Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Mars is big and bright in the night sky now as makes its every 2 year or so close passage to the Earth… and as we have seen recently in the tragic University shooting and the airplane suicide crash into an IRS building… it will incline some to irrational violence…

Add this stressful Mars influence to another close perigee Full Moon, what Richard Nolle terms a, “Super Moon” on the 28th… and then this is further compounded by the Sun’s conjunct to Jupiter at 9 degrees of Pisces… Jupiter is the influence of ‘increase’… thus, here I see it as more of an adverse influence simply increasing the over all stress.

This Sun Jupiter conjunct and opposite the Moon occurs in Pisces, a water sign… thus a possible repeat of the serve storms and flooding of the first week of this month. The increased stress may bring another round of severe 6.0+ earthquakes as well…

…as we’ve seen in Haiti and Austin… it can happen anywhere… check your kits… and be alert…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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