful times, indeed…
SCARY MONEY BOMB…‘Tick…tick…tic…
“Estimate for 10-Year Deficit Raised to $9 Trillion”
I don’t have enough numbers on my calculator to divide that by the population of 300 million… and like any and all ‘Ponzi’ schemes… it has to eventually crumble and fall. The early players of the pyramid game like AIG, GM, and all the other privileged alphabet corporations and bank executives get all the money… and the rest of us players lose…
We can attribute the ‘relief euphoria’ of late… to the on going over optimistic influences of the Jupiter conjunct Neptune transits that are now separating… and here comes the reality shaker and breaker… the up coming (Sep 15th) opposition of Saturn and Uranus which coincided with the market slides of 2008… and in September-October the markets may test the bottom again… or make a new one…
…and nature …oblivious to our petty woes continues with its storms,
“Tropical Storm Danny forms in the Atlantic”
…and a bit closer to home for me …in an area where I once lived,
“Wildfire continues to burn in Angeles National Forest”
…and the usual daily bombing,
“Second blast strikes Kandahar”
The Middle East remains a nuclear power keg… and everybody around it is playing with matches… if they blow themselves up… life will go on… as it has for millions of years now… but in what forms? …these will be interesting times, indeed…
…things are happening faster than I can write about them… You, dear reader… might be unknowingly carrying a small bomb,
“'Exploding' iPhones investigated”
…ah, yes... the marvels of technology… someday you may answer your cell phone and blow your head off… and if you’re one of those idiots who talk and text while driving… it could be a really messy traffic jam…
…an interesting expression of the energies… cell phones ruled by Uranus… square Mars = explosion… a textbook definition of the aspect.
…crazy days …do be careful, dear reader…

“Massive wave of jellyfish to attack Japan”
…another odd bit …at my first glance of the headline I thought they were going to do a retro camp remake of the Japanese Godzilla style movies of the 1950’s… But no… it’s for real… the Nomura’s jellyfish gets up to 2 meters across and weighs up to 200kg… things are really getting out of hand …now we have terrorist Jellyfish threatening Japan!
…astrologically …jellyfish - are ruled by Neptune …now conjunct Jupiter (big and a lot) …attacking - Mars opposition Pluto and square Uranus… these are strange and stressful times, indeed…
SCARY MONEY BOMB…‘Tick…tick…tic…
“Estimate for 10-Year Deficit Raised to $9 Trillion”
I don’t have enough numbers on my calculator to divide that by the population of 300 million… and like any and all ‘Ponzi’ schemes… it has to eventually crumble and fall. The early players of the pyramid game like AIG, GM, and all the other privileged alphabet corporations and bank executives get all the money… and the rest of us players lose…
We can attribute the ‘relief euphoria’ of late… to the on going over optimistic influences of the Jupiter conjunct Neptune transits that are now separating… and here comes the reality shaker and breaker… the up coming (Sep 15th) opposition of Saturn and Uranus which coincided with the market slides of 2008… and in September-October the markets may test the bottom again… or make a new one…
…and nature …oblivious to our petty woes continues with its storms,
“Tropical Storm Danny forms in the Atlantic”
…and a bit closer to home for me …in an area where I once lived,
“Wildfire continues to burn in Angeles National Forest”
…and the usual daily bombing,
“Second blast strikes Kandahar”
The Middle East remains a nuclear power keg… and everybody around it is playing with matches… if they blow themselves up… life will go on… as it has for millions of years now… but in what forms? …these will be interesting times, indeed…
…things are happening faster than I can write about them… You, dear reader… might be unknowingly carrying a small bomb,
“'Exploding' iPhones investigated”
…ah, yes... the marvels of technology… someday you may answer your cell phone and blow your head off… and if you’re one of those idiots who talk and text while driving… it could be a really messy traffic jam…
…an interesting expression of the energies… cell phones ruled by Uranus… square Mars = explosion… a textbook definition of the aspect.
…crazy days …do be careful, dear reader…
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
“Dozens killed in Afghan explosion”
one… not too bad… plane crash,
“Small plane crash-lands in N.J. mall parking lot”
…the cracking foundation of the economy? …transiting Saturn approaching exact opposition to Uranus on September 15th… and if the markets drop as predicted… this will be one of the big reasons,
“White House Sharply Increases Deficit Projection to $1.6 Trillion”
Interesting… main stream weather science and mundane astrology both agree… it’s not a good day to launch…
“Hard-to-predict weather grounds shuttle Discovery”
…and now a stuck valve in the hydrogen feedline… Trines to Uranus from the Moon and Venus to the Mid Heaven and “Part of Fortune” provided a ‘lucky break’… they found it on the ground… and not during the launch,
“Shuttle grounded by hydrogen valve glitch”
…and the storms are not over yet,
“NHC says tropical wave in Atlantic could strengthen”
Another celebrity tragedy… with the sudden passing of a very notable figure in our government and our nation’s history,
“Senator Edward Kennedy is dead.”
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Ted…
An eventful day, indeed… but not as bad as it could have been… and it’s still extremely hazardous for a few days… do be careful, dear reader…
“Dozens killed in Afghan explosion”
one… not too bad… plane crash,
“Small plane crash-lands in N.J. mall parking lot”
…the cracking foundation of the economy? …transiting Saturn approaching exact opposition to Uranus on September 15th… and if the markets drop as predicted… this will be one of the big reasons,
“White House Sharply Increases Deficit Projection to $1.6 Trillion”
Interesting… main stream weather science and mundane astrology both agree… it’s not a good day to launch…
“Hard-to-predict weather grounds shuttle Discovery”
…and now a stuck valve in the hydrogen feedline… Trines to Uranus from the Moon and Venus to the Mid Heaven and “Part of Fortune” provided a ‘lucky break’… they found it on the ground… and not during the launch,
“Shuttle grounded by hydrogen valve glitch”
…and the storms are not over yet,
“NHC says tropical wave in Atlantic could strengthen”
Another celebrity tragedy… with the sudden passing of a very notable figure in our government and our nation’s history,
“Senator Edward Kennedy is dead.”
May the peace and love of the cosmos be with you, Ted…
An eventful day, indeed… but not as bad as it could have been… and it’s still extremely hazardous for a few days… do be careful, dear reader…
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
“UPDATE 1-Bad weather delays space shuttle launch”
It’s not a good day to launch any risky endeavor… a Space Shuttle or anything else…Transiting Mars at 29 degrees of Gemini... is at the power point of the sign … and is now within 1 degree of an exact opposition to Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn…
…things are still very explosive,
“Bus Bombings South of Baghdad Kill 20”
“Arrest in blast at Hillsdale High in San Mateo”
…Baghdad …or just outside San Francisco …these Grand Cross forces are putting stressful tensions on the entire planet… harsh things can happen anywhere… just a bit more than usual during these next few days…
Wednesday is the day that I’ve warned about all month… Mars at 0 degrees of Cancer… square to Mercury at 0 degrees of Libra… to Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn and in opposition to Mars… all three points of the ‘T-Bar’ conjunct the Cardinal power points… very stressful… and the ‘Parte of Fortune’ is at 0 degrees of Aires… luck? ...good or bad?
There are harmonious trines and sextiles from the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus… generally this would be favorable… but with a “T-Bar and/or Grand Cross… they may turn negative and actually make it easier and faster to happen… whatever it is. We saw this in the historical Horary event chart for the Great London Fire of 1666, that the famous English astrologer William Lilly predicted… a few posts back.
Not all aircraft will crash on Wednesday… and Space Shuttles have survived stressful transits during many of the past launches and landed successfully… risk is always part of their game… The astronauts are sitting on top of a giant gas can… with really big hot rockets blasting away underneath them…
I’m just saying… it is an exceptionally hazardous day… be careful… check you kits and batteries…
Hopefully these energies will just bring us some really exciting football games this weekend…
…we shall see…
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hurricane Bill blows by US… while other parts of the world get battered by severe storms, fires, and floods… check out the photos link…
We were lucky, and Hurricane Bill blew by… I don’t mind being wrong on that one… other parts of the world haven’t been so lucky during these tense transits… check out the link to photos of storms, fires, and floods world wide the past couple of days…
…raging wildfires in Athens, Greece, August 22nd… a tornado rips Williamsville, Illinois, Aug 20th… parts of Manila, Philippines flooded by Monsoon rains Aug 22nd… Laomi, Illinois struck by tornado Aug 20th…
…and with this on going squared up tension… murders and suicides will occur… and make the news…
“Suspect in U.S. model murder found dead in Canada”
At least we can thank Ryan for sparring us another… paid for by the taxpayers… months on end ‘trial of the century’…and the daily legal analysis by the media circus…
Truly a tragic event… yet what bothers me is… in all these past few days of searching for him… all the establishment media can provide is a mug shot… and the title of ‘Reality Show’ Star?!?!... but no DOB, which is a basic form of identification… Yes, I know that’s an astrologer’s bias…
There are better Horary astrologers than me, like Alphee Lavoie, of Dell Horoscope Magazine, who probably could have found his general location had the date of birth been published… there’s no excuse… the name, case number, and DOB are under most police mugs shots… it’s standard identification… and it was once standard journalism to report it.
I’ve done Jasmine Florie’s Noon style chart (no time of birth yet) and found that at 12:05 PM August 15th, San Diego, CA… transiting Mars was at 23 of Gemini opposed to her natal Neptune at 24 degrees of Sagittarius… and both squared by Uranus at 25 degrees Pisces… the same sort of nasty ‘T-Bar’ that’s been influencing the general violence all this past month.
There were a few thousand people born within the same time frame as Jasmine that day… and of course they did not all end up murdered this past August 15th …unless they were involved with someone with potentially dangerous natal aspects like Mars to Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto… Ryan Jinken’s DOB will eventually show up… and we’ll look at the combined compatibility charts.
An example of a dangerous natal aspect… Cho Sueing-Hui, the student who shot and killed 32 other students at Virginia Tech, on April 16th 2007, had an exact conjunct of natal Mars at 3 degrees and Pluto at 2 degrees of Scorpio… I suspect we shall find a similar aspect in Ryan Jinken’s natal chart when we have a DOB to work with…
…we shall see…
We were lucky, and Hurricane Bill blew by… I don’t mind being wrong on that one… other parts of the world haven’t been so lucky during these tense transits… check out the link to photos of storms, fires, and floods world wide the past couple of days…
…raging wildfires in Athens, Greece, August 22nd… a tornado rips Williamsville, Illinois, Aug 20th… parts of Manila, Philippines flooded by Monsoon rains Aug 22nd… Laomi, Illinois struck by tornado Aug 20th…
…and with this on going squared up tension… murders and suicides will occur… and make the news…
“Suspect in U.S. model murder found dead in Canada”
At least we can thank Ryan for sparring us another… paid for by the taxpayers… months on end ‘trial of the century’…and the daily legal analysis by the media circus…
Truly a tragic event… yet what bothers me is… in all these past few days of searching for him… all the establishment media can provide is a mug shot… and the title of ‘Reality Show’ Star?!?!... but no DOB, which is a basic form of identification… Yes, I know that’s an astrologer’s bias…
There are better Horary astrologers than me, like Alphee Lavoie, of Dell Horoscope Magazine, who probably could have found his general location had the date of birth been published… there’s no excuse… the name, case number, and DOB are under most police mugs shots… it’s standard identification… and it was once standard journalism to report it.
I’ve done Jasmine Florie’s Noon style chart (no time of birth yet) and found that at 12:05 PM August 15th, San Diego, CA… transiting Mars was at 23 of Gemini opposed to her natal Neptune at 24 degrees of Sagittarius… and both squared by Uranus at 25 degrees Pisces… the same sort of nasty ‘T-Bar’ that’s been influencing the general violence all this past month.
There were a few thousand people born within the same time frame as Jasmine that day… and of course they did not all end up murdered this past August 15th …unless they were involved with someone with potentially dangerous natal aspects like Mars to Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto… Ryan Jinken’s DOB will eventually show up… and we’ll look at the combined compatibility charts.
An example of a dangerous natal aspect… Cho Sueing-Hui, the student who shot and killed 32 other students at Virginia Tech, on April 16th 2007, had an exact conjunct of natal Mars at 3 degrees and Pluto at 2 degrees of Scorpio… I suspect we shall find a similar aspect in Ryan Jinken’s natal chart when we have a DOB to work with…
…we shall see…
Sunday, August 23, 2009
“Hurricane Bill hits N.E. coast with a bang”
“The eye of the hurricane was about 300 miles south-southeast of Nantucket yesterday at 5 p.m. Forecasters expected it to reach within 150 miles of Nantucket last night and hit waters northeast of Maine and south of Nova Scotia by 8 this morning.”
It is well within the end of this month’s predicted range for extreme weather… the weather forecasters say that it will reach the northeast waters of Maine at 8 AM.
The mundane astrology concurs… the continuing ‘Grand Cross’ of Mercury/Saturn conjunct the Ascendant at 28 degrees of Virgo… is squared by Pluto conjunct the IC at 0 degrees of Capricorn… within 3 degree orb, opposed to Uranus at 25 degrees of Pisces… and that is all opposed and squared by Mars conjunct the Mid Heaven at 28 degrees of Gemini… all conjunct at the North, East, South, and West points of the chart… the most stressful time of the day!
…so… no big psychic astrology trick here… and even the weather scientist guys agree… there is a big hurricane… that may cause some serious damage… about five to six hours from now (post from PST)… in Maine and Nova Scotia…
Now, the experiment… let’s try to narrow it down to a five minute range… the chart that I’ve calculated for Portland, Maine at 8:25 AM EST… has the ‘Grand Cross’ conjunct the Ascendant, IC, Descendant, and the Median Coli… with the Ruler of the 28 degree Virgo Ascendant, conjunct… Mercury at 27 degrees of Virgo… a very powerful chart… unfortunately to the harsher side… that would be my astrological prediction… the worst of it hits 8:25 AM.
I would rather that me and the weather forecasters would be wrong… and Hurricane Bill fizzles out… or turns right and goes back out over the ocean… we shall see…
On the brighter side… Minnesota Vikings 17 - Kansas City Chiefs 13!
HOOYAH! …2 for 2 …now the hat trick? …with the up coming transits we might see some really interesting preseason games… like the first preseason game I bet… where a rookie grabs a fumble and runs 18 yards and scores and wins… on the last play of the game!
…interesting times… indeed…
“Hurricane Bill hits N.E. coast with a bang”
“The eye of the hurricane was about 300 miles south-southeast of Nantucket yesterday at 5 p.m. Forecasters expected it to reach within 150 miles of Nantucket last night and hit waters northeast of Maine and south of Nova Scotia by 8 this morning.”
It is well within the end of this month’s predicted range for extreme weather… the weather forecasters say that it will reach the northeast waters of Maine at 8 AM.
The mundane astrology concurs… the continuing ‘Grand Cross’ of Mercury/Saturn conjunct the Ascendant at 28 degrees of Virgo… is squared by Pluto conjunct the IC at 0 degrees of Capricorn… within 3 degree orb, opposed to Uranus at 25 degrees of Pisces… and that is all opposed and squared by Mars conjunct the Mid Heaven at 28 degrees of Gemini… all conjunct at the North, East, South, and West points of the chart… the most stressful time of the day!
…so… no big psychic astrology trick here… and even the weather scientist guys agree… there is a big hurricane… that may cause some serious damage… about five to six hours from now (post from PST)… in Maine and Nova Scotia…
Now, the experiment… let’s try to narrow it down to a five minute range… the chart that I’ve calculated for Portland, Maine at 8:25 AM EST… has the ‘Grand Cross’ conjunct the Ascendant, IC, Descendant, and the Median Coli… with the Ruler of the 28 degree Virgo Ascendant, conjunct… Mercury at 27 degrees of Virgo… a very powerful chart… unfortunately to the harsher side… that would be my astrological prediction… the worst of it hits 8:25 AM.
I would rather that me and the weather forecasters would be wrong… and Hurricane Bill fizzles out… or turns right and goes back out over the ocean… we shall see…
On the brighter side… Minnesota Vikings 17 - Kansas City Chiefs 13!
HOOYAH! …2 for 2 …now the hat trick? …with the up coming transits we might see some really interesting preseason games… like the first preseason game I bet… where a rookie grabs a fumble and runs 18 yards and scores and wins… on the last play of the game!
…interesting times… indeed…
Friday, August 21, 2009
It is time to own and admit the past mistakes… and repair our values… and not continue to make the same wrong choices… over… and over again…
“Former Bush aide says politics colored US 'terror alert'”
…confirming the manipulative propaganda that many rational people have suspected and known about all along…
…and with photos to prove it… yes, the various governments use mercenaries…,8599,1917759,00.html
“Blackwater Hit Squads: What Was the CIA Thinking?”

Photo: Gervasio Sanchez / AP
These on going stressful aspects further activate the continuing Jupiter Neptune transiting conjunct… now both in retrograde motion… thus, things are revealed (‘re’-trograde = ‘re’-veal)… a lot (Jupiter) of previously secret material (Neptune, Pluto) is being scandalously exposed (Neptune)…
…and more scandal and treachery in the entertainment environs…

Photo: Ryan Jenkins and Jasmine Fiore. Credits; Associated Press
If he has harsh aspects of Mars or Sun to Pluto… he probably is the murderer… no DOB’s available yet… but I’ll be watching… this will an interesting research chart… indeed…
…and as I theorized in my post about Michael Jackson this past July 28th
‘….From malpractice… by many physicians over the years through over medication… his body simply reached its saturation point and the accumulated toxins and the stress of the rehearsals caused heart failure… If he had not over dosed on some drug or other… the planned tour would have probably killed him anyway.
…so… perhaps malpractice/manslaughter… but I don’t see premeditation in the chart transits…’
“Police will charge Michael Jackson’s doctor with manslaughter within 2 weeks”

…it’s all in the charts… it’s just a matter of knowing where to look and how to read the symbols… after following this science for over 30 years now… it’s still an unending fascinating daily revelation… in the mechanics of our Creator’s marvelous cosmic machine!
…on to more fun things …let’s see what this powerful ‘Grand Cross’ unleashes in harmless football games …which is …by our participation as spectators… and bettors …a vicarious expression and therapeutic release of these violent energies… for us all…
With crossed up energies like these… it’s anybody’s game today… but I got a fiver that says the visiting Minnesota Vikings will have the edge over the Kansa City Chiefs…
…we shall see…
“Former Bush aide says politics colored US 'terror alert'”
…confirming the manipulative propaganda that many rational people have suspected and known about all along…
…and with photos to prove it… yes, the various governments use mercenaries…,8599,1917759,00.html
“Blackwater Hit Squads: What Was the CIA Thinking?”

Photo: Gervasio Sanchez / AP
These on going stressful aspects further activate the continuing Jupiter Neptune transiting conjunct… now both in retrograde motion… thus, things are revealed (‘re’-trograde = ‘re’-veal)… a lot (Jupiter) of previously secret material (Neptune, Pluto) is being scandalously exposed (Neptune)…
…and more scandal and treachery in the entertainment environs…

Photo: Ryan Jenkins and Jasmine Fiore. Credits; Associated Press
If he has harsh aspects of Mars or Sun to Pluto… he probably is the murderer… no DOB’s available yet… but I’ll be watching… this will an interesting research chart… indeed…
…and as I theorized in my post about Michael Jackson this past July 28th
‘….From malpractice… by many physicians over the years through over medication… his body simply reached its saturation point and the accumulated toxins and the stress of the rehearsals caused heart failure… If he had not over dosed on some drug or other… the planned tour would have probably killed him anyway.
…so… perhaps malpractice/manslaughter… but I don’t see premeditation in the chart transits…’
“Police will charge Michael Jackson’s doctor with manslaughter within 2 weeks”

…it’s all in the charts… it’s just a matter of knowing where to look and how to read the symbols… after following this science for over 30 years now… it’s still an unending fascinating daily revelation… in the mechanics of our Creator’s marvelous cosmic machine!
…on to more fun things …let’s see what this powerful ‘Grand Cross’ unleashes in harmless football games …which is …by our participation as spectators… and bettors …a vicarious expression and therapeutic release of these violent energies… for us all…
With crossed up energies like these… it’s anybody’s game today… but I got a fiver that says the visiting Minnesota Vikings will have the edge over the Kansa City Chiefs…
…we shall see…
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Photo: Tyler Hicks/NY Times
“Afghans Vote Amid Violence but Turnout Uncertain”
And there is the miracle… by free will choice… the energy in the transiting harsh squares that are currently influencing the negative and the violent… also brings out the bravest of the people to meet the challenge… these are the people who have the power to change things…
Let us all at least send them supportive energy in their efforts… by prayer, meditation, thoughts… in whatever manner that has meaning for you, wish them well…
“Afghans Vote Amid Violence but Turnout Uncertain”
And there is the miracle… by free will choice… the energy in the transiting harsh squares that are currently influencing the negative and the violent… also brings out the bravest of the people to meet the challenge… these are the people who have the power to change things…
Let us all at least send them supportive energy in their efforts… by prayer, meditation, thoughts… in whatever manner that has meaning for you, wish them well…
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
“Crews cleanup after tornado in Beaumont”
“Russia: Hijackers Threatened to Blow Up Captive Ship”,0,7330657.story
“Violence, death toll mount before Afghanistan elections”
“Bodies and disbelief as security shattered in Baghdad”
“Wednesday's truck bombs, a car bomb and several mortar attacks -- left 95 dead and more than 563 wounded, according to the interior ministry.”
“Hurricane Bill looms in Atlantic at Category 4”
“Afghan media blackout plunges election day into confusion and fear”
…with yet more to come …stay alert.
“Crews cleanup after tornado in Beaumont”
“Russia: Hijackers Threatened to Blow Up Captive Ship”,0,7330657.story
“Violence, death toll mount before Afghanistan elections”
“Bodies and disbelief as security shattered in Baghdad”
“Wednesday's truck bombs, a car bomb and several mortar attacks -- left 95 dead and more than 563 wounded, according to the interior ministry.”
“Hurricane Bill looms in Atlantic at Category 4”
“Afghan media blackout plunges election day into confusion and fear”
…with yet more to come …stay alert.
A very challenging and potentially violent “Grand Cross”… formed by two oppositions… Mars (energy, often violent in these aspects) at 25 degrees of Gemini squares Uranus (sudden and explosive, munitions, electrical, aircraft) at 25 degrees of Pisces… and it opposes Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn… Mars then squares Saturn (harsh, cruel) and Mercury (communication, travel, vehicles) at 21 and 24 degrees of Virgo.
All together, two oppositions, and four squares… that involves the potentially violent mix of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto! As we have seen in past posts, any square or conjunct involving any of two of these four can result in explosive violence… and all four are involved in the most difficult formation of all… a Grand Cross.
There is also a ‘Yod’ formation… or the ‘Finger of God’… a very strong destiny influence… formed by Venus sextile Mercury… and these two are then both Inconjunct Jupiter, that also is within a tight orb to Chiron, Neptune, and the bottom of the chart, the Ilium Coli or IC… which rule the final outcome in Horary astrology… and we’ve seen the nastiness that harsh aspects to Neptune can bring...
A few keywords from Rex E. Bills’, THE RULERSHIP BOOK;
Mars – “Aggressors, armed forces, attacks, bombers, casualties, conflict, crimes of violence, destruction, enemies (pubic or open), fire, invaders, maliciousness, military, munitions, murder, plagues, treason, uproars…” war and violence in general…
Saturn – ambitious persons, arrests, barbarians, brutality, cruelty, difficulties, endings… harbors for ships…
Uranus – “accidents, automobiles, bombers, suicide…” there it is right there… cars bombs, suicide bombers…
Pluto – “assassinations, atomic and hydrogen bombs… death…” no need to read further through the alphabet on this one…
… and now Neptune …in a triple conjunct with Chiron (wounding/healing)… and Jupiter (a lot of whatever it conjuncts with)… and all three are at the focal point of the “Yod” at the IC! …the destiny …and end of the matter! …but end of what, where, when, how, and why?
It doesn’t take a great psychic or astrologer to predict that there will be violence in Afghanistan on their election day tomorrow (tonight for us)… the Taliban have announced that they intend to disrupt the election with violence… and there have been bombings almost daily… and they will probably continue…
…but… I suspect other things as well… The allegedly ‘captured by pirates’ ship with a cargo of lumber… that the Russians found, boarded, arrested eight, and liberated the crew… many strange details (Neptune, sea, ships, etc)… read the story…
…some interesting quotes,
…“No ship has been hijacked in the Baltic Sea in several centuries, according to Swedish officials, and some security and maritime analysts said the sophistication of the operation pointed to state involvement and secret cargo, possibly nuclear material…”
…”Finnish officials have confirmed that firefighters took the unusual step of conducting radiation tests on the Arctic Sea before it left Pietarsaari, in western Finland, in late July. The results were negative.”
…”Mikhail Voitenko, a maritime security consultant and journalist who has been helping relatives of the crew members, said that the official version was full of holes and that the crime was beyond the means of ordinary pirates. Only "commandos" could pull off a hijacking in one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, within cellphone range, he argued, adding, "The operation cost more than the cargo and ship combined."
…very possible scandal (Neptune) …smuggling Plutonium (Pluto) …Pirates (Neptune, Pluto) in the North Atlantic? …captured without a shot …no hostages killed …all very secretive and mysterious… and with Neptune involved we may never know the whole truth of it…
…there are thousands of ways these keywords can be strung together …and with the planets involved …with the aspects that they’re making …I don’t think it will be good.
Who knows how far the violence will go between now and the 26th …when Mars and Pluto oppose each other at the Cardinal points of 0 degrees Cancer and 0 degrees Capricorn.
…check you kits …and be ready to duck for cover.
All together, two oppositions, and four squares… that involves the potentially violent mix of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto! As we have seen in past posts, any square or conjunct involving any of two of these four can result in explosive violence… and all four are involved in the most difficult formation of all… a Grand Cross.
There is also a ‘Yod’ formation… or the ‘Finger of God’… a very strong destiny influence… formed by Venus sextile Mercury… and these two are then both Inconjunct Jupiter, that also is within a tight orb to Chiron, Neptune, and the bottom of the chart, the Ilium Coli or IC… which rule the final outcome in Horary astrology… and we’ve seen the nastiness that harsh aspects to Neptune can bring...
A few keywords from Rex E. Bills’, THE RULERSHIP BOOK;
Mars – “Aggressors, armed forces, attacks, bombers, casualties, conflict, crimes of violence, destruction, enemies (pubic or open), fire, invaders, maliciousness, military, munitions, murder, plagues, treason, uproars…” war and violence in general…
Saturn – ambitious persons, arrests, barbarians, brutality, cruelty, difficulties, endings… harbors for ships…
Uranus – “accidents, automobiles, bombers, suicide…” there it is right there… cars bombs, suicide bombers…
Pluto – “assassinations, atomic and hydrogen bombs… death…” no need to read further through the alphabet on this one…
… and now Neptune …in a triple conjunct with Chiron (wounding/healing)… and Jupiter (a lot of whatever it conjuncts with)… and all three are at the focal point of the “Yod” at the IC! …the destiny …and end of the matter! …but end of what, where, when, how, and why?
It doesn’t take a great psychic or astrologer to predict that there will be violence in Afghanistan on their election day tomorrow (tonight for us)… the Taliban have announced that they intend to disrupt the election with violence… and there have been bombings almost daily… and they will probably continue…
…but… I suspect other things as well… The allegedly ‘captured by pirates’ ship with a cargo of lumber… that the Russians found, boarded, arrested eight, and liberated the crew… many strange details (Neptune, sea, ships, etc)… read the story…
…some interesting quotes,
…“No ship has been hijacked in the Baltic Sea in several centuries, according to Swedish officials, and some security and maritime analysts said the sophistication of the operation pointed to state involvement and secret cargo, possibly nuclear material…”
…”Finnish officials have confirmed that firefighters took the unusual step of conducting radiation tests on the Arctic Sea before it left Pietarsaari, in western Finland, in late July. The results were negative.”
…”Mikhail Voitenko, a maritime security consultant and journalist who has been helping relatives of the crew members, said that the official version was full of holes and that the crime was beyond the means of ordinary pirates. Only "commandos" could pull off a hijacking in one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, within cellphone range, he argued, adding, "The operation cost more than the cargo and ship combined."
…very possible scandal (Neptune) …smuggling Plutonium (Pluto) …Pirates (Neptune, Pluto) in the North Atlantic? …captured without a shot …no hostages killed …all very secretive and mysterious… and with Neptune involved we may never know the whole truth of it…
…there are thousands of ways these keywords can be strung together …and with the planets involved …with the aspects that they’re making …I don’t think it will be good.
Who knows how far the violence will go between now and the 26th …when Mars and Pluto oppose each other at the Cardinal points of 0 degrees Cancer and 0 degrees Capricorn.
…check you kits …and be ready to duck for cover.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
“Bombing kills 20 in Russian republic of Ingushetia
Again we find confirmation of textbook definitions… even though the definitions apply to a person’s natal chart… I find they are also very accurate in some Horary (event) charts as well… like todays bombing in Narzan… here are some excepts from Sakion & Acker’s reference book, PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY,
“Transiting Mars conjunct natal Uranus – Impulsive action, explosive outbursts of temper, the desire for freedom at any cost…
…Large-scale forces beyond the individual’s control may suddenly durrupt the affairs of his or her life… Danger can arise through explosives, electricity, automobile accidents, or mishandling of machinery or firearms…”
…always sudden and explosive, just the day before in Russia, as the aspect became exact, there was an accident in a hydropower (electric) station…
“Eight dead, 54 missing, as turbine hall caves in at Russian hydropower station”
This square aspect is now exact… Mars at 25 degrees of Gemini and Uranus at 25 degrees of Pisces. It will remain within 5 degrees of orb as the Mars opposition to Pluto transit becomes exact Pluto on the 26th. This is a very volatile and explosive condition world wide… there may well be daily bombings and severe accidents for a week or two… check you kits and be alert.
Again we find confirmation of textbook definitions… even though the definitions apply to a person’s natal chart… I find they are also very accurate in some Horary (event) charts as well… like todays bombing in Narzan… here are some excepts from Sakion & Acker’s reference book, PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY,
“Transiting Mars conjunct natal Uranus – Impulsive action, explosive outbursts of temper, the desire for freedom at any cost…
…Large-scale forces beyond the individual’s control may suddenly durrupt the affairs of his or her life… Danger can arise through explosives, electricity, automobile accidents, or mishandling of machinery or firearms…”
…always sudden and explosive, just the day before in Russia, as the aspect became exact, there was an accident in a hydropower (electric) station…
“Eight dead, 54 missing, as turbine hall caves in at Russian hydropower station”
This square aspect is now exact… Mars at 25 degrees of Gemini and Uranus at 25 degrees of Pisces. It will remain within 5 degrees of orb as the Mars opposition to Pluto transit becomes exact Pluto on the 26th. This is a very volatile and explosive condition world wide… there may well be daily bombings and severe accidents for a week or two… check you kits and be alert.
Monday, August 17, 2009
You may recall a few posts back the explosive fight we saw between the professional hockey players Brad Norton and Andre Roy who shared the same Mars square to Pluto aspect in their natal charts due to their being born only 6 days apart.
Let’s look at another public duo… currently spewing a lot of hateful angry rethoric and getting the fringe elements of our society in a lather lately… both individuals are born just one day apart…
In my 30 some years of involvement with astrology I have observed the behavior of many devious con artists and hate mongers… who hide behind a false front of morality and patriotism and use it to manipulate their way through life…
They will cry outrage… and sometimes actual tears in public… and play the persecuted ‘martyr’ part …whenever their twisted views are challenged by more rational people.
…and in their natal charts I often find a twisted squared up bundle of energy involving the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune… In these two natal charts the Sun is at 22, Mars at 23, and Saturn at 25 degrees of Aquarius which is a tight, and often negative, triple conjunct that is square, within a 4 degree orb, to Neptune at 18 degrees of Scorpio.
In charts of these two people the triple conjunct square to Neptune is considered a ‘heavy affliction.’ Let’s go to the standard basic reference book, THE ASTROLOGER’S HANDBOOK, by Sakoian & Acker, that I often quote from… page 372, the last sentence of the second paragraph,
“Mars Square Neptune… Heavily afflicted horoscopes may even reveal treachery, deceit, and dishonesty.”
Now let’s look at another scary one, Saturn square Neptune… again from the same book, pages 378-379, from the last two paragraphs,
“…In some cases they are cunning and use devious methods to achieve their ambitions. Or they attract secret enemies and become involved in scandal and intrigue. Their friends can be unresponsive or unsympathetic, or vice versa.
The natives’ religious beliefs may be peculiar-dogmatic, rigid, or oppressive in some way. Very often they have martyr complexes and seek sympathy through suffering. Since this stance is usually unappealing, others will shun them and they will feel even more lonely and self-pitying. This vicious circle can ultimately lead to severe neuroses and even psychoses.”
….now the other sticky part of this four planet square …from page 354,
“Sun Square Neptune – This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence. If the natives are mystically inclined, they often consider themselves the chosen vessels of some Master or Divine Being. This belief is often the result of an unconscious desire for importance.”
…and they often claim that they and “God” have a plan… for the rest of us… and of course it’s for our own good…
…and who would listen to them?!?! …maybe 1500 or so souls were born every hour during that week or so… with the transiting aspects of February 1964… maybe a quarter of a million… add those in the population with a similar alignment through out the Viet Nam War era… and those are the listeners… probably a few million…
All those born from 1963 thru 1969 have Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo… the astrologers Dereck and Julia Parker, in their book, THE COMPLETE ASTROLOGER, published in 1971, defined the Uranus/Pluto conjunct thus,
“A strong positive and negative potential gives children born during the 1963-1969 period the power to rid the world of much evil, and create a dynamic, humanitarian and well organized society. Equally, they have the negative power to blow everything and everyone to pieces. Let us hope the influence will be positive.”
In that one definition, we see much of the world’s current problems… as these children come of age… 40 to 46… and as a group… they’re currently going through ‘mass mid-life crisis’
Now let’s look at the two currently active ‘inspired’ speaker/leaders… born just one day apart… with almost identical charts… both with a triple Sun, Mars, Saturn conjunct… that is square to Neptune… Sarah Palin born February 11, 1964 - Glenn Beck, February 10, 1964.

Click chart for detail view

Let’s look at another public duo… currently spewing a lot of hateful angry rethoric and getting the fringe elements of our society in a lather lately… both individuals are born just one day apart…
In my 30 some years of involvement with astrology I have observed the behavior of many devious con artists and hate mongers… who hide behind a false front of morality and patriotism and use it to manipulate their way through life…
They will cry outrage… and sometimes actual tears in public… and play the persecuted ‘martyr’ part …whenever their twisted views are challenged by more rational people.
…and in their natal charts I often find a twisted squared up bundle of energy involving the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune… In these two natal charts the Sun is at 22, Mars at 23, and Saturn at 25 degrees of Aquarius which is a tight, and often negative, triple conjunct that is square, within a 4 degree orb, to Neptune at 18 degrees of Scorpio.
In charts of these two people the triple conjunct square to Neptune is considered a ‘heavy affliction.’ Let’s go to the standard basic reference book, THE ASTROLOGER’S HANDBOOK, by Sakoian & Acker, that I often quote from… page 372, the last sentence of the second paragraph,
“Mars Square Neptune… Heavily afflicted horoscopes may even reveal treachery, deceit, and dishonesty.”
Now let’s look at another scary one, Saturn square Neptune… again from the same book, pages 378-379, from the last two paragraphs,
“…In some cases they are cunning and use devious methods to achieve their ambitions. Or they attract secret enemies and become involved in scandal and intrigue. Their friends can be unresponsive or unsympathetic, or vice versa.
The natives’ religious beliefs may be peculiar-dogmatic, rigid, or oppressive in some way. Very often they have martyr complexes and seek sympathy through suffering. Since this stance is usually unappealing, others will shun them and they will feel even more lonely and self-pitying. This vicious circle can ultimately lead to severe neuroses and even psychoses.”
….now the other sticky part of this four planet square …from page 354,
“Sun Square Neptune – This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence. If the natives are mystically inclined, they often consider themselves the chosen vessels of some Master or Divine Being. This belief is often the result of an unconscious desire for importance.”
…and they often claim that they and “God” have a plan… for the rest of us… and of course it’s for our own good…
…and who would listen to them?!?! …maybe 1500 or so souls were born every hour during that week or so… with the transiting aspects of February 1964… maybe a quarter of a million… add those in the population with a similar alignment through out the Viet Nam War era… and those are the listeners… probably a few million…
All those born from 1963 thru 1969 have Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo… the astrologers Dereck and Julia Parker, in their book, THE COMPLETE ASTROLOGER, published in 1971, defined the Uranus/Pluto conjunct thus,
“A strong positive and negative potential gives children born during the 1963-1969 period the power to rid the world of much evil, and create a dynamic, humanitarian and well organized society. Equally, they have the negative power to blow everything and everyone to pieces. Let us hope the influence will be positive.”
In that one definition, we see much of the world’s current problems… as these children come of age… 40 to 46… and as a group… they’re currently going through ‘mass mid-life crisis’
Now let’s look at the two currently active ‘inspired’ speaker/leaders… born just one day apart… with almost identical charts… both with a triple Sun, Mars, Saturn conjunct… that is square to Neptune… Sarah Palin born February 11, 1964 - Glenn Beck, February 10, 1964.

Click chart for detail view

Sunday, August 16, 2009
“Suicide Blast Kills at Least Seven, Injures Dozens in Kabul”
“Ana, first tropical storm of the season, could hit South Florida Thursday”
“Parched parts of California scorched by wildfires”
“Ransom demand for missing ship”
“Colonial becomes the biggest bank failure of 2009”
…all in one day… like a Déjà vu… or a collage of headline clippings representing the past year and the year to come… as the same major transits of last year repeat…
This year it is the harsh aspect of Mars opposition to Pluto (exact the 26th of this month)… last year it was the conjunct (Dec 28, 08’) and square (Apr 26, 09’) between the two… The senseless violence, wars, and careless crashes all fall into the influence of this transit
The opposition between transiting Saturn and Uranus is repeating (exact the 15th of Sep. 09’)… these are the financial upheavals… the shocking break up of the corrupt financial systems world wide
…and the conjunct of Jupiter to Neptune is, by 8 degree orb allowance, still on going… epidemics, scandal, storms, piracy…
more political lunacy… more Sarah Palin… hysteria, and dis-information… propaganda… illusion, drugs… assassins…
…with a big 7+ earthquake here and there.
The alarming part is …the intensity and frequency of these events seems to be increasing… as if malicious and clandestine forces are taking advantage of these tensions… and even intentionally using them to further their global aims of domination and control…
And/or… for making more money… with corruption, bribes, kickbacks… and then lucrative contracts to repair all the damage from their orchestrated wars… or maybe they skip out on paying the insurance claim with an ‘act of God’ clause… or denying health benefits because of prior conditions… or manipulating the stock and housing markets…
All done in such a way as to give them even more profit… from your money… that they then loan back to you at what was once considered loan shark rates… and then they buy the politicians to pass laws that protect them… from us…
Who are they? …the 1% of the population that holds 50% of the nations money …and so far they have caught and prosecuted one
…Bernie Madoff.
Our legends reflect the times… the ‘forces of darkness’…are at it again …the ‘Joker’ always comes back to rob and terrorize ‘Gotham City’ and hassle the ‘Batman’…just for the greed… and the maniacal evil of it! just for the fun of it ...some art
Source: Mason's Comic Collection - BATMAN #186
“Suicide Blast Kills at Least Seven, Injures Dozens in Kabul”
“Ana, first tropical storm of the season, could hit South Florida Thursday”
“Parched parts of California scorched by wildfires”
“Ransom demand for missing ship”
“Colonial becomes the biggest bank failure of 2009”
…all in one day… like a Déjà vu… or a collage of headline clippings representing the past year and the year to come… as the same major transits of last year repeat…
This year it is the harsh aspect of Mars opposition to Pluto (exact the 26th of this month)… last year it was the conjunct (Dec 28, 08’) and square (Apr 26, 09’) between the two… The senseless violence, wars, and careless crashes all fall into the influence of this transit
The opposition between transiting Saturn and Uranus is repeating (exact the 15th of Sep. 09’)… these are the financial upheavals… the shocking break up of the corrupt financial systems world wide
…and the conjunct of Jupiter to Neptune is, by 8 degree orb allowance, still on going… epidemics, scandal, storms, piracy…
more political lunacy… more Sarah Palin… hysteria, and dis-information… propaganda… illusion, drugs… assassins…
…with a big 7+ earthquake here and there.
The alarming part is …the intensity and frequency of these events seems to be increasing… as if malicious and clandestine forces are taking advantage of these tensions… and even intentionally using them to further their global aims of domination and control…
And/or… for making more money… with corruption, bribes, kickbacks… and then lucrative contracts to repair all the damage from their orchestrated wars… or maybe they skip out on paying the insurance claim with an ‘act of God’ clause… or denying health benefits because of prior conditions… or manipulating the stock and housing markets…
All done in such a way as to give them even more profit… from your money… that they then loan back to you at what was once considered loan shark rates… and then they buy the politicians to pass laws that protect them… from us…
Who are they? …the 1% of the population that holds 50% of the nations money …and so far they have caught and prosecuted one
…Bernie Madoff.
Our legends reflect the times… the ‘forces of darkness’…are at it again …the ‘Joker’ always comes back to rob and terrorize ‘Gotham City’ and hassle the ‘Batman’…just for the greed… and the maniacal evil of it! just for the fun of it ...some art
Source: Mason's Comic Collection - BATMAN #186
Saturday, August 15, 2009
12:05 AM, Setember 2, 1666 - The Great London Fire, U.K. Painting by unknown artist

William Lilly - English Astrolger 1602 - 1681

Being that the current transits are squaring up again… let’s take a break from all the redundant news of it… and just for the fun and the curiosity of it… let’s make a chart occurring in the 17th Century, using techniques of that time… with seven planets, and an equal house system… let’s time trip now… back to another squared up time…
I often refer to the great 17th Century astrologer William Lilly and his prediction of the Great Fire of London of 1666, 14 years before it happened… and how he was a suspect and was put on trial for it …and was acquitted due to lack of evidence and possible intervention by royalty. The history is recorded, thus we have an accurate date, location, and time of the event.
How did Bill do it? …well, let’s pretend that we are him some hot muggy August night …in say 1652 …he can’t sleep …so he lights a few lamps, pours a goblet of wine, and sits in his studio tinkering with some transits and progression charts into the future… just for the fun of it… it’s just what bored astrologers do sometimes… and he calculates… and draws up chart #1666-9-2 …14 years into the future, maybe he's researching a half cycle of the 28 year Saturn transit? …his eyes widen and he mutters,
“Whoa! …note thee, all the squares! Harsh times for the populace as signaled by the Moon square to Saturn and the beauty Venus, the fair capital, London, in the homes by the 4th House… and from? …Median Coli… Aries… Mars ruled… ergo, fire… humm, this bodes ill… indeed…”
The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto had not yet been discovered and Bill Lilly was only working with seven planets… yet it’s all there!
The personal planets of Moon (populace) at 20 degrees of Libra (ruled by Venus)… and Venus (glamorous city) are conjunct the 4th House (homes) cusp at 13 degrees of Libra (Venus, fair city) and are square to the Ascendant/Descendant axis at 13 degrees of Cancer (Moon/populace ruled) and the Descendant is conjunct to Saturn at 14 degrees of Capricorn (Saturn ruled, harsh influence, authorities)…
…all within 13-14 degree locations, with less than one degree separation, thus a very tight and powerful triple square to the 4th House (home) and the 7th (open enemies – the fire)..
…and the theme is repeated by the 13 degrees of Cancer Moon (populace) ruled Ascendant opposition… Three of the Planets are in the signs they rule and are thus a very strong influence)… Venus – Libra (fair city) Mars – Scorpio (fire, ruin) and Saturn – Capricorn (Harsh results) …a classic keyword read!
Mars (fire) is at 13 degrees of Scorpio (Mars is co-ruler today and in those days Mars ruled both Aries and Scorpio)… again 13 degrees! …this just adds fuel to the fire… Mars sextiles the Sun at 9 degrees of Virgo and Saturn at 14 degrees of Capricorn… but in this case these easy aspects (also Sun trine Saturn) are over powered by the squares and thus they become negative… as they help the quick spread of the fire once it has started.
…So, Bill noted down the prognostication of a possible great fire in London 14 years into the future… it happened, and he became even more famous… and even infamous during his trumped up trial…
Today Billy Lilly would be really good at predicting basketball games… I got four win bets out of five during the Los Angeles Lakers – Orlando Magic playoffs, to include the final Championship game last season… using his predictive techniques!
I often refer to the great 17th Century astrologer William Lilly and his prediction of the Great Fire of London of 1666, 14 years before it happened… and how he was a suspect and was put on trial for it …and was acquitted due to lack of evidence and possible intervention by royalty. The history is recorded, thus we have an accurate date, location, and time of the event.
How did Bill do it? …well, let’s pretend that we are him some hot muggy August night …in say 1652 …he can’t sleep …so he lights a few lamps, pours a goblet of wine, and sits in his studio tinkering with some transits and progression charts into the future… just for the fun of it… it’s just what bored astrologers do sometimes… and he calculates… and draws up chart #1666-9-2 …14 years into the future, maybe he's researching a half cycle of the 28 year Saturn transit? …his eyes widen and he mutters,
“Whoa! …note thee, all the squares! Harsh times for the populace as signaled by the Moon square to Saturn and the beauty Venus, the fair capital, London, in the homes by the 4th House… and from? …Median Coli… Aries… Mars ruled… ergo, fire… humm, this bodes ill… indeed…”
The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto had not yet been discovered and Bill Lilly was only working with seven planets… yet it’s all there!
The personal planets of Moon (populace) at 20 degrees of Libra (ruled by Venus)… and Venus (glamorous city) are conjunct the 4th House (homes) cusp at 13 degrees of Libra (Venus, fair city) and are square to the Ascendant/Descendant axis at 13 degrees of Cancer (Moon/populace ruled) and the Descendant is conjunct to Saturn at 14 degrees of Capricorn (Saturn ruled, harsh influence, authorities)…
…all within 13-14 degree locations, with less than one degree separation, thus a very tight and powerful triple square to the 4th House (home) and the 7th (open enemies – the fire)..
…and the theme is repeated by the 13 degrees of Cancer Moon (populace) ruled Ascendant opposition… Three of the Planets are in the signs they rule and are thus a very strong influence)… Venus – Libra (fair city) Mars – Scorpio (fire, ruin) and Saturn – Capricorn (Harsh results) …a classic keyword read!
Mars (fire) is at 13 degrees of Scorpio (Mars is co-ruler today and in those days Mars ruled both Aries and Scorpio)… again 13 degrees! …this just adds fuel to the fire… Mars sextiles the Sun at 9 degrees of Virgo and Saturn at 14 degrees of Capricorn… but in this case these easy aspects (also Sun trine Saturn) are over powered by the squares and thus they become negative… as they help the quick spread of the fire once it has started.
…So, Bill noted down the prognostication of a possible great fire in London 14 years into the future… it happened, and he became even more famous… and even infamous during his trumped up trial…
Today Billy Lilly would be really good at predicting basketball games… I got four win bets out of five during the Los Angeles Lakers – Orlando Magic playoffs, to include the final Championship game last season… using his predictive techniques!
But... his techniques aren’t as good for baseball… Arizona Diamondbacks 4 - Los Angeles Dodgers 1… pooh, lost that bet… oh, well… back to the lab… humm, maybe with Vedic astrology?…
…we shall see…
…we shall see…
Friday, August 14, 2009
“Wall Street at new '09 highs”
The illusory Jupiter/Neptune conjunct optimism influence fueled by the recent eclipses continues to push the market up toward testing the DJIA 10,000 level…
…and as transiting Mars nears its opposition with Pluto …the violence increases almost daily…
“21 Die in Bombing in Northern Iraq”
…no assassinations yet… but they’re getting close…
“Former Afghan President Survives Assassination Attempt”
…will the negative side of the Neptune/Jupiter conjunct influence it ever stop?
“Exxon Mobil Pleads Guilty to Killing Migratory Birds”
…oil (Neptune) and migratory (Neptune) birds (Neptune)…
On the brighter side… Colorado Rockies 10… Pittsburgh Pirates 1! ...but take note …it was harmless ‘carnage’ …10 to 1… expressed in a game… maybe more sports …and less war?
HOOYAH! …paid all of $2 …but what the hey, I’ll trade $5 for $7 any day… especially when the Sun and the Part of Fortune conjunct the Mid Heaven… and the home team is the favorite. I’ve played this aspect a few times now… it comes up a couple of times a month sometimes… and it has been consistent… and it has become a ‘keeper’ in my sports astrology play book…
“Conjunct of Sun + Part of Fortune + M.C. + home/favorite [with no major negatives] = WIN BET… whatever the odds.”
…when you see a pattern like that on the top of the chart (the home/favorite) and with red lines (squares) going to the 7th House (on the right side of chart) the visitor/underdog side … it’s a home/favorite bet…
…now today the visiting team to Arizona is the Los Angeles Dodgers… and they have the Moon and Mars in the visitor 4th House (rules final out come)… and the transits look better in the Dodger’s starting pitcher, Clayton Kershaw’s Noon style birth chart… and the Diamondback’s pitcher Dan Harlen is still struggling with transiting squares in his…
The division leading Dodgers will be the favored team with low odds again… so, what the hey, try a parley… and bet the winnings from the last game… $7 says the Dodgers win over the Diamondbacks…
…we shall see…
“Wall Street at new '09 highs”
The illusory Jupiter/Neptune conjunct optimism influence fueled by the recent eclipses continues to push the market up toward testing the DJIA 10,000 level…
…and as transiting Mars nears its opposition with Pluto …the violence increases almost daily…
“21 Die in Bombing in Northern Iraq”
…no assassinations yet… but they’re getting close…
“Former Afghan President Survives Assassination Attempt”
…will the negative side of the Neptune/Jupiter conjunct influence it ever stop?
“Exxon Mobil Pleads Guilty to Killing Migratory Birds”
…oil (Neptune) and migratory (Neptune) birds (Neptune)…
On the brighter side… Colorado Rockies 10… Pittsburgh Pirates 1! ...but take note …it was harmless ‘carnage’ …10 to 1… expressed in a game… maybe more sports …and less war?
HOOYAH! …paid all of $2 …but what the hey, I’ll trade $5 for $7 any day… especially when the Sun and the Part of Fortune conjunct the Mid Heaven… and the home team is the favorite. I’ve played this aspect a few times now… it comes up a couple of times a month sometimes… and it has been consistent… and it has become a ‘keeper’ in my sports astrology play book…
“Conjunct of Sun + Part of Fortune + M.C. + home/favorite [with no major negatives] = WIN BET… whatever the odds.”
…when you see a pattern like that on the top of the chart (the home/favorite) and with red lines (squares) going to the 7th House (on the right side of chart) the visitor/underdog side … it’s a home/favorite bet…
…now today the visiting team to Arizona is the Los Angeles Dodgers… and they have the Moon and Mars in the visitor 4th House (rules final out come)… and the transits look better in the Dodger’s starting pitcher, Clayton Kershaw’s Noon style birth chart… and the Diamondback’s pitcher Dan Harlen is still struggling with transiting squares in his…
The division leading Dodgers will be the favored team with low odds again… so, what the hey, try a parley… and bet the winnings from the last game… $7 says the Dodgers win over the Diamondbacks…
…we shall see…
Thursday, August 13, 2009
“Study Finds Big Storms on a 1,000-Year Rise”
“Guillermo could strengthen to hurricane in Pacific”
The astrological causes for the increases in earthquakes, volcano, and severe storm activity over the past couple of years were discussed in my past posts of January 4th and the 20th… in relation to the “T-Bar” alignment of Saturn-Jupiter-Neptune of 2006… followed by the current Uranus/Saturn oppositions.
The last time these alignments occurred before 2006 was around 536 when the world experienced the explosion of a volcano where Krakatoa is now… that covered the atmosphere with ash and debris that caused temperature changes which probably brought on the dark ages for a few hundred years.
The planet is a living being… and has ways of healing itself of parasites… much like a dog shaking off fleas… only our silly egos think that nature can be… ‘conquered and tamed.’
…when the volcano begins to swell …or the tornado begins to form …or the ground begins to shake …or the poles begin to shift and waters rise …about all one can do is get out the way… or underground… build an ark… or hold on.
…check you kits …probably more storms, violence, scandal, and disease to come later this month as the transiting Mars approaches its opposition to Pluto that is exact on the 26th of this month… on Cardinal points (very significant)… Mars at 0 degrees of Cancer …and Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn… and the opposition of transiting Uranus at 25 degrees of Pisces and Saturn at 22 degrees of Virgo… at a 3 degree orb now and exact on September 15th.
As the conjunct of Jupiter and Neptune at 20 and 24 degrees of Aquarius separates to 4 degrees due to retrograde movement…the illusory ‘high expectations’ of late… will be dealing with the hard core realities of Mars, Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn… and ganged up like this in oppositions… they can be a rough bunch that can really tear things up a bit.
…on a lighter note …with the Sun and Part of Fortune at the Mid Heaven today for the Home team and The Moon caught in a stiff ‘T-Bar’ with the Sun and Jupiter on the visitor side of the chart… indicates that the Colorado Rockies should be a safe low odds favorite bet today over the Pittsburgh Pirates… I just put down a fiver with my online bookie on that prognostication…
…we shall see…
“Study Finds Big Storms on a 1,000-Year Rise”
“Guillermo could strengthen to hurricane in Pacific”
The astrological causes for the increases in earthquakes, volcano, and severe storm activity over the past couple of years were discussed in my past posts of January 4th and the 20th… in relation to the “T-Bar” alignment of Saturn-Jupiter-Neptune of 2006… followed by the current Uranus/Saturn oppositions.
The last time these alignments occurred before 2006 was around 536 when the world experienced the explosion of a volcano where Krakatoa is now… that covered the atmosphere with ash and debris that caused temperature changes which probably brought on the dark ages for a few hundred years.
The planet is a living being… and has ways of healing itself of parasites… much like a dog shaking off fleas… only our silly egos think that nature can be… ‘conquered and tamed.’
…when the volcano begins to swell …or the tornado begins to form …or the ground begins to shake …or the poles begin to shift and waters rise …about all one can do is get out the way… or underground… build an ark… or hold on.
…check you kits …probably more storms, violence, scandal, and disease to come later this month as the transiting Mars approaches its opposition to Pluto that is exact on the 26th of this month… on Cardinal points (very significant)… Mars at 0 degrees of Cancer …and Pluto at 0 degrees of Capricorn… and the opposition of transiting Uranus at 25 degrees of Pisces and Saturn at 22 degrees of Virgo… at a 3 degree orb now and exact on September 15th.
As the conjunct of Jupiter and Neptune at 20 and 24 degrees of Aquarius separates to 4 degrees due to retrograde movement…the illusory ‘high expectations’ of late… will be dealing with the hard core realities of Mars, Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn… and ganged up like this in oppositions… they can be a rough bunch that can really tear things up a bit.
…on a lighter note …with the Sun and Part of Fortune at the Mid Heaven today for the Home team and The Moon caught in a stiff ‘T-Bar’ with the Sun and Jupiter on the visitor side of the chart… indicates that the Colorado Rockies should be a safe low odds favorite bet today over the Pittsburgh Pirates… I just put down a fiver with my online bookie on that prognostication…
…we shall see…
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
“Stocks: The latest Fed bubble"
Are the government programs supporting the financial sector reinflating global stock markets even as economies stumble?”
The still current Jupiter Neptune conjunct has been creating a bubble of hopeful expectations while ignoring the cracking foundation… the basic fact that the world operates on a fiat credit economy with nothing of value backing it up.
The approaching repeat of the third out five exact oppositions of Saturn and Uranus that stretch though 2011… is now within 3 degrees of orb… as it becomes exact again on September the 15th …it may very well be the pin that pops the bubble again… and the stock markets may go into another serious slide… testing the bottom of last March… and perhaps making a new one.
If you’re in the market… have you stop-loss orders in place… and check you kits… the storms aren’t over.
"Typhoon Morakot kills 62, injures 35 in Taiwan"
“Stocks: The latest Fed bubble"
Are the government programs supporting the financial sector reinflating global stock markets even as economies stumble?”
The still current Jupiter Neptune conjunct has been creating a bubble of hopeful expectations while ignoring the cracking foundation… the basic fact that the world operates on a fiat credit economy with nothing of value backing it up.
The approaching repeat of the third out five exact oppositions of Saturn and Uranus that stretch though 2011… is now within 3 degrees of orb… as it becomes exact again on September the 15th …it may very well be the pin that pops the bubble again… and the stock markets may go into another serious slide… testing the bottom of last March… and perhaps making a new one.
If you’re in the market… have you stop-loss orders in place… and check you kits… the storms aren’t over.
"Typhoon Morakot kills 62, injures 35 in Taiwan"
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
“Strong quakes hit Japan and India”
“Big quake hits off India's Andamans, no tsunami”
…and a 6.4 off southern Japan jolts Tokyo …and a 7.1 the day before in the Izu Islands of Japan.
Again the world is lucky that the quakes haven’t hit heavily populated areas and there haven’t been any reported fatalities, major property damage, or tsunamis.,0,3610299.story
The extreme weather around China continues and there was a major mudslide that did result in fatalities in Taiwan.
These extremes may continue… there has been a lot of stress on the planet from these three close eclipses within the past month… and stressful transits from Saturn to Uranus and Mars to Pluto are getting tighter… check your kits… and be alert.
“Strong quakes hit Japan and India”
“Big quake hits off India's Andamans, no tsunami”
…and a 6.4 off southern Japan jolts Tokyo …and a 7.1 the day before in the Izu Islands of Japan.
Again the world is lucky that the quakes haven’t hit heavily populated areas and there haven’t been any reported fatalities, major property damage, or tsunamis.,0,3610299.story
The extreme weather around China continues and there was a major mudslide that did result in fatalities in Taiwan.
These extremes may continue… there has been a lot of stress on the planet from these three close eclipses within the past month… and stressful transits from Saturn to Uranus and Mars to Pluto are getting tighter… check your kits… and be alert.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
“Tropical storm nears Japan, 10 killed”
“Shanghai braces for rain after typhoon hits coast”
“Felicia weakens to tropical storm near Hawaii”
There’s always war and violence… but there seems to be a sudden increase since the last Prenumbral eclipse of the 5th…
“Bombs in Iraq Kill 41, Wound Many”
“Gaza: Israeli planes strike in response to mortars”,0,2160318.story
“Dormitory burns down in Chino prison riot”
It is only 10 days into the month. Check your water supply and survival kits… and be alert.
“Tropical storm nears Japan, 10 killed”
“Shanghai braces for rain after typhoon hits coast”
“Felicia weakens to tropical storm near Hawaii”
There’s always war and violence… but there seems to be a sudden increase since the last Prenumbral eclipse of the 5th…
“Bombs in Iraq Kill 41, Wound Many”
“Gaza: Israeli planes strike in response to mortars”,0,2160318.story
“Dormitory burns down in Chino prison riot”
It is only 10 days into the month. Check your water supply and survival kits… and be alert.
“Scores Killed in Spate of Attacks on Shiites in Iraq”
Why does this go on… and on… and on? Let’s examine the mundane natal chart of the current nation of Iraq, born July 14, 1958, 7 AM Baghdad, Iraq.
One of the many red flags that I see in their chart is natal Mars at 25 degrees of Aries. Mars located in the sign that it rules makes it even stronger. It is placed in the 9th House… which rules religions, philosophy, and in mundane astrology, national relations with foreign countries.
Looking at the nation’s chart as a collective person, this would be one that aggressively promotes their philosophical or religious views… often fanatical… and it is in opposition by 8 degree orb allowance to both Jupiter at 22 degrees of Libra and Neptune at 2 degrees of Scorpio …and they both straddle the destiny point of the North Moon Node at 27 degrees of Libra…
Their potential destiny indicated by the Jupiter/Neptune conjunct to the North Moon Node… is of higher ideals… and abundance (Jupiter) though Neptune (oil)… but it is opposed and frustrated by Mars (conflict) that conjuncts the South Moon Node (past karmic issues)… indicating centuries of tribal and religious secular strife.
The current ‘trigger’ of violence is the transiting Mars conjunct to the natal Moon/Venus conjunct which is in opposition to the natal Saturn. Any time transiting Mars passes over one of these stressful opposition points violence may erupt.
Oppositions represent the challenge of spiritual evolution through the resolution of the opposites… This was what “Laurence of Arabia,” was trying to tell them during WWI… When they stand as one Arab people and Nation… they have the oil and don’t need anyone else. However, as long as they remain divided in tribal and religious secular thinking… some ruthless authority figure will come forth to rule over them… like Saddam Hussein or worse.
The people of Iraq are in this difficult and painful process of trying to come together… and perhaps they need the world to just leave them alone… and let them do it… by their own choices. If they resolve their differences… come together and declare themselves as a new unified nation with a new constitution… that would give them a new national chart.
With some research a fortuitous date and time could be selected to make such a national declaration… That’s exactly what some of the signers of the United States Declaration of Independence did in 1776… many of them where Masons with astrological knowledge… and the country has a strong national chart and has had a dynamic and prosperous history for over a couple of hundred years now… Yes, it’s had a lot of ups and downs… but you don’t see boat loads of people trying to escape the U.S.of A.
“Scores Killed in Spate of Attacks on Shiites in Iraq”
Why does this go on… and on… and on? Let’s examine the mundane natal chart of the current nation of Iraq, born July 14, 1958, 7 AM Baghdad, Iraq.
One of the many red flags that I see in their chart is natal Mars at 25 degrees of Aries. Mars located in the sign that it rules makes it even stronger. It is placed in the 9th House… which rules religions, philosophy, and in mundane astrology, national relations with foreign countries.
Looking at the nation’s chart as a collective person, this would be one that aggressively promotes their philosophical or religious views… often fanatical… and it is in opposition by 8 degree orb allowance to both Jupiter at 22 degrees of Libra and Neptune at 2 degrees of Scorpio …and they both straddle the destiny point of the North Moon Node at 27 degrees of Libra…
Their potential destiny indicated by the Jupiter/Neptune conjunct to the North Moon Node… is of higher ideals… and abundance (Jupiter) though Neptune (oil)… but it is opposed and frustrated by Mars (conflict) that conjuncts the South Moon Node (past karmic issues)… indicating centuries of tribal and religious secular strife.
The current ‘trigger’ of violence is the transiting Mars conjunct to the natal Moon/Venus conjunct which is in opposition to the natal Saturn. Any time transiting Mars passes over one of these stressful opposition points violence may erupt.
Oppositions represent the challenge of spiritual evolution through the resolution of the opposites… This was what “Laurence of Arabia,” was trying to tell them during WWI… When they stand as one Arab people and Nation… they have the oil and don’t need anyone else. However, as long as they remain divided in tribal and religious secular thinking… some ruthless authority figure will come forth to rule over them… like Saddam Hussein or worse.
The people of Iraq are in this difficult and painful process of trying to come together… and perhaps they need the world to just leave them alone… and let them do it… by their own choices. If they resolve their differences… come together and declare themselves as a new unified nation with a new constitution… that would give them a new national chart.
With some research a fortuitous date and time could be selected to make such a national declaration… That’s exactly what some of the signers of the United States Declaration of Independence did in 1776… many of them where Masons with astrological knowledge… and the country has a strong national chart and has had a dynamic and prosperous history for over a couple of hundred years now… Yes, it’s had a lot of ups and downs… but you don’t see boat loads of people trying to escape the U.S.of A.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
First it was Michael Jackson with a drug related heart failure death… and now autopsy reveals cocaine use leading to heart disease in another performer’s sudden death due to heart failure,
“Cocaine killed TV pitchman Billy Mays, autopsy finds”
and now the negative side of the Jupiter Neptune transiting conjunct reveals a celebrity drug dealer…
“Michael Douglas' son Cameron is big-time meth trafficker – feds”
…and all have Neptune related natal inclinations in their birth charts.
Michael Jackson has Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the 12th House… indicating possible ‘hidden’ addictions… Billy Mays has natal Mars in opposition to his natal Neptune indicating possible drug abuse or alcohol/drug/medication related death…
…and now Michael Douglas’ son, Cameron Douglas is arrested for dealing methamphetamines… and transiting Mars is conjunct his natal Moon opposition Neptune… all negative aspects and expressions of drug related problems (Neptune) of some of the rich (Jupiter)…
When one has adverse aspects to Neptune in one’s natal horoscope there will be drug abuse/or accident inclinations… simply be aware of it and make better choices… perhaps water sports like, swimming, surfing, boating… or photography, poetry… any of the arts… anything ruled by Neptune… simply channel the energy by conscious choice into something less harmful.
“Cocaine killed TV pitchman Billy Mays, autopsy finds”
and now the negative side of the Jupiter Neptune transiting conjunct reveals a celebrity drug dealer…
“Michael Douglas' son Cameron is big-time meth trafficker – feds”
…and all have Neptune related natal inclinations in their birth charts.
Michael Jackson has Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the 12th House… indicating possible ‘hidden’ addictions… Billy Mays has natal Mars in opposition to his natal Neptune indicating possible drug abuse or alcohol/drug/medication related death…
…and now Michael Douglas’ son, Cameron Douglas is arrested for dealing methamphetamines… and transiting Mars is conjunct his natal Moon opposition Neptune… all negative aspects and expressions of drug related problems (Neptune) of some of the rich (Jupiter)…
When one has adverse aspects to Neptune in one’s natal horoscope there will be drug abuse/or accident inclinations… simply be aware of it and make better choices… perhaps water sports like, swimming, surfing, boating… or photography, poetry… any of the arts… anything ruled by Neptune… simply channel the energy by conscious choice into something less harmful.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
…it’s getting redundant again with the usual war, Neptune accidents, tainted product recalls, etc.
“Pakistan, US: Taliban chief Mehsud may be dead
By ZARAR KHAN and ISHTIAQ MAHSUD (AP) – 1 hour ago
ISLAMABAD — U.S. and Pakistani authorities were investigating whether Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, who has led a violent campaign of suicide attacks and assassinations against Pakistan's government, was killed in a CIA missile strike.”
..a Neptune related sea tragedy,
“Anguish for families after Tonga ferry capsize”
...and negative Neptune influence again with tainted products,
“Salmonella cases spur Fresno ground beef recall”
On a brighter side… Neptune also rules long voyages… and with luck (Jupiter conjunct)… the Kepler spacecraft may find some new inhabitable planets somewhere… are scientists planning a move if we ruin this planet?,0,4825712.story
“NASA says Kepler spacecraft proves it can find Earth-sized planets
Readings on the planet HAT-P-7b indicate that the craft's instruments should be able to spot relatively small planets in the habitable zones around stars in our galaxy, scientists say.”
…and the DJIA market is difting sideways at the 9200 level…
..and today’s Prenumbral eclipse has been accompanied by two 6.1 M quakes… and fortunately they were in remote areas…
2009/08/05 08:31:41
2009/08/05 00:17:59
…maybe some ball game charts this weekend… now is still too close to the eclipse influence for a reliable prognostication…
…later for now… I’m going to go ride my motorcycle…
“Pakistan, US: Taliban chief Mehsud may be dead
By ZARAR KHAN and ISHTIAQ MAHSUD (AP) – 1 hour ago
ISLAMABAD — U.S. and Pakistani authorities were investigating whether Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, who has led a violent campaign of suicide attacks and assassinations against Pakistan's government, was killed in a CIA missile strike.”
..a Neptune related sea tragedy,
“Anguish for families after Tonga ferry capsize”
...and negative Neptune influence again with tainted products,
“Salmonella cases spur Fresno ground beef recall”
On a brighter side… Neptune also rules long voyages… and with luck (Jupiter conjunct)… the Kepler spacecraft may find some new inhabitable planets somewhere… are scientists planning a move if we ruin this planet?,0,4825712.story
“NASA says Kepler spacecraft proves it can find Earth-sized planets
Readings on the planet HAT-P-7b indicate that the craft's instruments should be able to spot relatively small planets in the habitable zones around stars in our galaxy, scientists say.”
…and the DJIA market is difting sideways at the 9200 level…
..and today’s Prenumbral eclipse has been accompanied by two 6.1 M quakes… and fortunately they were in remote areas…
2009/08/05 08:31:41
2009/08/05 00:17:59
…maybe some ball game charts this weekend… now is still too close to the eclipse influence for a reliable prognostication…
…later for now… I’m going to go ride my motorcycle…
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
2009/08/01 13:33:32
2009/08/02 08:54:36
2009/08/03 17:59:57
2009/08/03 18:40:51
2009/08/05 00:17:58
2009/08/05 08:31:41
During last month’s Eclipse stretch from July 7th (Prenumbral) and the 22nd (Solar) there was one 7.7 M quake off of Southern New Zealand that allegedly moved New Zealand a foot closer toward Australia.
Today and tomorrow… depending on where you are in the various time zones… there is another Prenumbral eclipse adding yet more stress to the continental plates… check your kits… be alert…
2009/08/01 13:33:32
2009/08/02 08:54:36
2009/08/03 17:59:57
2009/08/03 18:40:51
2009/08/05 00:17:58
2009/08/05 08:31:41
During last month’s Eclipse stretch from July 7th (Prenumbral) and the 22nd (Solar) there was one 7.7 M quake off of Southern New Zealand that allegedly moved New Zealand a foot closer toward Australia.
Today and tomorrow… depending on where you are in the various time zones… there is another Prenumbral eclipse adding yet more stress to the continental plates… check your kits… be alert…
Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2009 10:01 EDT
“Source for forged Kenyan birth certificate found?"
"Over the weekend, Birther-in-Chief Orly Taitz released what could have been a shocking discovery: A document that was purportedly a certified copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, showing that he'd been born in Mombasa, Kenya, not in Hawaii.
It took just 48 hours to definitively expose Taitz's find as a forgery, and for the document that it was apparently based off of to surface. It's a certified copy of a birth certificate for one David Jeffrey Bomford, born in South Australia in April 1959.”
I mentioned in the August Predictions post of July 31st that conspiracy theories might activate again soon…
…and again Neptune adds a bizarre twist… was it a conspiracy to produce a fake birth certificate and give it to the ‘Birthers’… and then later to reveal it as a fake to discredit the ‘Birthers’?
…or is someone in the ‘Birther’ ranks stupid enough to ‘cut and paste’ a fake document and think they can get away with it in this techno age that can trace your DNA back to Adam and Eve? …or to whoever the first ‘significant others,’ were… way back in year 1 …I can’t do an astrology chart that far back… the computer program crashes… and if I try and do the math manually… it would make my brain crash…
…so bizarre …spooky …many of these people hold government positions… you have to laugh at the insanity of it all…
Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2009 10:01 EDT
“Source for forged Kenyan birth certificate found?"
"Over the weekend, Birther-in-Chief Orly Taitz released what could have been a shocking discovery: A document that was purportedly a certified copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, showing that he'd been born in Mombasa, Kenya, not in Hawaii.
It took just 48 hours to definitively expose Taitz's find as a forgery, and for the document that it was apparently based off of to surface. It's a certified copy of a birth certificate for one David Jeffrey Bomford, born in South Australia in April 1959.”
I mentioned in the August Predictions post of July 31st that conspiracy theories might activate again soon…
…and again Neptune adds a bizarre twist… was it a conspiracy to produce a fake birth certificate and give it to the ‘Birthers’… and then later to reveal it as a fake to discredit the ‘Birthers’?
…or is someone in the ‘Birther’ ranks stupid enough to ‘cut and paste’ a fake document and think they can get away with it in this techno age that can trace your DNA back to Adam and Eve? …or to whoever the first ‘significant others,’ were… way back in year 1 …I can’t do an astrology chart that far back… the computer program crashes… and if I try and do the math manually… it would make my brain crash…
…so bizarre …spooky …many of these people hold government positions… you have to laugh at the insanity of it all…
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
“Australia foils terrorist plot to attack army base”,0,5238478.story
“Iranian ceremony highlights split
Dozens of officials and dignitaries boycott the confirmation of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and street fighting erupts in Tehran between opposition supporters and security forces.
By Borzou Daragahi 4:47 PM PDT, August 3, 2009
Reporting from Beirut -- A confirmation ceremony Monday meant to showcase the unity of the Islamic Republic's leadership highlighted its divisions, sparking clashes in the streets between demonstrators and security forces that stretched into the night.”
…and another interesting …and frightening attribute to the developing Mars opposition Pluto energy…
“Plague death toll rises in China
A third man has died of pneumonic plague in north-western China
where a town of more than 10,000 people has been sealed off, officials say.
The 64-year-old man was a neighbour of the first two people to die from the plague in
Ziketan in Qinghai Province.
Police have set up checkpoints around Ziketan, as medics are disinfecting the area and
killing rats and insects.”
In Rex E. Bills’ reference text, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, we find that, “plagues = Pluto, 12th House, Mars.” The three recent deaths due to pneumonic plague have occurred as Mars now transits through Gemini …and we find in the text that,
“pneumonia = Gemini, Mercury …and Lungs = Mercury, Gemini”
Mars entered Gemini in mid July and on the 14th made an Inconjunct (150 degree) aspect to Pluto. Many times I have seen this harsh aspect to be a strong as a Square… thus, the plague (Pluto) infection (Mars) of the Lungs (Gemini)…
The Inconjunct is also an aspect of ‘adjustment’ …and Chinese officials have responded quickly and have sealed off the town of Ziketan and its population of 10,000 …I would say that is an ‘adjustment’ …certainly for the people of Ziketan.
…as Mars approaches to the opposition to Pluto on the 26th …it may cause even more deaths.
…and here is a really odd one,
“US Marshals seize sanitizer for bacteria problems”
It is amazing to me how this current transiting Jupiter (ever expanding) conjunct to Neptune (scandal over drugs, medications, food)… is seeping into everything…
Since this transiting conjunct has been in effect we have seen recalls of tainted meat, vegetables, peanut butter, chocolate, …and now bacteria in a sanitizer! …infected disinfectant!?!?
…this Neptune thing is getting a little out of hand…
“Australia foils terrorist plot to attack army base”,0,5238478.story
“Iranian ceremony highlights split
Dozens of officials and dignitaries boycott the confirmation of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and street fighting erupts in Tehran between opposition supporters and security forces.
By Borzou Daragahi 4:47 PM PDT, August 3, 2009
Reporting from Beirut -- A confirmation ceremony Monday meant to showcase the unity of the Islamic Republic's leadership highlighted its divisions, sparking clashes in the streets between demonstrators and security forces that stretched into the night.”
…and another interesting …and frightening attribute to the developing Mars opposition Pluto energy…
“Plague death toll rises in China
A third man has died of pneumonic plague in north-western China
where a town of more than 10,000 people has been sealed off, officials say.
The 64-year-old man was a neighbour of the first two people to die from the plague in
Ziketan in Qinghai Province.
Police have set up checkpoints around Ziketan, as medics are disinfecting the area and
killing rats and insects.”
In Rex E. Bills’ reference text, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, we find that, “plagues = Pluto, 12th House, Mars.” The three recent deaths due to pneumonic plague have occurred as Mars now transits through Gemini …and we find in the text that,
“pneumonia = Gemini, Mercury …and Lungs = Mercury, Gemini”
Mars entered Gemini in mid July and on the 14th made an Inconjunct (150 degree) aspect to Pluto. Many times I have seen this harsh aspect to be a strong as a Square… thus, the plague (Pluto) infection (Mars) of the Lungs (Gemini)…
The Inconjunct is also an aspect of ‘adjustment’ …and Chinese officials have responded quickly and have sealed off the town of Ziketan and its population of 10,000 …I would say that is an ‘adjustment’ …certainly for the people of Ziketan.
…as Mars approaches to the opposition to Pluto on the 26th …it may cause even more deaths.
…and here is a really odd one,
“US Marshals seize sanitizer for bacteria problems”
It is amazing to me how this current transiting Jupiter (ever expanding) conjunct to Neptune (scandal over drugs, medications, food)… is seeping into everything…
Since this transiting conjunct has been in effect we have seen recalls of tainted meat, vegetables, peanut butter, chocolate, …and now bacteria in a sanitizer! …infected disinfectant!?!?
…this Neptune thing is getting a little out of hand…
Sunday, August 2, 2009
click chart for larger view
As discussed previously the approaching opposition of transiting Mars to Pluto occurs the 26th of this month. This can be a rather violent transit. Where else in the Middle East may there be volatile trouble?
We don’t have to look far… Pakistan and India may have some conflict or at least a very tense confrontation again. The two countries were formed on the same day at midnight… thus the chart aspects are identical with only the Ascendant changing because of the longitude and latitude of the capitals of Karachi and Delhi.
They both have Uranus at 25 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mars at 0 degrees of Cancer… the aspect is within a 5 degree orb and Mars is passing… nonetheless, it is still impulsive and explosive in nature.
Their charts mirror each other… similar to the recent post about the Ice Hockey players Brad Norton and André Roy… who both have the natal Mars square to Pluto aspect… and when activated by other planet transits… and they’re on opposing teams in a game… they have a fight… and go to the penalty box…
The 26th of August the transiting Mars opposition to Pluto triggers the natal Mars/Uranus conjunct with the transiting Mars conjunct the natal Mars of both at 0 degrees of Cancer… with transiting Pluto at 1 degree of Capricorn opposing it… I see this as another possible terrorist attack originating from remote regions that the Pakistan military does not fully control… perhaps another Hotel attack like the past one in Mumbai? …or a sudden border dispute and clash?
…yes, Pluto rules atomic weapons… and both Pakistan and India have them… and there is no penalty box to send them to. If you are so inclined… you might want to pray during the latter part of August.

As discussed previously the approaching opposition of transiting Mars to Pluto occurs the 26th of this month. This can be a rather violent transit. Where else in the Middle East may there be volatile trouble?
We don’t have to look far… Pakistan and India may have some conflict or at least a very tense confrontation again. The two countries were formed on the same day at midnight… thus the chart aspects are identical with only the Ascendant changing because of the longitude and latitude of the capitals of Karachi and Delhi.
They both have Uranus at 25 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mars at 0 degrees of Cancer… the aspect is within a 5 degree orb and Mars is passing… nonetheless, it is still impulsive and explosive in nature.
Their charts mirror each other… similar to the recent post about the Ice Hockey players Brad Norton and André Roy… who both have the natal Mars square to Pluto aspect… and when activated by other planet transits… and they’re on opposing teams in a game… they have a fight… and go to the penalty box…
The 26th of August the transiting Mars opposition to Pluto triggers the natal Mars/Uranus conjunct with the transiting Mars conjunct the natal Mars of both at 0 degrees of Cancer… with transiting Pluto at 1 degree of Capricorn opposing it… I see this as another possible terrorist attack originating from remote regions that the Pakistan military does not fully control… perhaps another Hotel attack like the past one in Mumbai? …or a sudden border dispute and clash?
…yes, Pluto rules atomic weapons… and both Pakistan and India have them… and there is no penalty box to send them to. If you are so inclined… you might want to pray during the latter part of August.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
click on chart for larger view

The Mars opposition to Pluto that occurs on the 26th may well be the trigger that erupts in a new wave of violence, revolts, and or outright war… somewhere.
The most logical place we look… according to current world wide news… is of course the Middle East. Using the latest government change of February 1, 1979, 9 AM Teheran, as a Natal chart of Iran… the conjunct of transiting Uranus (rebellion) to the nation’s Ascendant at 22 degrees of Pisces is the clear indicator of the recent rebellion over the disputed election returns… and this conjunct by orb allowance will continue on through 2010.
The Mars Pluto opposition of the 26th is within a 5 degree orb to the Mid Heaven (world position) and the Illium Coli (4th House, Home)… the north south axis of the chart… indicating violence in the home/nation… that will influence (negatively) their world position, reputation, etc…
On the east west horizon transiting Mercury is at 0 degrees Libra and with 5 degrees opposition to transiting Uranus… in the 7th (open enemies) indicating that the rebellious news will be exploited by their international opponents world wide… a lot of media bad publicity… but over what?
The idealistic leaders of the rebellion (wanting true democracy) Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunct at 20-24 degrees of Aquarius are in the 12th House (prison)… ergo they’re in prison and/or on trial… for treason (8th House)… with Mars in the 4th House there could be public executions…
…and with the transiting Moon (the public) passes over and conjuncts the natal Uranus at 20 degrees of Scorpio… keywords = Moon/public, Uranus/sudden rebellion, in the 8th House (death).
…the current transiting Saturn to Uranus opposition is also on the east west axis… indicating possible further internal upheaval as the nation’s obsolete views and structure is shaken apart by a rebellious population…
…we shall see…
The most logical place we look… according to current world wide news… is of course the Middle East. Using the latest government change of February 1, 1979, 9 AM Teheran, as a Natal chart of Iran… the conjunct of transiting Uranus (rebellion) to the nation’s Ascendant at 22 degrees of Pisces is the clear indicator of the recent rebellion over the disputed election returns… and this conjunct by orb allowance will continue on through 2010.
The Mars Pluto opposition of the 26th is within a 5 degree orb to the Mid Heaven (world position) and the Illium Coli (4th House, Home)… the north south axis of the chart… indicating violence in the home/nation… that will influence (negatively) their world position, reputation, etc…
On the east west horizon transiting Mercury is at 0 degrees Libra and with 5 degrees opposition to transiting Uranus… in the 7th (open enemies) indicating that the rebellious news will be exploited by their international opponents world wide… a lot of media bad publicity… but over what?
The idealistic leaders of the rebellion (wanting true democracy) Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunct at 20-24 degrees of Aquarius are in the 12th House (prison)… ergo they’re in prison and/or on trial… for treason (8th House)… with Mars in the 4th House there could be public executions…
…and with the transiting Moon (the public) passes over and conjuncts the natal Uranus at 20 degrees of Scorpio… keywords = Moon/public, Uranus/sudden rebellion, in the 8th House (death).
…the current transiting Saturn to Uranus opposition is also on the east west axis… indicating possible further internal upheaval as the nation’s obsolete views and structure is shaken apart by a rebellious population…
…we shall see…
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