Sunday, February 28, 2010


In the March 1st chart for Noon we see another ‘Yod’ aspect forming… and we have seen the sudden violence that can erupt when Mars is the focal planet (check the archives of the posts for October 09’) of the arrowhead shaped pointer … which often indicates definite fated like events…

[click charts for detail]

This time the focal planet is Mercury at 0 degrees of Pisces… as the little planets speeds across the Aquarius Pisces Cusp by orb allowance it will be the focal point for a day or two… from the inconjuncts and base of the pointer which is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo sextile to Saturn at 2 degrees of Libra, makes a solid ‘Yod’…

Mercury is news, media, communication, travel, contracts… and it is conjunct Neptune… religious… and with Uranus currently in Pisces ruled Neptune that equates to the on going ‘religious fanatics that plague the peace of the world… thus more of the same madness (the wounding as represented by Chiron that also conjuncts Neptune, as does ‘Dark Moon Lilth’ which indicates treachery and lying) continuing… throughout the Middle East

…Neptune is also related to drugs and suicide and celebrities, there can be noticeable news and or scandal here as well during this 1st week transit… Neptune is water, thus the storms will persist for a while…

The Moon in Virgo would represent health care issues and it is conjunct Saturn (restriction, blockage, cold, harsh) and part of the base of the ‘Yod’… pointing to the on going congressional quagmire of a health coverage bill… perhaps more scandal there…

…and the other side of the Yod base is Mars at 0 degrees of Leo… an Inconjunct to Neptune could indicate assassination news… either a prominent one… or more scandal of Israel’s security forces involvement in clandestine assassinations…

The transiting Venus to conjunct Uranus and in opposition to the Moon conjunct Saturn… is an interesting aspect… let’s look a this one on a more personal level… one or the other might suddenly break it off with that exciting person you met during the past couple of weeks as Venus transited over the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter… with Moon conjunct Saturn… there can be a chilling of the hot passions… and one turns toward a more stable (Saturn) conventional relationship… the affair is over (re-read the scandal part above… and be discreet…).

…on the other hand, if you missed those delightful transits …this might also be the ‘sudden meeting’ of someone interesting , fascinating, or unique in some way, who may become an affair or a significant other in one’s life… good luck… it can be fun and magic and all the film noir stuff… and again, be discreet, scandal aspects abound this month…

Whatever it is that occurs during this week… it will come to a flash point on the 10th of March… the Mars ‘stations’ where it appears to stop in the sky for a day or so… as its retrograde movement goes direct again… it sort of cooks and intensifies that particular degree… which just happens to be a power point this time at, 0 degrees of Leo… a big ego involvement here… be it on the personal or international level…

The transiting Moon will oppose Mars… and the transits of Venus at 3 degrees of Aries, opposing Saturn at 2 degrees of Libra and both square to Pluto at 5 degrees Capricorn… a big ‘T-Bar’ of stress… I don’t see peace negotiations fairing well this week… perhaps crimes of passion, sexual assaults, money/bank scandal failings, and market panic by investors… more nuclear threats… There any number of possibilities with these combinations… stay alert…

As the Sun crosses over Uranus and moves into this ‘T-Bar’ it may get quite shaky and explosive again toward the end of the month… be aware.

So far… the January 1st 2010 prediction… of it being …’an eventful year’… is holding true… and we’re not out of the 1st quarter yet…

Saturday, February 27, 2010


“Chile earthquake kills 78 and triggers tsunami”

This series of predicted big ones began with a 7.0 quake off the coast of Japan at 10:30 PM the 27th… and then the 8.8 in Chile… with 30 some earthquakes and after shocks of 5.0 or higher and still occurring…

With the close Full Moon occurring tomorrow… this severe earthquake and tsunami activity may continue on through the weekend and well into next week… as will the storms along the eastern United States.


The March predictions could very well begin with the close Full Moon of the 28th this coming Sunday… the excesses of the month are seen in the exact Sun Jupiter conjunct at 9 degrees of Pisces.

The close Full Moon charges this aspect increasing it’s influence throughout the month… occurring in Pisces (water) with Uranus (storms) at 25 degrees of Pisces and it squares the Ascendant/Descendant axis at 26 degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius.

Thus… very probable severe storms of rain and snow again… during this first week of the month…

The recent Venus transits over Mercury, the Sun, and Jupiter brought the DJIA rally back up to the 10,500 level but has yet to close above that point… which indicates to me an over optimistic view of the alleged economic recovery…

“20 Failed Banks of 2010”

That equates to an average of one bank failure every three days thus far this year… recovery? …yeah, right…

I did predict some assassination possibilities some time back… and one did occur with the assassination of a Hamas military commander, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in Dubai, on January 29th

There is current scandal world wide in regard to the rather suspicious and very possible Mossad (Israeli version of CIA, NSA, etc) involvement… and the use of various false foreign passports by captured suspects. Throughout March further details may effect global tensions even more as now the transiting Sun will forming a stressful ‘T- Bar’ in late March as it opposes Saturn at the early degrees of Libra and squares Pluto at 5 degrees of Capricorn.

This may also activate another series of serious earthquake activity in the 6.0+ ranges again… check your kits… and be alert for another very volatile first week of the month during and after the Full Moon…

…and the severe storms seem to have already started,">

“New Yorkers battle third heaviest snow storm on record”

…maybe it’s due to all that global warming.

. . . . . . . .

Again... it's happening faster than I can write and post about it...

…an 8.8 Magnatude earthquake just struck Chile.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Mars is big and bright in the night sky now as makes its every 2 year or so close passage to the Earth… and as we have seen recently in the tragic University shooting and the airplane suicide crash into an IRS building… it will incline some to irrational violence…

Add this stressful Mars influence to another close perigee Full Moon, what Richard Nolle terms a, “Super Moon” on the 28th… and then this is further compounded by the Sun’s conjunct to Jupiter at 9 degrees of Pisces… Jupiter is the influence of ‘increase’… thus, here I see it as more of an adverse influence simply increasing the over all stress.

This Sun Jupiter conjunct and opposite the Moon occurs in Pisces, a water sign… thus a possible repeat of the serve storms and flooding of the first week of this month. The increased stress may bring another round of severe 6.0+ earthquakes as well…

…as we’ve seen in Haiti and Austin… it can happen anywhere… check your kits… and be alert…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Sunday, February 21, 2010


[Due to internet tech problems, article posted is a day late, for game results read Sports Astrology column]

From Joe’s reality it made sense… and as Uranus moves into Aries more revolts will probably come… and Joe does an unnecessary… and tragic thing… to himself and others.,2933,586627,00.html

“Raw Data: Joseph Stack Suicide Manifesto”

Many of his statements, arguments, and frustrations have been expressed by many of us… me included. We’re all caught in the quagmire of this corrupt and greed driven… government-corporate-market-lobby run-credit-debt-tax-health-drug-insurance-war-defense… system that is beginning to crumble and fall apart all over the world.

This Mars close passage to the Earth and soon making its station will cause some individuals to snap. As these transits pass I feel the tension and the frustrations like everyone else… and rather than turn myself into a bomb and misguided martyr of madness… I choose to spend my day off in the yard…

…mowing and weed whacking my small lawn (Mars rules cutting tools)… weeding and tilling, a Saturn activity that naturally grounds the stressful energy with one’s hands on and in the Earth)… and fertilizing (positive expression of Pluto) the flower beds (Venus)… and planning (Mercury/Saturn) the soon planting (Moon)… or setting out of this season’s Roma tomato potted plants… pruning (Mars) and clean up and preparation (Saturn, practical preparation) for the predicted, by both the meteorologist and the astrologer (Uranus) …next week of rain (Moon/Neptune/Jupiter) etc.

Thus, giving all the squared up energies something positive, therapeutic, and constructive to do …and all very simple, free, or at least inexpensive… Shaman Earth Magick, that makes for some delicious tomatoes and grapes this summer …rather than sit and stew …and turn myself into a bomb …and it was fun… as it was a rather nice sunny day and the exercise felt good.

It’s all a matter of what we consciously choose to do with these energies… instead of unconsciously and habitually reacting to them.

What to do with the ‘Yods’? There are two of the arrowhead pointers in the mundane chart tomorrow… that indicates to me that in the basketball game of the visiting Oklahoma City Thunder versus The New York Knicks in New York… the Thunder should roll across the Knicks… and defeat them. Most other sports analysts and my online bookie will probably agree… so they’ll probably be the favorites.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


And suddenly we have an American citizen suicide bomber… a tax protester…

AP Photo

“Tax Protester Crashes Plane Into IRS Office”

As Mars continues its close orbit to the Earth’s and now slows down to make its retrograde ‘station’ (at 0 degree Leo March 10th) when it appears to stop for a few days)… as I’ve related in past posts… it tends to sit and ‘cook’ those particular degrees and the aspects made to it… and with Mars it can be a ‘trigger’ for some mentally unbalanced individuals… those ready to snap often do during these close Mars transits… and its stations.

Besides the daily war and Middle East violence… we have witnessed this tension building in this country this past week… with a teacher rampage killing of three at a university… a shooting of two in a church service… a horrendous train wreck in Belgium… and now this tragedy in Austin, Texas.

With such a public event we have an accurate time and location of the event, 10 AM Austin, Texas… which gives us a mundane event chart that reveals once again the powerful ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God’ aspect that I’ve been writing about in recent posts… follow the red dashed lines that point to Mars at 2 degrees of Leo. It is in the 4th House (rules home)… and he allegedly set his nearby house on fire (Mars) at 9:40 AM… and then drove to the air field and took off in his airplane and then crashed it into the IRS Office building in Austin at approximately 10:00 AM.

The base of the ‘Yod’ is formed by the combined Stellium that stretches across the cusp of Aquarius (rebellious, shock) and Pisces (Neptune ruled, and here misguided idealism, martyr, suicide, etc) from Neptune (idealist, martyr) at 26 degrees of Aquarius (rebellious) and Chiron (wounding) at 26, and the Sun at the most intense point of the sign at 29 degrees… and “Dark Moon Lilth’ conjuncts the Stellia from 2 degrees of Aquarius and is sextile to Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn... which squares Saturn, thus more stress...

…the rarely used, but often potent indicator in mundane astrology, the ‘Dark Moon Lilth’ point which is a mathematical hypothetical point… often indicates ‘treachery and lying’ along with ‘Lilth Moon’ which indicates ‘calamity’… thus, there will more than likely be various conspiracy theories speculated in the future in regard to this event.

We see the ‘trigger’ again as the transiting Moon… The North Moon Node conjuncts the Mid Heaven at 19 degrees of Capricorn (Capricorn, Saturn ruled authorities, MC the public event)… the South Node at the Illium Coli… in Cancer (rules the home, of both the attacker and the local ‘Home’ office of the IRS)… both destroyed by fire and crash (Mars in the 4th and focal point of the ‘Yod’)… and the transiting Moon square to these Node (destiny) points at 20 degrees of Aries (Mars ruled, attack, fire, explosion).

For the moment I choose to stay away from the politics of it all… and simply study the transit aspects… yes, by following the point of the “Yod” as the Earth rotates… one can see various potential flash points during these stressful transits… and violent things will more than likely happen at those points… and in the past astrologers have lost their heads… for knowing such things…

…ergo, let’s pass on to something less dangerous… basketball games… the transiting ‘Yod’ is pointing to some interesting possibilities… check out my post tomorrow for some interesting prognostications… the Oklahoma City Thunder may be rolling…

[click chart for detail view]

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Our enjoyment of Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, Bill Hicks, George Carlin and all the others who have entertained us with the four letter word vocabularies… and formally taboo subjects… for decades now… is all possible because of the stubborn stance of one rebel against hypocrisy… the legendary Lenny Bruce.

Lenny was the first in standup comedy to break all the of the restrictive language rules… the pioneer who was harassed constantly by the police and the courts for publicly saying words used in every other sentence by some standup comics today. He sacrificed his career, his money, and even his life fighting for and preserving the 1st Amendment of free speech… and made history as a famous/infamous standup comedian and social satirist…

Again we explore an incredible natal astrology map… The same Sun, Mercury, and Mars combination is there as with John Mayer and Charles Bukowski… but in this chart as a conjunction, a stellia in Libra, that then squares Pluto… thus harsh, direct, blunt, and taboo communication… but with the genius to make it funny…

The main aspect… like a flashing neon sign… is this Stellia stretching across the Mid Heaven (public position) Mars at 9 degrees, the Sun at 19 degrees, and Mercury at 24 degrees of Libra… the average mid point of the Stellia is 15 degrees which conjuncts exactly with the 15 degree Mid Heaven… indicating a pleasant yet sharp dry wit… all Libra traits… all in square to Pluto… at 14 degrees of Cancer (tradition)… thus turning the humor to the dark, juicy, sexual, and taboo sides of our lives.

Pluto in the 7th… is the open enemy… the police (Pluto)… which is in an exact opposition to Jupiter (the courts, law, etc) in his 1st House at 14 degrees of Capricorn. Jupiter is not well placed in Capricorn… thus his frustrations with the judges and rulings of the court…

However, Jupiter rules the Sagittarius Ascendant… which further fleshes out the portrait we know of him… the Ascendant represents the persona, the mask that we wear… the way other people see us… and Sagittarians are an archetype of wild and zany humor… and blunt truthful statements.

By orb allowance the Mercury, Sun, Mars Stellia is in supportive sextile (60 degrees) to the conjunct of his Moon (intuitive understanding) at 2 degrees Virgo (details, fetishes) to his natal Neptune (entertainment) at 24 degrees Leo… and in the 8th House… which rules sex, taboo subjects, and death.

Within these two sextile bundles of energy from the Stellia and the Moon/Neptune conjunct, two very significant planets the Mercury (communication, words) at 24 degrees of Libra and Neptune (entertainment) at 24 degrees of Leo (performer) both are Inconjunct to Uranus (rebel, genius, shocker) at 22 degrees of Pisces (entertainment) forming the powerful ‘Yod’ or “Finger of God’ destiny formation… and the focal point is in the 3rd House which rules all manner of communication.

…and here …the focal point of the destiny aspect …in the 3rd House ruling communication and language… is Uranus… which is the rebel and the genius of humor… Lenny Bruce.

In past charts we’ve seen the power of this ‘Yod’ destiny formation in the charts of Bettie Page who became a legend without trying to be one… and the transit chart of Drew Brees which indicated his and the New Orleans Saints, Super Bowl victory this year… and just recently the Yod pointed to the LA Lakers defeating the Utah Jazz in their basketball game of February 10th… (my $5 win ticket… paid $8.25)

The supportive trines and sextiles worked in his favor as he made the efforts to use his talents… but the troublesome square from Venus on the 12th House cusp (the house of the subconscious and often self undoing) to the Moon/Neptune conjunct… is the inclination to substance abuse… Moon to Neptune aspects are another common potential substance abuse aspect in astrology interpretation.

…and the Moon Neptune conjunct is deposited in the 8th House …which rules death …ergo, possible accidental or suicidal drug overdose …or perhaps as one columnist put it at the time, “Lenny Bruce died from an over dose of cops.”

…as Lenny pleaded with the judge in his obscenity trial, “…you need guys like me.” …and we do …we all need to have our complacent feathers ruffled now and then …and to take an honest look at our hypocrisy …and learn to make more honest and compassionate choices …and that’s all Lenny was asking us to do.

{click chart for detail]

Monday, February 15, 2010


Charles Bukowski - writer/poet 1920 -1994

Social values and morals change… swinging in generational cycles from conservative and restrictive (Saturn) to Jupiter (wild expansion, especially of the egos). People like Charles Bukowski, Lenny Bruce, and John Mayer are the rebellious messengers and voices of those changes.

The potential is there in all of our charts for us to play much bigger roles in life than most of us do… most of us fall short of our potentials because of our insecurities… it’s a matter of choices. As the planets transit through one’s chart over the years one has various life experiences… often very predictable.

He wrote from his element, cheap bars and poor neighborhoods, and of the grime, violence, and hard life… in very carnal terms… When one has challenging aspects like squares and oppositions… the energies may be delayed and channeled into challenging directions… nonetheless, the energies will manifest in one’s life… it’s simply a matter of scale and style…

During the same era, Truman Capote, used very proper vocabulary, spelling, and grammar… and he wrote about equally disturbing subjects like the killers of an innocent family, in his documentry written from lengthy prison interviews and personal involvement with the convicted killers while they awaited their execution, in his book, IN COLD BLOOD …and he drank champagne and expensive liquors.

Charles Bukowski wrote gritty pornography columns, books of poetry, six novels, and the screenplay BARFLY… and he drank cheap booze and beer …same game …and both were famous substance abusing writers.

The aspects in his chart tell the story… A tremendous stellium of the Sun (writer essence) Jupiter (publishing, prolific) Venus (arts, writing) Saturn (harsh, poverty) in the 11th (social) House… and as a group are in opposition to Uranus (rebel) in the 5th House (creativity, writing) …which makes for an erratic off and on creative bursts… with the frequent drinking bouts in between which is indicated by the Mars square to Neptune (a common substance abuse aspect)… and Mercury is then tied by orb into the square to Mars… thus, the harsh, direct, blunt …yet honest, as seen from his reality, communication.

Four planets in one sign is also considered a stellium and a major influence and Charles has Mercury (writing) Neptune (alcohol, and creativity) Sun, and Jupiter (fame) in Leo (the performer)… Mercury (writing) at 4 degrees Leo (performance, writing) is inconjunct (150 degrees, inharmoneous, the 'adjustment' is usually with the reader adjusting to the unusually blunt and harsh style of writing) Uranus (which is the rebel) at 4 degrees of Pisces (Neptune ruled, booze, creativity) in the 5th House (creativity, the arts, etc)… and his 'ace in the hole'... Saturn (endurance) sextiles Pluto (raw and dark subjects) and Pluto trines Uranus (rebellious, shocking)... and for a sextile and a trine to work their luck and benefits… one has to make the efforts… which he did. He left an impressive body of work and despite his self abusive lifestyle, he lived to the age of 73 and died of leukemia in 1994.

[click chart for details]

Biography sources:

Sunday, February 14, 2010


We’ve read the verbal ‘eloquence’ of John Mayer expressing his views of sex and relationships… and it’s all making him famous or infamous… take your pick… All due to his often troublesome natal Mercury square to his Mars. A bit of review from the ‘cookbook’ of natal definitions… “…indicates a lack of tact and is unfavorable for public relations.”

For an analysis of John's chart refer to the recent articles in the SEX ASTROLOGY column archive, listed in the 'complete profile' tag, posts; Jan 28th and Feb 11th

While many pass judgment and are down on John for his ‘mode of self expression’… they forget that they have made icons out of equally ‘foul mouthed’ writers and entertainers… who also have Mercury and Mars in harsh aspects in the natal birth charts… like the author/poet… “laureate of low life,” Charles Bukowski… whose life was portrayed by another Hollywood bad boy, Mickey Rourke, in the movie BARFLY.

In Charles’ natal chart the same Mercury Square to Mars occurs… with the additional conjunct of Neptune to Mars we also can see his inclination to substance abuse… a life long struggle with alcohol and violence… yet with enough creativity and intelligence to write some rather insightful books about the harshness of life.

Then the all time bad boy and breaker of 'proper' language rules… The pioneer who did jail time for words used in every other sentence by some standup comics today… he sacrificed his career, fortune, and even his life fighting for and preserving the 1st Amendment of free speech… and helping us all to eventually break out of the sexually repressed 'McCarthy Era' 1950's... the famous/infamous standup comedian and social critic… Lenny Bruce. The same Sun, Mercury, and Mars combination is there… but as a conjunction, a stellia in Libra, that then squares Pluto… thus harsh, direct, blunt communication… and aften about taboo subjects... and with the genius to make it funny…

As Lenny said in court to the judge during his obscenity trial… “You need guys like me.” …and we do …they confront us with our own hypocrisy and reveal to us how we all share the same frustrations in the never ending relationship/sex puzzle that we all struggle with throughout our lives… and these sharp tongued men help us see that all of us are rather gross at times… and we need to admit it and have a good laugh about it… which is an act of forgiveness and compassion to oneself and to others…

In future posts we shall make an in detail exploration of the charts of bad boys… Charles Bukowski… and Lenny Bruce.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Though there are still the off and on bombings and violence in the Middle East… some intense winter weather all over… and the usual political wrangling over details… things feel at least at a lull the past couple of days, if not getting better…

The favorable transiting conjunctions made by Venus over the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter hasn’t sparked any incredible rally from the post Eclipse -750 point drop in the DJIA… where it now hovers around the 10,000 level… but at least it seems to be holding at that level… for now… another close perigee Full Moon at the end of the month may bring another drop…

…as this article progressed during the morning …and I clicked back and forth to the free market charts at …I suddenly saw something …one of those silly ads that no one pays any attention to on the side bar… on impulse I printed a copy immediately… I saw it as an omen…

Dear reader… let me take this opportunity to share with you a genuine shaman/psychic/soothsayer experience… clients, friends, and readers often ask me about the ‘how to do it’ part… and the only way that one can explain it is by example…

This morning we have one. Due to possible copy write infringement I can’t reproduce the printout with my personal comments printed, and chart trend lines drawn on it… perhaps later if the prognostication comes true I will write to them for permission… the problem is it involves an advertisement of a real estate company who might object to being part of an ‘omen.’

However, I will practice freedom of the press and describe it in neutral and impartial terms …at the side of 1 year daily high-low-close, with volume, bar chart …is an advertisement in which there is a hot air balloon floating in the air… as I drew my pencil down the ruler following the series of lower highs …it hit my eye …my impulse was right to print this out… the line hit the top of the hot air balloon!

…then from the top of the balloon where the diagonal line touched the balloon …I drew a horizontal line over to the market levels… and it indicated the 8000-8500 range… which has been my predicted bottom for some weeks now. The brilliant mundane astrologer, Richard Nolle, has predicted a double bottom ‘W’ formation in the stock market for a year or more, and I totally agree with him and support his views… as my charts confirm the same.

…back to the vision …the balloon …long time readers of my wiseacherings …have known me to equate the over inflated market, due to massive infusion of worthless money based on more debt… all just more zeros typed into the balance… to a market balloon full of hot air…

…thus, by miraculous synchronicity …my ancient astrology and soothsayer guides who reside in parallel dimensions to ours …somehow guide my random mouse clicks to this particular page with a visual conformation of my thoughts of the market… a balloon …this is the language of intuition, pictures, symbols, or sudden out the ordinary incidents that confirm a previous, or simultaneous, premonition…

…for it to work …one must be in a relaxed and impartial place …which I was …just drifting and waiting for intuition to find a path for the article …I am impartial as I have no major share holdings to worry about… there is no motivation for my inquiry other than curiosity… thus, in an ego quiet moment… these influences, suggestions, answers… come in the form of various symbols and events… a subtle yet often very direct and to the point language.

…and here in this picture… the balloon appears to be losing altitude and marking its final altitude at 8000… in addition, by drawing horizontal lines from the top and bottom of the balloon gondola, where we ride in it… indicates and average daily volume of 400-450 million shares a day at that time…

By extending the horizontal line at 8000 to the right and the slopping down angle line they intersect at a future point on the chart… indicating a possible new bottom, and perhaps double bottom of the predicted ‘W’ (Richard Nolle) formation around April-May 2010. …that’s it …I predict an 8500 - 8000 bottom for the DJIA by the end of May…

…silly day …and on to other silly stuff …the Oscars? The chart transits of March 7th to the natal charts of George Clooney and Meryl Streep are looking fortunate… but that’s no big prediction…

…that’s it for omens today …Venus is easy …kick back and have a lazy evening… maybe some ice cream and cookies… we deserve it.

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Monday, February 8, 2010


The power in the aspects of the game exploded immediately with the record setting 96 yard drive that gave the Colts the first score… and yeah, I had the thought… ‘maybe I’ve read the charts all backwards?’ …and at the half it was 13-6 in favor of the Colts …I’m convinced the higher forces like to mess with my mind.

Then the second half begins to look more like what the chart had shown me… The third quarter I am beginning to see the tie and the over time and the field goal win… and 4th quarter starts out Colts 17 Saints 16.

The Saints score and it’s 24-17… then with 3 minutes 12 seconds left in the game and the Colts close to scoring… which will tie it up …and then the over time… but, no… Tracy Porter intercepts Peyton’s pass… and runs downfield 74 yards and puts it away for the Saints 34-17! The ‘Yod’… the destiny… the luck… not exactly the way I saw it… but I’m certainly not complaining with my win ticket.

Fascinating… and valuable research data on the power of a Grand Cross… and the Yod… the ‘Destiny aspect’ …and here is …the confirmation from the man himself, Drew Brees, in his own words,

"It was all meant to be," Brees said. "It's all destiny."

Other verifications this week, the blizzard…

“Mid-Atlantic plows, digs out of epic blizzard”

Okay, it's winter ...but when it gets to the point of "epic" blizzard ...then I'm going to count that as a point ...for the severe storms prediction of the month.

...bare with me, dear reader ...I'm a bit festive's not every lifetime that you pick the Super Bowl Winner... three years in a row! HOOYAH! Okay, enough ego... I think I'll celebrate with a bowl of ice cream and cookies now... yes, I deserve that...

...may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I am trying not to feel the pressure… as that is what interferes… The struggle to keep the ego and the greed out of it is always the challenge. It is just a game and another research chart.

...’It is just a game and another research chart’… this must be my mantra… as I put my ‘game face’ of impartiality on… and get down to some serious in depth football prognosticating… The Colts, or the Saints?

The charts of the playoffs and the Super Bowl games somehow always seem to have contradictory aspects favoring both sides. But then… that is yet another truth (for me) of the science of astrology… it’s not meant to be easy… these two teams are the best of the best this season… and the charts indicate that. The Super Bowl is never a clear cut and easy read…

I’ve gotten the past two Super Bowl predictions correct and won my $5 wagers… now can I do the hat trick and get a third one? We shall see… I never seem completely satisfied with my theories… so again, I’m taking a new track this year. Of course it is always a combined team effort. However, this year I’m going to base my prediction on the transits made to the natal charts of the starting quarterbacks… Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts… and Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints.

They both have tremendously powerful charts… ergo, they’re both great quarterbacks and potential candidates for the Football Hall of Fame on their passing records.

Let’s look at Peyton’s chart first. There is the grand trine of Mars, to Uranus, to Venus… Strong, good strategist, and an artist with passing the football. The power is in the ‘T-bars’… and he has two of them that serve him well… the opposition between Moon (emotions) and Saturn (method, stability) is squared by Jupiter (expansion, exuberance) gives a stable calm judgement… as the opposing and squared forces balance out… giving him that calm perseverance he has demonstrated so often as they actually have had the ball less time than the opposition, yet somehow they score when necessary and win… 14 -2 this season.

His power is in the ‘T-Bar’ of Sun opposition to Pluto and both squared by Mars… and football is the ideal outlet for this powerful aspect of the ‘power planets’ thus aligned. Many professional athletes have these kinds of power aspects between Mars and Pluto… and when also aligned with the Sun, it’s simply part of their nature to be physically active… the energy has to go somewhere.

The potential violence and obstacles represented by these squares and oppositions are simply the game of football… 22 players knocking one another down for an hour of playing time… and the obstacles of 11 players trying to stop the other 11 players from moving the ball to their goal… a couple of quick and predatory 200+ pound linebackers and nine other big fellows chasing you can be somewhat of an obstacle… Really an amazing and powerful chart… and that’s Peyton… an amazing quarterback.
[click charts for detail view]

On game day… transiting Saturn is at 4 degrees of Libra and in opposition to his natal Sun at 4 degrees of Aries… Saturn is an inhibiting influence… and here it sits on the Pluto side of his Sun, Mars, Pluto ‘T-Bar’ power aspect… I’m feeling this may drain his energy down somewhat that day… However, transiting Pluto is at 4 degrees of Capricorn… thus energizing the ‘T-Bar’ …now the question is, which way will this powerful energy go? …the transit turns into now a ‘Grand Cross’ as Pluto opposes (two oppositions square to each other) his natal Mars. This crossed vibration could make a very frustrating day for Peyton… and very possibly… an injury with transiting Pluto opposing to natal Mars…

While these are harsh aspects… what would be a likely debilitating injury to me or you from being sacked hard by a blitzing Saint’s Linebacker and maybe a couple other big fellows… is simply another hit in the game for him… and Peyton gets back up and trots to the huddle… to plan another strategy… That’s almost the entire essence of his chart… Peyton uses the talents of his natural Grand Trine in meeting and over coming obstacles… which is what makes him a great football player. Even on a bad day… he can… and has won. The question is… will the Grand Cross be energizing or draining? And whichever… will it be… in the 1st half… or the 2nd half… or both?

Now let’s look at the game transits and how they activate Drew’s natal chart. The first thing to note… He has the same three power planets of Sun, Mars, and Pluto in a slightly different arrangement than Peyton. Drew has Sun conjunct Mars and then both square to Pluto… another powerful player whose nature is to overcome obstacles. A Trine between Mercury and Saturn… good strategist, a Trine from Venus to Jupiter, good luck, and a Trine from Moon to Neptune, an emotional almost spiritual enjoyment of the game… which is three trines and thus equal to Peyton’s Grand Trine formation… and an equally great quarterback… and again confirmation, here they are facing each other in the Super Bowl.

Like I said, these charts of championship games are the best versus the best and the most difficult… but challenging and fun to evaluate …and once in awhile …the planets drop a clue here and there …and I really like this one!

The game day transits have Pluto (power) at 4 degrees of Capricorn and is sextile (60 degrees) to Jupiter (luck) at 4 degrees of Pisces… then both Pluto and Jupiter are Inconjunct (150 degrees) to transiting Mars at 6 degrees of Leo, which is within the 2 degree orb allowance for the powerful destiny formation called the ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God’… with the point of the arrowhead shape on the focal planet, which here is Mars… now the clue… This powerful Mars point (Mars rules football) also conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Drew at 5 degrees of Leo… which is the ‘lucky trine’ to Venus in his chart.

We’ve seen in past mundane and natal charts just how powerful an aspect the ‘Yod’ can be… like the predictions of the October 1st 09’ post… and the natal double ‘Yod’ destiny aspect of Bettie Page.

Since the game chart favors both sides as it progresses over a two hour time period… and being that the natal charts of both these incredible men are equal… I’m going with the ‘Yod’ …to the Jupiter ‘luck’ …to tip the scale to Drew and the Saints…

Either way… the chart would still read… destiny has made Drew and the Saints the NFL Champions… I have a weakness for underdog bets… and this one looks very possible… I’ll make a conservative $5 bet… just for the fun/research of it… that the New Orleans Saints will make the 5+ point spread or win… in a close, and perhaps even tied game going into over time… and then perhaps a 3 point field goal win.

…we shall see…

Friday, February 5, 2010



“54 Shiite Muslim pilgrims killed in Baghdad suicide bombing”

“At least ’10 dead’ in Pakistan drones strike”


“Pakistani bombing kills 3 U.S. soldiers”


“32 Taliban, 3 Afghans killed in fighting”


“Blast Strikes Shiite Pilgrims in Iraq”

….and the predicted new battle/war/front

“Afghans prepare for NATO assault on Taliban enclave”

I find that my views are changing on war predictions… Unlike the mainstream media… I don’t report for the sake ratings or money… except for the blogger’s ‘penny clicks’ for reads… and link royalties from from purchasers of books I recommend…

The science of Astrology… for one so inclined, such as myself with natal Sun trine Uranus (a common textbook definition of astrologers)… is an unending fascination… watching the transits, recording mundane events, comparing with past history and similar transits… and figuring out the mechanics of the cosmos… what makes things happen…

After a few decades, by hard knocks experience, if no other way… one begins to understand the weight and responsibility of what one is studying and practicing… and realizes that some entries might better stay in one’s private research logs...

…and in a moment of reflection …upon the legendary soothsayer, Nostradamas …I find that I understand better now …why perhaps …other than keeping his head on his shoulders… he camouflaged his predictions in French Quatrains… and why perhaps he wrote intentional misspellings …like “Hister”…for Hitler.

I do not want to endanger NATO troops… nor add fuel to the fires of war… by publicly revealing the probable date of the assault… which is easy enough for an average astrologer to figure out… re-read the January 23rd post for clues if you’re interested in exploring mundane astrology… it’s another perigee Full Moon coming up …and Mars is still in it’s close orbit to the Earth’s.

The DJIA has taken a post-Eclipse 750 point drop… touching a low of 9800… and closing at 10,002… this week. With transiting Venus beginning its conjuncts over Mercury, Sun, and Jupiter, Uranus… there may be a rally back up to the 10,500 levels.

Be of good cheer, visualize and project peace and love as best you can… and try to enjoy the transit of Venus over the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus mid month… you just might find that special Valentine… and have some fun times together… that’s a fun visualization.

…just for moment …drift into another parallel dimension …walk down the back patio steps of the mansion of one’s mind …and go for a quiet intimate walk with them through the garden on a warm sunny day…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Again this month, the positive side of the mutual reception of Uranus transiting through Neptune ruled Pisces… and Neptune transiting through Uranus ruled Aquarius… has been providing fascinating new discoveries… like an asteroid collision caught on film.

I enjoy and have used this site, Discovery News, before as a source. They present facts, and discuss various possibilities in an intelligent and fairly impartial manner… here are parts from the article,

“The scenario being pondered is that two uncharted asteroids ran into each other at speeds of over 11,000 miles per hour (or five times faster than a rifle bullet). The center of the “X” might be the original collision point where the trajectories of the object intersected. The whole structure has a definite ballistic look to it, like plummeting smoke trails from an exploded aerial firework. (Government conspiracy buffs might imagine it’s the result of an “anti-asteroid” interceptor being dispatched in a secret military experiment.)”

…and you can bet …somebody out there in cyber space is writing a blog article about it…

…and further on… “With 2012 doomsday hysteria building, this might get attention on the Internet as yet another omen of the “End of Times.” Those who've overdosed on Nostradamus might see a flying Star of David, or a pentagram.”

As far as omens go… If you need an orbiting… or space traveling ‘Hubble’ telescope to see it… I don’t think it counts as an omen in this solar system… and that of course… is only my personal shaman opinion and theory.

I totally concur with these opinions of the article… while we are going through some radical planetary and social changes… influenced by historically repeating planetary alignments, in my mundane astrologer opinion… this planet still has quite a few thousand years left…

It’s been around for a few billion years now… and the science guys confirm that reality,

…“But asteroid collisions have been ongoing for over 4 billion years. Thanks to our modern telescopes we've finally "caught one in the act."

The facts presented in the article are fascinating… it’s a good read, check it out.

Monday, February 1, 2010


The close Mars orbit and tensions persist.

Prior to the Eclipse, starting the 27th on through today there has been four to five earthquakes per day in the 5.0 M range; a 5.9 in the Philippines the 27th, a 5.9 in Argentina the 28th, and a 5.9 in Vanuatu the 29th …and the rest were in the low and mid range of 5.0 M. The current close orbit of Mars to the Earth adds to this tension through the first week of February… and may increase the violence throughout the month.

It almost goes without saying… tension continues throughout the Middle East… violence, bombings, war…

Party Girl Venus

This stress may continue to pull the stock markets down a bit during the first week. However, transiting Venus will conjunct Neptune on the 8th, perhaps bringing illusory optimism and a rally back toward the 10,500 for the DJIA… and then later in the month on the 14th Venus will conjunct the Sun, and on the 17th Jupiter… some fun times and good cheer for a change… maybe one heck of a Mardi Gras if the Saints win the Super Bowl… Venus, the lovely… and Jupiter, the big …having a party in the “Big Easy” …Hooyah!

…and Big Daddy Jupiter

Then at the end of the month comes another close perigee Full Moon on the 28th …which is a repeat of the same tensions… and perhaps more significant earthquakes and severe storms… and perhaps further down trend in the markets.

There’s still a lot of tension …check you kits …and be of good cheer …we may all have some fun mid month or so.