Saturday, December 12, 2009


The world is going to hell in a hand basket… a man’s hard built reputation and family life is at stake due to his own foolishness… the experts still can’t make up their minds as to hotter or colder… only that it’s going to cost us 10 trillion dollars to fix the ‘problem’… even the President is pissed at the ‘fat cat’ bankers doling out bonuses to themselves with the bail out and stimulus money… the markets continue to be manipulated… many of Berine Madoff’s fraud gang are still at large… and hundreds of others like them… and they’re probably out ‘flipping’ repossessed houses right now… and 3 more banks bit the dust this week, bringing the score to 133 failed banks for the year so far…

…but it’s all just peachy… as so aptly put by one of America’s typical CEOs in regard to the Tiger scandals,,0,7388860.story?page=2,

“…Yahoo Inc. CEO Carol Bartz told an investor conference that the Woods story was "better than Michael Jackson dying" for bringing people to her site and helping the company sell enough extra advertising to boost profits.”

…it’s all about the ratings …and the money …and now the Icon Tiger walks away with his money… to take an ‘indefinite’ break… I would too… and I wish him well… and I will leave him from my thoughts… it’s none of my business… he’s not a client of mine and he didn’t ask for my opinion.

…icons …evil regimes …empires …civilizations …they come and go …as the melodrama of life goes on …as the planets spin…

I certainly got the scandal prediction part right this month. Mars (nasty) is currently parked in the sign of Leo (show biz, sports) and within orb to opposing the Jupiter (a lot) Neptune (scandal) conjunction in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, shocking)

…now how does all this influence the football games? …the planet transits are a really mixed bag today… and so, I’ll flow more with intuition this week… and go with a $5… 3 game parley… with the Bengals making the 6½+ point spread, and with the Saints and the Eagles to win.

…we shall see…

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