Saturday, January 30, 2010


Let’s get away from all the dreary troubles of the world for a minute… the transits may be just right for it… and have some hot sex! …with other consenting adults of like mind, please…

The beautiful, close perigee… and aptly named by ancient American natives… ‘Wolf Moon’

…with transiting Mars conjunct …that makes the wolves howl …by arousing the sexual nature within… and all this week sensuous Venus has been dancing within orb of opposition to this powerful Full Moon Mars conjunct… and that’s sexy.

Venus now in opposition to Mars…

If you’re in a good stable relationship… this can be the Saturday through Monday morning special time to get away somewhere… like the cabin, a motel… a tent… wherever it’s warm and cozy and private… and really enjoy each others special gifts…

…if it’s not such a compatible relationship …this can be the ‘see-saw’ of hot sex… spats… hot sex make up… fights… more make up sex… maybe split up… or an impulsive hookup with a hot ‘proper or improper… stranger in the night’… you meet at the club… or wherever… the hot aspects are there… enjoy, practice safe sex… and try to play nice… like maybe unconditional love…

…so …we will probably hear and read of some new celebrity… or old celebrity resurfacing sex scandals… and if you’re having one of your own… be discreet and don’t pass judgment on others… we all have Mars and Venus in our horoscope somewhere… and now and then… and again… they get us all into some trouble…

…enjoy …have fun …be in love …if only for a minute

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…


This past year we’ve all lived through the stress created by the on going square angle between transiting Saturn and transiting Pluto… which is currently with Saturn at 4 degrees of Libra and Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn…


Saturn, the ringed one, the tester… stability…


Pluto, the destructor, the transformer… forceful…

Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system and Pluto is smaller than the Earth’s Moon… the common question of the lay person and the curious about astrology… ‘How can such a small body… not even considered a planet by some in astronomy circles… and what seems to be a giant ice cube on the outer edge of our solar system… have such an impact on our lives and personalities?’

The explanation is not left brain… or measurable with our current scientific instruments in this particular energetic density that is the ‘reality’ that our physical bodies occupy.

…now we enter the esoteric teachings of ancient astrology… the ‘astroligion’ of it all. An ancient axiom says, “As above, so below”

That’s what we are… miniature living models of the universe… this solar system represents our nearest… universe and reality… all of the planetary energies… the planets… are within one… and the aspects for that individual lifetime are stamped permanently on the date of the physical birth horoscope.

The natal horoscope and its aspects are… ‘how you are wired’ …the future transits that the planets make along your individual ‘hard wired – aspects’ ... will trigger very predictable events… which can be physical, emotional, mental, and or all, and various combinations thereof in your life experience… and it is your free will choice as to how you will respond… positively and evolutionary… or negative and repetitious… as defined by historical data compiled by thousands of astrologers… for millennia… since before the Stonehenge…

Let’s consider some definitions from the a current standard astrology reference book, PLANETS IN TRANSIT, by Robert Hand, for an individual experiencing a Saturn square to their natal Pluto,

“This transit can be a difficult time in your life…” Now consider how these definitions apply to the world in general… we’ve certainly seen difficult times throughout this past year as these two have been within orb range to square each other…

“Because of circumstances and other people, you find it difficult to make the changes you would like to make in the world around you…” …that rather describes the stalled government of late… with various bipartisan issues and interference from excessive and corrupt lobbying… that we’ve witnessed for the first year of President Obama’s administration.

“Financially, you may have to curb your expenses because you simply do not have the resources…” …we see it in the various markets, banks not lending, banks failing, tight credit if any… cut backs… no more over time where I work… etc.

“…This transit is sometimes associated with violent incidents, so take care…” and we’ve certainly seen plenty of that on almost a daily basis these past months…”

And now the ‘why’ of it… “A square from transiting Saturn usually represents a call to eliminate the unnecessary and superfluous elements in your life. Of all Saturn squares, this one requires that you get rid of the dead and useless structures. Pluto rules breakdown and rebuilding, and that is exactly what you are forced to do. If you do it voluntarily, it will be easier.”

…we see it happening, I post of these news events daily …the planet, the country, every individual on the planet …we are all going through some major changes… in many and various areas of our lives… flow with it… pause… and try to consciously by free will choice transform the negative emotions and energy… into cautious yet compassionate and positive actions… and to try and choose wisely in the face of very certain changes… what is practical for all?… what works for all?…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Reference Source: PLANETS IN TRANSIT, Robert Hand books -

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The 26th…

“Bomber Strikes Near U.S. Base in Afghanistan”

the 25th…,0,4803795.story

“37 Killed in Attacks on Baghdad Hotel Bombings”

the 24th…

“Sunday: 19 Iraqis Killed, 9 Wounded”

the 23rd…

“Saturday: 5 Iraqis Killed, 6 Wounded”

the 22nd

“Aerial Bombings Kills 22 Colombian Rebels”

the 21st

“Thursday: 1 U.S. Soldier, 5 Iraqis Killed, 11 Iraqis Wounded”

The frequency is consistent… now as the Perigee Full Moon approaches… and as Uranus edges closer to Aries… the numbers may increase…

Tragically… all these bombings, have a reason… a motivation… a belief… a choice… the ‘right’ the ‘wrong’ of it… are unending contradictions… insanity… and corruption on all sides…

These transits are just energy… it could be used to energetically build things… to peacefully dismantle the obsolete ideas and beliefs with truth… and then peacefully re-build to a better future… that benefits all world wide…. What do we choose to do?

“…okay, tell ya what… I won’t bomb you if don’t bomb me…”

“Okay, agreed… we’re cool… now… it’s that other guy we gotta watch out for… he prays funny…”

“hey… you’re right… he does at that…”

“…it’s us and them now..”

…and on it goes …as the planets spin throughout the cosmic melodrama …perhaps it is all maya …a crazy illusion dream…

…just for a nicer moment …visualize with me, dear reader …with whatever images come into your mind’s eye… we simply wake up from nap under a tree in the grass of a beautiful garden… and it’s a quiet warm sunny day…

Photo Credit: Sarah Galbraith

…and now we drift back …yes, it’s time to go to work and about our busy lives …try and remember the garden… maybe take a little quiet, sunny, peaceful, mental ‘break’ moment… now and then… throughout the day…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


…sometimes …I feel like parts, or duplicates, of me live in multiple dimensions… all simultaneously…

In a blog entry of January 6th… I made up a story… from memories of reverie dreams and meditations… about a Pagan village astrologer of the Stonehenge era, circa 10,500 BCE… it was just an in the moment inspiration that flew across the keypad and into ‘Word Perfect’… and just a silly story… about a stressful transit the village astrologer, Linus, saw from the Stonehenge while observing the night sky and the seven planets that can be seen by the naked eye… Now from the January 6th post,

"…and, lo… it all came to pass… two days before the sky battle of the moving stars… as Luna approaches… Gaia did shake a bit… not too bad… but enough to have to pick things up afterward… and the very day that the village astrologer Wizard, Linus, foretold… the watchman on the high hill sparked his signal fire… the Vikings! …their sails are seen on the horizon…

The militia assembles on the beaches… archers are ready to light and send volleys of flaming arrows into the sails and decks of the approaching Viking ships… swords are drawn… shields at the ready… the warriors stand their line… ready for battle… to defend their homes and people…

…and, lo… a sudden and mighty gale blows up and across the sea… the Viking ships toss about… sails rip loose… masts snap… and the militia cries, Hoorah! …as they watch the Viking ships capsize and sink into a dark whirlpool of raging waters… beneath the damning beams of the evil star… Algol…"


Note the bizarre synchronicity of parallel events… in our current reality, dear reader… it all happens from Jan 12th through the 23rd 2010… within a fortnight… as Linus predicted in his reality of 10,239 BCE…

Gaia… the Mother Earth Goddess shook… the 12th thru the 17th, with five major earthquakes in Eureka, Haiti, Venezuela, Guatemala, and Argentina…

…the wind and the seas raged …and the storm came to my house in Long Beach, flooding with tornado watches and warnings… the 15th through to the 21st…

…and the 23rd the Vikings came to battle the Saints (Pagans)

…and lose 31-28 …by a Saint’s 3 point field goal in over time.

…all within Linus’ fortnight orb range!? And the night of the game, Neptune (water, storm) at 25 degrees of Aquarius (Uranus ruled, sudden – in the case of the game, it was tied… and went into ‘sudden death’ first score wins… over time) in the 7th house of the visitor – open enemy – the Vikings… and squared exact… by what Linus called the… ‘evil star …Algol’ …a fixed star at 25 degrees of Taurus …at the Mid Heaven, and thus as the story was told… “beneath the damning beams of the evil star… Algol…” the Vikings were defeated 31-28. ...queue, ‘Twilight Zone’ music…

I’ve had similar experiences with drawings… that would somehow be experienced later… This is the first time it has happened to me with writing… fascinating… do we predict or create the future?… or a bit of both? …or is past, present, future… all happening NOW simultaneously? …and all of our various incarnations… happening simultaneously? that's a brain stretcher, huh...

…and the dancer girlfriend part of the story? …I’m still waiting on that part to manifest…

…we shall see…

The game chart, click for detail view

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Perigee Full Moon

We may have a few calmer and colder days to pick up things and dry out before it all starts up again around the end of the month into the first week of February. Not only is this a close orbit, what Richard Nolle terms a, ‘Super Moon’… this one also has two major conjuncts in the Sun-Moon opposition… thus four planets in opposition… that’s some tension.

The Full Moon at 10 degrees conjuncts Mars at 9 degrees of Leo… the anger and passions are high… very possible major terrorist attacks… border attacks… challenges that get out of control… along with shocking random violence…

This pair Mars/Moon then oppose the Sun at 10 degrees of Aquarius that is conjunct to Venus at 14 degrees… The Venus Mars tension in this close Full Moon… can and probably will get personal… expect some more sex scandal news… runaway affairs… or even high profile sexual jealousy and violence…

This Full Moon may also re-activate the recent seismic and volcanic activity… as Saturn and Pluto remain in their exact square from Libra to Capricorn… from air to earth… thus, possibly, more severe storms, volcanic activity and earthquakes… check your kits…

…and the recent Eclipse has triggered the 500 point drop that I predicted might happen in the, in my opinion, way too high equities markets… On the 19th just after the Eclipse the DJIA peaked at 10,725 at the closing bell… and yesterday the 22nd …the DJIA closed at 10,172… down from the Eclipse -553 points.

…now if the Vikings lose to the Saints tonight …every prediction of the 1st will have come true this month… that’s getting a little spooky… even for the astrologer…

Noticeable hot spots; the Mars/Moon conjunct end of the Full Moon conjuncts the natal Uranus of Iraq’s natal chart at 10 degrees of Leo… potentially very explosive. The Sun part of the Full Moon conjuncts the natal Sun/Mars conjunct in the natal chart of Iran… also explosive. The Mars/Moon side of the Full Moon conjuncts the natal Saturn/Pluto conjunct of India (which includes Pakistan and Afghanistan… and this Full Moon is within orb of the natal Israel’s Moon/Pluto/Saturn conjunct…

Which one? Iran, Iraq, India, Israel? …one or more? …or all of them? …who knows? Things will be rather tense in the Middle East… border clashes, outbreak of a new war front, new wave of suicide bombings of government buildings and public markets? We shall see… be calm and alert… and ready to duck…


“UN climate panel blunders again over Himalayan glaciers”
“The chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has used bogus claims that Himalayan glaciers were melting to win grants worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.”

Money… money… money… more and more, the climate scams are getting rather obvious… which is dangerous, because there are some serious potentially radical climate changes that are happening… and a lot of valuable time and money is being wasted by these frauds… instead of gathering all real data and doing real research that may actually provide some warning and or real solutions.

These scams are wasting time and leading us in wrong directions… it’s a disgrace… and betrayal… to all sincere scientists throughout the world… who genuinely want to serve and help the world.

This month alone, simple mundane astrology transits have predicted a volcano eruption, five major earthquakes, and severe storms… you have read it yourself, dear reader… and I consider myself to be an average mundane astrologer… there are other astrologers, like Richard Nolle, Bill Meridian, Noel Tyl, the late Barbara Koval… who are even more spooky accurate sometimes!

Now consider combining the data of seismologists… who have, with their instruments and science, mapped and measured every fault line on the planet… with the mapping of the path that these various aspects make across the planet as they become exact… one could perhaps determine which fault lines would be under the most stress… and with that data they might be able to accurately predict the exact time and location that is at high risk… and have enough time to tell the Haitians, or whoever it may hit… to go sit outside for a few hours…

I am not going to approach mainstream science with my theories… astrologers have been targets for ridicule and persecution ever since a few corrupt ones sold out to the corrupt church around 200 CE… They don’t burn us at the stake anymore… but the media won’t hesitate to ‘roast’ astrologers… nor will the late night TV talkers…

However, if a Seismologist with an open mind wants to sincerely ask me about my, and hundreds of other astrologer’s, findings… I would be more than happy to work them… I find their science fascinating, perhaps they might learn something from mine as well… and who knows… together we might find a way to accurately predict earthquakes and save lives.


It’s not making the front page headlines yet… nonetheless it’s there and the becoming more and more noticeable… the transiting Saturn square Pluto is up rooting the scams…

“Swiss Banker Blows Whistle on Tax Evasion”

…and he’s naming major world bank type players …and in the months to come these issues will get uglier.

Friday, January 22, 2010


As we are enduring the rain and flooding times… here in Long Beach… (Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces) and in response to a reader inquiry as to my random reference to the ancient ark legends… let’s examine it in the light of the recent article I referred to that describes a 20,000 year cycle of glacier and ice cap melt downs and flooding throughout the planet…

There are many Ark legends throughout various historically recorded civilizations… with various legendary accounts of massive flooding from various cultures around the planet… ergo, every 20,000 years or so… somebody builds a big ark… or maybe a lot of people build arks because our specie has survived and we’re still here…

“…Myths and Men estimates that altogether there are over 500 Flood legends worldwide. Ancient civilizations such as (China, Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia) all have their own versions of a giant flood.”

Every few years we read accounts of some very idealistic and inspired people spending very serious money on an expedition hiking around Mount Ararat looking for Noah’s Ark…

…now if they ever find bits and pieces of a big boat on Mount Ararat… or around any other high mountain… how do they know it was Noah’s? …maybe it was Ralph’s Ark from the previous 20,000 year ice melt down? …or maybe Pete’s Ark? …or even Alice’s Ark?

Mount Ararat is the high ground of the area… as are the Himalayan, the Andes, the Rockies…it could be anybody’s Ark… from any of the previous ice meltdown ages… and so… local urban legends grow and get edited and re-written… and maybe a little poetic license is added here and there… you know how writers and story tellers are… you are one if you’re a Blogger!

Like the ‘Billy the Kid’ and Pat Garrett legend… all we really know is one was an outlaw and one was an officer of the law… and Billy got shot. And when it comes to the big flood… all we really know is… there’s an ice cap and glacier melt down every 20,000 years or so… and evidently a lot of people have built arks and survived… because we’re still here… that’s it… that’s all… everything else is speculation and or a Hollywood script…

…and if it comes soon …there are plenty of empty container and tanker ships… idle and anchored in the Sea of Malaysia… and fleets of Aircraft carriers… there are already lots of Arks floating around… and some clever entrepreneur will re-paint, decorate, and outfit a few… a fleet… a cruise line… and there will be the… ‘40 Day n’ Night of Rain and Flood Cruise’… to mountain top destinations… or rather islands… unknown… …not to worry…


…and other rainy day rants…

I’ve often written about the nature of this current transiting Saturn to Pluto square from Libra to Capricorn… it is stress… but part of the cycles… this one is sort of like a swinging wrecking ball bringing down an obsolete and hazardous building…

“Leno-Conan Mess Offers Management Lessons”

…while various critics and articles try to offer very logical and business like explanations …and finger pointing blame… let’s simply follow the keywords of this on going transit that can make earthquakes and disasters of all kinds… in any obsolete… and or corrupt entity… or on any part of the planet.

Saturn is in the sign of Libra… here Libra represents the host, the show, the arts, contracts, partnerships, significant others… Saturn is cold, harsh, strict… limiting. It squares (obstacle, problem, difficulties, challenges) Pluto which can be ruthless and domineering (the NBC management in this case) in Capricorn that represents here… the NBC business… a ruthless selfish domineering business…

When we mix these two elements together… we have a situation where as an art form, the talk show host style… that was originated by Jack Paar and Steve Allen in the early 1960’s, may be obsolete and dying… simply because… ‘Business’ has taken the ‘Show’ out of ‘Show Business’

…you can’t run art, creativity, improve humor …from a profit-loss spread sheet…

This type of thing is the end result when you cut the arts curriculum from the education system… you educate future leaders, executives, decision makers who have no ‘arts’ education, background, or understanding, or even appreciation… for the ‘Show’ …or even an audience that knows the difference…

Their ‘numbers thinking’ is smothering the arts… and boring the audience… to the point where the only thing that gets ratings up is the current jokes that David, Jay, and Conan… are telling about each other and their stupid bosses…

Jack Paar, Jackie Gleason, Sid Ceaser, Ernie Kovacks, Johnny Carson, Steve Allen, even ‘stiff as a board’ Ed Sullivan… film noir… they were great… they were ‘artists’ and they are in the past… along with many of the ‘arts’ programs in our schools and culture… now it’s just ugly arguing, fighting, negative… no talent, rigged, cheap to produce… ‘reality’ crap… the ‘Show’ is dying…

However… the planets will move… and the ‘arts’ will revive… if only story telling for awhile… around the campfires of the survivors in the very possible future… if we don’t start listening more to our intuitions… that is telling us this greedy selfish madness… and the rampant international corruption… can’t go on much longer… you can feel the frustration… and the rebellion and random violence is building… every other day… a shooting spree… a bombing…

When Uranus transits into the Mars ruled sign of Aries this coming May 28th, 2010… things may erupt in a major revolutionary or military clash… and another very possible war front… perhaps, the Central Americas… Chavez is getting very chummy with Iran…

When people… here and everywhere… reach a point… where they have nothing more to lose… it can be very dangerous…

…other rainy day rants…


“Defense contractor to remove Bible references”

“Kits will allow U.S. forces to take off verses inscribed on combat rifle sights”

Young servicemen… have traditionally nicknamed their weapons and ships… like the famous B-17 bomber of WWII, the ‘Memphis Belle.’ But that is their decision… they’re the ones who may die with it… It’s not for a manufacturer or a government to predetermine from their fanatical belief system… a name or holy inscription… on an implement of death and destruction.

I find it difficult to comprehend how the inscriptions were even allowed… and then over looked by QC inspectors for this long… God never said anything about war! …war is the stupidity of people!


“Foreign Languages Fade in Class – Except Chinese”

Are we getting ready to surrender the country to them? Or will they simply repossess it for the USA outstanding bad war loans?

…enough ranting! …I really need to get out …and go for a nice long motorcycle ride after the rains stop… I’m really getting to be a cranky old man lately, and I admit it, dear reader… please forgive me, and thank you for your kind indulgence and patience…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Thursday, January 21, 2010


“World misled over Himamayan glacier meltdown”

“A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it.”

Hotter?... Colder?... they can’t seem to make up their minds… I still predict that we’ll see both extremes… maybe a few years of one and then a few years of the other… radical and cyclic changes… maybe even major continent changes…

Here in Long Beach, I’m still getting the cold wet part of these extremes …perhaps I should build an ark? …nah, they already made enough movies of that parable legend… that describes a cycle that goes even further back than the sinking of Atlantis…

I refer to the cycle of major meltdowns and flooding that occurs every 20,000 years or so… and as frequent magnetic pole shifts… which will change the climate here and there… and it often coincides with major alignments of other orbiting planets that form square and opposing angles to the Earth. Here’s an interesting scientific article about it,

…yes, it’s a rainy rant day, dear reader …expect more for awhile …it’s my writing therapy …and hopefully reading entertainment for you …and informative as well…

…may the peace of the cosmos be with you…


My house is about two miles from here…

Of course there will be those who will now say that God is punishing me... and my neighborhood... for my recent blasphemous articles… Actually, it’s Jupiter (a lot of it) in Pisces (water sign) still in conjunct orb to Neptune (flooding) which is still being charged by the recent energy of the Eclipse…

…the energy of the recent Eclipse of the 15th… is also still activating the Saturn Pluto square probably on through to the 23rd… a serious 5.9 aftershock has struck Haiti region again,

…be calm …be alert …check your kits

I may have to take a couple of days off from writing… Long Beach is flooding a bit… not Biblical proportions yet… but a lot and it’s made a big wet mess… I’ve had to sand bag my garage entrance… and I have to mop up puddles in my studio… and it got a few old books wet and a couple of paintings… or then again… I might be rained in… and have nothing else to do between mopping… but rant and write…

…we shall see…

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


…some of the more positive side of the Neptune transit through Aquarius… new and more practical attitudes (Aquarius/Uranus) toward natural herbal medicines (Neptune ruled)…

“New Jersey Gov. John Corzine signs medical marijuana bill into law”

There are fourteen states now who have taken matters into their own hands and legalized, in some form, the medical use of marijuana after finally seeing the absurdity of making marijuana a crime in the first place… while our culture tolerates and promotes the use of alcohol… and prescription drugs… for decades now… which is far more dangerous than marijuana ever was.

This is another natural medicine that indigenous Shaman, herbalists, natural healers, and various cultures have used as a natural herbal medicine for a few millennia now… and it’s also a good source of ‘taxes’ when properly regulated… However, if unfair and excessive… it will simply encourage a new generation of marijuana ‘moonshiners’…

No need for hidden crops in the woods… or smuggling from Mexico… and all the gang violence… because it’s a hearty weed that can be grown in a flower pot [see beautiful photo] in a closet with a light bulb and a ten dollar timer switch… what are you going to do? …station a narcotics cop with a search warrant in every apartment building?

Simple solutions …if it’s legal …you’ve taken the crime and the criminal out of it …leave them to their violence, they eventually exterminate themselves… pick any of the “Godfather” movies as an example…

Some sanity may prevail …as more ‘stoners’ who have grown up …are now getting elected and gaining some political clout…

…and religious insanity is still rampant throughout the planet… and still the negative part of the current mutual reception influence of Uranus and Neptune in the signs of Aquarius and Pisces…

“At least 200 people have been killed in violence between Christians and Muslims in the Nigerian city of Jos” says the monitoring group, Human Rights Watch.

Large parts of the world are still tragically locked into absurd religious hatred, division, and violence… That is all that organized religions seem to produce… corruption, fraud, pedophilia, violence, and death… where’s the love, compassion, enlightenment, and salvation?

…idiots of world, please, just …roll a joint …pack a bowl …spark it up …take a hit …and chill out.

All of this ‘politico and religio’ and ‘entertainment’ nonsense may soon be pushed aside… as the world faces much bigger problems…

This recent string of earthquakes may be just the warm up pitches… there are more stressful aspects… like these just past and on going… that are still to come… throughout 2010…

…as I have written throughout these past months …Gaia …Mother Earth may be planning some radical re-decorating… demolition and re-construction activity… which may involve some continent moving… that might cause some inconvenience… and sudden changes in your vacation plans… …check your kit…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

P.S. No, dear reader… the beautiful plant is not mine… nor is it in my closet… I got the photo from an internet free photo site…

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


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Monday, January 18, 2010


During these difficult transits I’m making efforts to use these energies in a constructive manner… through writing… though it may appear destructive… it’s not…

From my columns of the past few weeks some dear readers may get the impression that I am a raging atheist… I’m actually a deeply religious and spiritual person… I just want the real thing and not the lies…

Yes… there was a man, a son of God… which we all are… He was a miracle healer… a teacher… an enlightened being. He is referred to as Jesus… though he was known in his time by a different name… perhaps Yeshua… and in his youth he studied with the ancient esoteric groups within the Essenses, Ebonites, Nazarenes, and Egyptian esoterics as well… who lived, taught, healed, and was indeed a “Prince of Peace” …and there have been many such enlightened teachers throughout our evolution on this planet…

…and yes, his guiding spirit is with us …and available to any and all who sincerely seek it…

Around 325 CE… Rome, the main center of civilization at the time was a literal madhouse with hundreds of cults and sects and religions… and the Emperor Constantine wanted one official religion… that he could control…

Emperor Constantine… and the secret ‘power’ people supporting, advising, and controlling him… chose the Essense principals… it was Paul or one of his splinter groups that sold out to the Roman Government… The original teacher Jesus/Yeshua… had long since lived out his life and died of natural causes perhaps in his fifties…

As the various governments still do today… they changed his name… and then they most noticeably changed his date of birth to the standard, ancient astrology allegory of the SUN/SON of God… that most of the population was already familiar with through various other messiah myths of Sun/Sons of God all born on the Winter Solstice… December 25th… it is so obvious… it was a population control scam from the beginning… and if you didn’t ‘convert’… they would make your life very unpleasant…

…then came the massive weather changes… circa 536 CE… the long cold dark ages… thousands of Historical Libraries containing the worlds ancient records and knowledge were destroyed by the ‘Christian’ church… early media control… George Orwell’s 1984 wasn’t a prophesy… but a history. It’s happened many times throughout recorded and re-written history… and the population is terrorized with brutal Inquisitions… and thus it’s no different than the North Korean War and the communist’s indoctrination and ‘brain washing’ of it’s POWs…

…meanwhile, the original teachings still survive …as they always have …long before Jesus/Yeshua ever lived …they simply don’t promote, advertise, or send out missionaries to get converts, or to seek any kind of political power whatsoever…

For twenty years I studied with such an esoteric group with roots going back to these ancient schools… they don’t advertise… your sincere search for truth will by synchronistical ‘chance’ lead you to them when you’re ready for real truth… a chance meeting with some one… and you find them and they you… nothing is mandatory… and it is offered in the spirit of… ‘here’s how it works… go look for yourself… and verify for yourself the truth of what we say…’

Their path is inward… to a self control… and a self liberation from the illusions… Never in an outward path seeking control and domination of others… This is the big difference… one wants you submit to their view, authority, dictates… the other wants you to liberate and empower yourself and spiritually evolve… as is the purpose of all life.

…yes, such groups are still around …if you want to know more about these REAL ideas here’s a website of one of their groups, check it out… and make up your own mind…

…and the crazy football games …the predicted storm went the other way… Vikings 34 – Cowboys 3… pooh, I lost again… but they still might sink in next week’s game with the Saints… we shall see… or as another of our wise mentors, Yogi Berra, would say, “It ain’t over… until it’s over.”

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Portrait of God (detail)
By Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 1512

In this panel of Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling painting, God is depicted creating the Sun, Moon, and planets… and in my opinion, the origin of astrology.

I’ve been following the progress of the official Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission… which I find a fascinating example of how the current squared forces of Saturn (government, authorities) to Pluto (corruption) work in a natural cycle to correct things… ruthlessly if necessary.

The great part about the Internet is we can all read a lot of different newspapers and other news sources from all over the planet… and it’s harder to cover things up these days. Today I use as my source of reference an excellent opinion column by a very smart guy, Paul Krugman of the New York Times,

…and for more detail minutes and quotes, The Huffington Post,

“…while Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein was trying to blame it all on the unpredictable hurricane seasons, Phil Angelides quickly interrupted: "Having sat on the board of the California Earthquake Authority, acts of God were exempt. These were acts of men and women. These were controllable” (emphasis mine)

Thank you, God!… for at least one man… Phil Angelides, in our government at the moment who has some common sense and a Bull Dog tenacity to get to the truth… greed and fraud… and the need to put the stock market regulations back where they were orginally put after the 1929 market crash… as a result of the 1930’s Pecora Hearings… Again, astrologically, planetary transits repeat… and people repeat the same mistakes…

…as Phil Angelides points out so well, “…These were acts of men and women…”

…and as another of our mythical wise men, Forest Gump, would say, “Stupid is… as stupid does…”

Since we're looking at Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling paintings... here’s an interesting bit of art history …Michelangelo and his boss at the time Pope Julius II didn’t get along that well …and Mike would put subtle, and sometimes not so subtle …protests in the painting. Like for instance, check out the figure on left side of the painting… it’s the back view of the same God figure on the right… centuries of cleaning and retouching has faded it out somewhat… but look closely, it’s there… on the left side, Michelangelo’s figure of God… is ‘Mooning’ …Pope Julius II, and the Church… and the world!

…with Photoshop you can add the detail back… turn up the contrast to +46… brigtness -46… and now it’s more like the way Mike originally painted it… try it… it’s riot! …sort of looks like a plumber with a low slung robe doing work under your sink, huh…

…and on the figure of the Devil, he painted the portrait of Pope Julius II… artists are always jokers and wiseacrers… trust me, I know how this guy Michelangelo thinks… I’m an artist.

The naked Devil figure… has Pope Julius II’s portrait …with pointy Mr. Spock ears …and a long wrap around tail… It’s no accident… Mike did it on purpose… and that’s what he thought of the Pope!

…another interesting current fact …if I were doing the QC on this picture at the studios for adult cable and satillite broadcast …technically, I would have to reject it …note the green snake has him by the genitals …and a snake …a reptile… that’s on the borderline of beastiality… also there is no model release from the snake or proof of age records that the snake is over 18… ergo, reject… no broadcast… not on my shift with my initials on it…

This x-rated painting show has gotten rave reviews since it opened at the Vatican Sistine Chapel in 1512… and has been held over for almost 5 centuries now!… now that’s a hit show!

Not only do I love Michelangelo’s art and genius… but he also had cast iron cajones…and he told the Pope and his church where they could step off… and got away with it! …and didn’t get burned at the stake for heresy!

…and on the more fun side …and just for the fun of it, I’m going with the Stonehenge oracle of Linus (Jan 6th blog)… I got a fiver that says the Dallas Cowboys make the spred or win over the Minnesota Vikings… Go Cowboys!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Again we see the negative side of the Neptune (scandal/drugs) influence… currently in mutual reception with Uranus (sudden, shocking)… all of which confirms our suspicions… of deep corruption in our markets… whose wheels are daily greased with bribes… and tainted medicine… all the slippery side of Neptune…

“J&J Paid Kickbacks to Omnicare, U.S. Says in Suit”

“FDA: Johnson & Johnson Unit Too Slow With Tylenol Recall”

But Neptune is also positive …in the story telling business …with another special effects extravaganza …which also positively employs a lot of people in the entertainment industry…,1158779/critic-review.html

“Book of Eli”

…and Neptune’s creativeness gives us yet another Bible Apocalypse rewrite into the future… with another Hollywood interpretation of post-Armageddon… with the white hat and black hat roles played by the two brilliant actors, Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman… yes, I admit… I’m a fan of both… and one does have to admit… the Bible rewrites are still good box office… and it continues to feed the world’s paranoia and it’s… what I call ‘Apocalyphobia’

Don’t worship the movie too much …your mental projections might make it happen …it’s just a scary violent movie …enjoy.

The positive side is also expressed in the tremendous efforts of the humanitarian aid to the Haitin earthquake victims currently underway.

In reality… it’s all just transiting conjuncts, squares, and oppositions of planetary energies… God’s mechanics… that makes things happen… and then we have choices to make… in how to deal with the aftermath… and or the effects… positive or negative…

There is tremendous energy available right now… where do you put your thoughts? …and as the old aphorism goes, “…be careful what you wish for …you just might get it”

Watch that first step after the Eclipse …you can trip on it,
…and the DJIA drops …-100 and back to 10,610… I think now might be the time to have one’s stop-loss orders in place… it might get worse…

“Stocks have worst day of 2010 after J.P. Morgan results”

Post-Eclipse time can be precarious for about a week… things have been highly charged now… where will the energy go?

…will the Cowboys win? …if the Vikings lose Sunday, all of Linus’
Stonehenge oracle will have come true… the earthquakes, the storms… and now the Cowboys …and the Vikings?…

…we shall see…

Friday, January 15, 2010


“Strides Made in Lung Cancer Treatment”

“Genetic testing, biomakers finally giving clues to elusive disease, experts report”

More examples of transiting Uranus in Neptune ruled Pisces… with discoveries… and recovery of ancient knowledge…

As I sit here by the fire… sipping another hot cup of green tea… on another cold rainy day here in Long Beach… I chuckle as I read about this ‘amazing discovery’… of the ‘biomakers’ …Green Tea… may block cancer!

You may recall, dear reader… my often recommendation of green tea… both as refreshment… and as an all around immune system strengthener… and anti-oxidant… and it’s been used daily by… and recommended daily by… millions of indigenous Shaman, Herbalists, and natural healers throughout the planet… for quite a few millennia now…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with… and let us send what we can to Haiti.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


“Pat Robertson Blames Earthquake on Pact Haitians Made with Satan”

A vengeful God would strike Pat with a bolt of lighting… for trying to frame God for the earthquake in Haiti…

…check it out, Pat …God is really busy creating an unending cosmos… I really like this one… the nearby spiral galaxy M101, aptly named, ‘The Pinwheel Galaxy’

Yes, Pat… the Haitians have had centuries of problems… the first being their original descendants of the island nation were survivors who were good swimmers… from the ship wrecks… of slave ships during tropical storms in the Caribbean… then came the French to colonize and help them out with even more enslavement…

Now things are bad… when the people say, ‘We would rather live with the Devil than the French!’… Illiterate desperate people will make a pact with anything that they feel might change things… and then they revolt! They are after all… only human…

And they need our help… let’s support the relief efforts and donate whatever we can…

…do check your kits …the Eclipse may bring more catastrophes.


“Panel Rips Wall Street Titans”

Interesting …note the keywords of the current Mercury/Pluto conjunct and now square to Saturn aspect… They are all in the headline of the article… a synchronistic expression of the energies… Panel = Mercury, Rips = Pluto, Wall Street Titans = Saturn.

John Mack of Morgan Stanley …the look of a man in deep doo doo,

“WASHINGTON – Comparing Wall Street titans to shady car salesmen…”

…and again! …synchronistic keywords …Comparing = Mercury, Wall Street Titans = Saturn, shady = Pluto, car = Mercury, salesman = Mercury

I love this guy, Phil Angelides… “…it sounds to me a little bit like selling a car with faulty breaks, and then buying an insurance policy on the buyers of those cars.”

Phil is the chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquery Commission… Go get’m Phil! …tear’em up!

Did you ever notice how our culture has got their priorities and values turned around? The corruption and outright swindling theft and fraud of these Bank and Broker gangs… that have bankrupted this country… is the SCANDAL!

Live news coverage of these hearings should have the high TV ratings! …what does it matter how many concubines Tiger has? …he can afford it… and his poor wife will get half of his billion… tragic, yes …but I think they will get by alright …better than most of us anyway

…and not to worry …NBC may pull out of their scheduling flip-flop debacle alright …the ratings are going up… with Jay, Conan, and David… as all three are cracking jokes about each other… and the buffoon executives of NBC… some of the best jokes they’ve had for awhile…

…meanwhile, second or third page news …the crooks that have been robbing the nation and the world blind for decades …are being investigated …we really do need to listen to this …and participate by writing our Representatives and Congress people …offering support for and demanding… the going back to the good stock market regulations we had… and to even improve those.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The Temptation and Expulsion From The Garden of Eden
Vatican Sistine Ceiling Painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti

“Sex Scandal Captivates Northern Ireland”

“British media reported Saturday that Iris Robinson -- a member of Britain's parliament since 2001, and the wife of Northern Ireland's leader, First Minister Peter Robinson -- will step down within days, following her confession to cheating on her husband 18 months ago. Mrs. Robinson said in an open letter Wednesday that she started the "brief affair" while suffering from severe depression.”

She was 58 at the time… and he was 19… Yes, ‘Mrs Robinson’… just like the song and the 1967 movie ‘The Graduate”… but this is the real deal… and she’s even known the guy since he was 9 years old… talk about a prohetic movie! …and while it is simply another human event that happens to thousands every hour… because we are all sexual creatures by nature… it is another pathetic confirmation of the world wide religious hypocracy.

She is also a Bible thumping gay basher… and in a local TV interview says, “Just as a murderer can be redeemed by the blood of Christ, so can a homosexual”

What is the real reason for all these centuries of sexual guilt… that can… and often does… lead to madness?

When you ‘sin’ by some religions standards… you have to repent… go to the place of worship… confess… and then, convieniantly for them… DONATE your money to them, say a few mantras, Hail Marys, kiss an icon… whatever… and everything is cool… and you’ve once again been emotionally manipulated and fleeced.

Why do religions make it so hard? …If a sin was stepping on a crack in the sidewalk… it would be perhaps inconvient to go for long walks… but it would be a possible commandment to adhere to. Can a normal sane person suppress and avoid… sex? …NO!

We’re hard wired for sex… like every other specie on this planet… and the switch goes on at puberty… and the religions damn well know it… and they manipulate their implanted guilt trip on you for life… meanwhile nature will …and does …take it’s course… and as I have commented in past columns… Sex energy is so powerful that in the 65 years since I was born… I have witnessed the world population TRIPLE… despite the commandments, attempted suppression, restrictions, forbidding… and guilt trips… ‘you sinner!’

Now, I ask you… has any of the various world religious ‘rules’ about sex had any positive effect? NO! …their various sexually repressed and perverted views have simply created masses of religious pyschotics… that are currently bombing each other somewhere on this planet everyday…

Why?... because whoever they are bombing dosen’t believe in the ‘right’ way… even though all their savoirs… Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mithra, Osiris, Bacchus, Attis… and a few others… were all born on the same day, December 25th …ergo… they’re all the same guy… and they all represent the Winter Solstice… what does sex have to do with it?

…and we live in a world where a politician …to get elected …must convence the voters that they sincerely believe in one of these fables… and is thus a rightious and moral person… with values… and are thus wise enough to lead you… and they know best what you need… like a bridge to nowhere… with government funds paying the bridge builders… who then pay the hack politiian a ‘kickback’ under the table… all so very moral and ethical… ‘it’s God’s plan to for us to build this pipeline…’ etc.

It’s all a greed and power trip …and misdirected and frustrated sex energy. Sex is ruled by Mars… find it in your natal horoscope chart… read the aspect definitons… and there is your indiviual ‘kink’ …whatever it is… and it’s ‘normal’ for that aspect… the trick is to find a compatible aspected consenting adult with the same aspect… and bingo! Nirvana! …happily married for forty years, etc

Stop listening to people who want to tell you what you need. …those questions you need to ask and answer for yourself …like, who am I really? …and what do I really want/need? What are my individual values? …what has meaning for me? Then peacefully be your true self without interfering with the rights of others… and allow others the same freedom… world peace… no problem…

Maybe it’s all a massive creative visualization… like maybe an illusion… that we all create? …we make a movie ‘The Graduate’… it’s worshipped by millions… for decades… an icon movie… launching a famous actor Dustin Hoffman… and a haunting older woman ‘seductress’ legend Ann Bancroft… who seduces the highschool graduate… that she’s known since his childhood…

Then worship that hit movie long enough… put enough mental energy, focus… emotional energy, obsession… into the vision… and it eventually happens! Mrs. Robinson is alive and well… and seduced a young man she’s known since he was a child… and is emersed in scandal in Northern Ireland!… almost the identical movie script… wrap your brain around that for a minute or two…

If enough people believe in the New Jersey Devil… or Big Foot… they will …create it …and some see it! …for real! …now here’s the problem …other’s may actually feel it …but they can’t see it …and they get the idea to ‘fake it’ about the guy who really saw it …and then they make up wild stories about him, after he’s dead …maybe even change his name, birthdate, and personal records… the FBI does it all the time with their witness protection program.

Nobody really knows what happened between Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid… except Pat and Billy… and they’re long dead …and all their friends as well… Now with a good pulp fiction writer you can make up a legend out of a long dead outlaw who got shot by a sheriff… or even a guy who is a ‘hands on’ energy transfer natural healer, a good shaman, and a wise mystic that teaches truth by parable… a good script writer can take that kind of character sketch… and an old basic script from some ancient astrology allegories…and he can make a big hit movie out of it!

Now, here’s were it gets turned around… the guy who’s had the pulp fiction writer dummy up a ‘gospel’ starts to preach… because he knows the people will ‘feel’ it… some things you can’t help but feel, like when “ole Yeller” dies in that classic Disney Movie… admit it, you cried… “You feel it! …Yes! …I feel it!... and it talks to me! …and here’s what it says it wants all of you NOT to do… because it is a sin and an abomination!”

…and the tent meetings get momentum and a groupie following …and then they get political …and a couple of thousand years later… here we are… blowing each other up over nonsense…

Now here’s the truth… it’s okay to masturbate… really, trust me… you won’t go blind… you won’t burn in hell… it doesn’t hurt anybody… and you might feel better… much better than blowing yourself up… or molesting an innocent child… or raping the planet with your greed.

…whoa …enough …reign it in…

…yes… this is a therapeutic RANT! And of course RANT comments are welcome… ‘right’.. ‘wrong’.. opinions… it doesn’t matter… we can agree to disagree… all that matters is honest communication…

The tensions are building with these aspects… crazy things are happening …Fox News is booking Sarah Palin on a daily basis… and as this Eclipse of the 15th occurs it may even get crazier… be cool… check your kits… and do your therapeutic writing, drawing, gardening, football astrology, or whatever it is that chills you out…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Monday, January 11, 2010


“Egypt discovers new workers' tombs near pyramids”

“Egypt Tombs Suggest Pyramids Not Built by Slaves”

It continues to amaze me, the dual, positive and negative expression of these energies… the mutual reception of Uranus and Neptune in the signs of Pisces and Aquarius… that I often write about these days… the duality continues… On the bad side we have all fanatic religious and political turmoil and scandals… and on the positive side every month one new amazing discovery after another is found … another piece of the past puzzles… and even more mystery is discovered… it is an amazing world, indeed…

Graves of free men, workers on the pyramids have been found nearby… perhaps 10,000 as compared to the previous 100,000 slaves estimate. This a particularly fascinating find… for me… because I have long held the opinion that these magnificent structures were built by a fraternity of freemen and craftsmen… perhaps precursors to the Mason and Stone worker guilds of the world… and the theory, that the blocks may have been formed one at a time… by a system sort of like mixing and pouring ‘cement’… into forms built in place… then after the mixture sets… the form is moved to pour another block next to it… and so on… mixing, pouring, and stacking… level by level…

I didn’t say it was easy… and yes, it probably took a couple of decades or more… but I do feel it more a viable theory than the old slave theories…

These energies provide fascinating possibilities for true research and breakthroughs…for real knowledge… let us all try to make the efforts to use these energies in a positive and enlightening manner… for the benefit of all…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Sunday, January 10, 2010


“NBC's Jay Leno time shuffle will be worst programming blunder in TV history”

Read more:

I agree with the opinions of the author of this article, David Hinckley, with the NY DAILEY NEWS… perhaps from a different point of view… nonetheless… we agree…

Months ago I noted that the current 10:00 PM show was launched during a Mercury retrograde cycle… with is not good for launching new projects… and predicted that they would bomb… better to do re-writing, and re-planning… it is a ‘re’ energy during those phases… and evidently they didn’t read my blog column… and they launched anyway… and flopped.

…and now if they re-launch Jay Leno at the old time slot… This time around they are ‘re’-scheduling… during a Mercury retrograde phase… a better time to make such changes…

If the new program airs after Mercury goes direct… after the 16th …it might regain it’s popularity and ratings… if not …it could possibly retire Leno and the Late show entirely… and it might be replaced by some Don Trump apprentice, lick his boots, ‘reality’ program… …big yawn here...

…note the ‘re’ energy words that express the retrograde energy that’s working currently… like… re-launch, reschedule, replace, retire… and now… repeat the same mistake?

…we shall see…

Saturday, January 9, 2010


“Magnitude 6.5 earthquake rattles Eureka in Northern California”

Photo: Shaun Walker / Eureka Times-Standard / January 9, 2010

The stress has been building since the end of last month with the close lunar eclipse… the 15th is the annual Solar Eclipse and there will be more stress… with Mercury and Mars both retrograde and at stressful positions… there is even more stress.

The stress has to go somewhere and this afternoon it was released in a 6.5 magnitude earthquake off the coast of California and rattled the town of Eureka… just a bit…

Fortunately there were no fatalities… just a big mess… sad, all that good wine…

The stress continues… check you kits…


“Churches Attacked in Malaysian ‘Allah’ Dispute”

Photo/Mark Baker/AP

“KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Three Christian churches were attacked with firebombs Friday as tensions rose in a dispute over whether Christians could use the word “Allah” in this largely Muslim nation.”

…the religions of the world have run amuck! …they’re nuts! …every last one of them! …transiting Jupiter (exaggerated, big, a lot) conjunct Neptune (religion) in the sign of crazy… Uranus (crazy) ruled Aquarius… and Uranus (crazy) in the sign of Pisces (rules religions and fanatics and the current ending 2000 year era)… opposing Saturn (reality… what is practical… and common sense)

…okay …suppose we retaliate? …and you in the Muslim world are forever banned from listening to the holy and the sacred to us… music… of the King… Elvis Presley… and especially… ‘You Ain’t Nothin’ But a Hound Dog’ …you can not listen to it! …you can not sing it!… you are not worthy! …it is only for us!… the devout and true believers of Rock and Roll… Elvis lives! The King lives! …Hallelujah!

“Priscilla Presley: Elvis would be preaching now

On the King’s 75th birthday, his ex-wife ponders what might have been.”

Separate all the religions and all the states! …govern and restrict them to only private worship behind the closed doors of their home/church/mosque/temple/stadium… during reasonable hours (for the majority of the people)… and without disturbing, attacking, or threatening their, perhaps… non-worshiping… or differently worshiping neighbors…

…on second thought …better to leave the doors open …those with more liberal views may allow snake handling between consenting adults and consenting adult snakes… perhaps an occasional goat or chicken sacrifice… with reasonable objections from the animal rights groups noted… but… we have to draw the line at virgin… or any other type of human sacrificing…

…we do encourage symbolic sacrifice of effigies …and gestures of faith like praying, chanting, singing, ringing bells, lighting candles… incense… wafers and wine… leaving sweets for the spirits… milk and cookies for Santa Claus… teeth left under the pillow in exchange for loose coins from the tooth fairy… that sort of thing… bloodless and harmless… that’s the focus we want…

How about a Shaman curse on religious fanatics? May the forces of the mighty Hammer of Saturn! (currently at 4 degrees of Libra) … squared to the fearsome Fires of Transformative Pluto! (currently at 4 degrees of Capricorn) … square hard upon thee!… smack thee!… right up the side of thy hard head!… and knock some sense into thee!

Read history! …even slanted biased history …and it is clear …since day 1 …the religion with the most ships and guns, or spears and swords, backing it up …is the dominant religion of the moment! Truth, enlightenment, and salvation… have nothing to do with it! …it is only money, power, and control that matters to these fanatical and egomaniacal leaders!

Leave the church and all the various other organized religions to the entertainers and artists …and accept the truth of it as such …that being …it is all simply spiritual entertainment… music, song, dance, symbol, art, ode, poem, myth, parable, story… which we all need!… as emotional and spiritual food for the positive development and nourishment for our souls and conscience.

I doesn’t matter whether you are religious or not… In the story of ‘A Christmas Carol’ the transformation of Charles Dickens’ character of ‘Ebenezer Scrooge’… inspires one to be loving and giving… Do you take it literally? the lecture from his dead partner Marley? …the multi-dimensional time traveling with the ghosts? No… of course not. It’s all just a classic good story that Charles Dickens wrote to pay his rent and eat…

So good… that Hollywood keeps doing re-makes of it for 80 years now since the original 1938 version starring Reginald Owens… which has employed a lot of people over the years… and so has the vampire movie cult of ‘Dracula,’ since Bela Lugosi in 1933… new religions and cults come and go all the time… and most are just entertainment… special effects… and the… writer/producer/guru/preacher… makes the big bucks…

Let us govern our communities… and our countries… with sane intelligent reasoning… and human compassion… for the benefit of all.

Otherwise, insane fanatical religious revolution and anarchy may prevail… and we may all perish.

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Friday, January 8, 2010


“Costa Rica's Turrialba volcano has erupted for the first time in more than a century…”

Now with the on going tensions from the closer to the Earth passage of Mars cycle… the tensions persist from the last perigee lunar eclipse… and now tensions build again with the coming annual Solar Eclipse of the 15th…

…notable public accidents, violence, shootings, and bombings are occurring almost daily again, world wide …and the DJIA continues to hover at the 10,500-600 ceiling for a month and a half now… and that is still very perplexing to this soothsayer… what is holding it up? …borrowed money injected into it?… it’s not even real money… just more computer entry zeros…

Will the Eclipse be a week of reckoning for the stock market?… Besides the Solar Eclipse itself… there is the retrograde Mercury at 5 degrees of Capricorn that conjuncts Pluto at 3 and they both square Saturn at 4 degrees of Libra… and all within a tight two degree orb… and the Eclipse energizes this square… Will some drastic (Pluto) news (Mercury)… or some massive (Jupiter) hype… or fraud (Neptune) be revealed …that sends the market into a panic again… or maybe inflated with some more hot air (Jupiter/Neptune) propaganda ‘feel good’ news… it finally breaks through the 10,500 barrier… with a strong move up again to perhaps the 11,000 level?

Either way, up or down… I feel that within the week after the Solar eclipse… the stock markets will move significantly… maybe 500 points or more… we shall see… my financial predictions haven’t been that accurate this past year (short term, month to month)… For prognostications… it’s been a better violence, earthquake, and volcano season for me thus far…

The football games?… I’ve learned from many lost $5 bets in the past …don’t bet during the week approaching an eclipse …the energies are way too erratic for reliable reads… especially with retrograde Mercury… that can cause you to do stupid stuff… like a slip of a keystroke… and you bet the wrong team and mess up the parley ticket…

Maybe now during the playoffs… these teams will get serious again? …perhaps the Sunday after the eclipse will make for some exciting games? …we shall see.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Airplane Suicide Bomber Armageddon in New York…

Bunker Bomb Armageddon in Baghdad…

Every 500-600 years there is a major planetary alignment involving a Grand Cross or T- Bar formation… that will herald… and some times initiate radical environmental and social changes throughout the planet.

Tsunami and Hurricane Armageddon of Sri Lanka and New Orleans…

Let’s explore some more ancient astrology symbols in the Bible… in relation to the past decade…

In “Revelations” who are these legendary fearsome Four Horsemen that suddenly show up just before all hell breaks loose?

The first guy is armed with a bow, has a crown, and rides a white horse. This is an allegorical symbol representing transiting Venus.

The second rider has a sword and rides a red horse, and this symbolizes transiting Mars.

The third one carries a balance and rides a black horse and this is transiting Saturn… the tester… the taskmaster… the weighing of karma on the scales, etc.

And the fourth horseman rides a pale green horse and is death… and in a subconscious way represents to me… the death of old ideas and thinking… as this symbol would represent Mercury… and the passage of ideas and old ways of thinking… leading to an enlightenment… after confronting the tests to my reality.

Mercury, Venus, and Mars in our natal charts are the composite of the mental, emotional, and physical daily personality that we meet our daily world (Saturn-reality) through… Saturn is our fears, cautions, limitations… tasks, labors, tests.

…when your four horsemen, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Mercury are involved in a major Grand Cross (two oppositions at a square angle to each other) or a T-Bar (two opposing planets that are both squared by a third) transit… you’re going to go through some challenges and radical changes… that’s what growing and evolution is all about… constant change from birth to death… be it for the individual, group, nation, or an entity.

You don’t have to worry about WHEN the four horsemen will show up…
because the are already here… and always have been… inside you, look for them in your natal chart… just like the Sun/Son of God is inside you… in the heart chakra… look for it… go within… Mercury is in the throat chakra, Venus in the heart, Mars in the navel, Jupiter in the Solar Plexus, and Saturn the spine… we are but miniature models of the universe… ‘as above, so below…’

When and where? Here’s a fascinating Bible clue… which was stolen from an ancient astrology allegory… the Four Beasts.

In King Jim’s version of the Bible… Ezekiel and Revelations tell us about the four mysterious cherubim or creatures… again it’s an allegory with ancient astrology symbols… [brackets are mine] “…the first animal was like a lion [Leo] and the second like a calf [Taurus] and the third had the face of a man [Aquarius – water bearer] and the fourth was like a flying eagle [another ancient astrology symbol for Scorpio]…”

Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio – are the ‘fixed’ signs, in the middle of the four seasons… and the most sensitive spot is 15 degrees of each of these signs… any alignment of these personal planets with Saturn… in a Grand Cross or T-Bar formation… on or near these points… foretell of major changes…

A historical example… which I charted, lived through, and even celebrated by doing an abstract expressionist painting… expressing the forces experienced at the moment of the Eclipse… It was heralded as “The Mother of all Eclipses,” …and many dire predictions were flourishing at the time… a Solar Eclipse with a “Grand Cross” occurred August 11th, 1999… and it was definitely an ‘omen’ for the coming new millennia…

The Solar Eclipse (Sun/Moon conjunct) was at 18 degrees of Leo (Lion like creature) in opposition to Uranus (Explosive, change) in Aquarius (Water-bearer, Man like creature) and squaring them both and forming the Grand Cross… the opposition of Saturn (the tester) at 16 degrees of Taurus (the calf like creature) to Mars at 16 degrees of Scorpio (the eagle like creature)… all four mysterious Apocalyptic creatures… (the Signs and their rulers, Leo-Sun, Aquarius-Saturn-Uranus, Taurus-Venus, and Scorpio-Mars-Pluto)… all within 3 degrees of orb to the 15 degree power points of the ‘Fixed’ signs… and all are thus activated by the ‘Grand Cross’…

…the day itself was not that calamitous… the eclipse was more of a herald of what was to come… for the next decade or so…

Let’s review the past decade… If you were near or in either of the Twin Towers, or the Pentagon on 9/11… or on the receiving end of a bunker busting bomb in Iraq… or in New Orleans when Katrina hit… or in any number of embassies and hotels that have suffered attacks… or kidnapped at sea by pirates… or in the stock market in 2008 or heavily invested with Bernie Madoff… or a celebrity too dependant on prescription drugs… you have experienced a personal ARMAGEDDON in your individual reality…

…or the rise and fall of dozens of political, media, and sports icons… Tiger Woods being the latest to fall from grace… and they all have experienced a personal ARMAGEDDON… and if we look at their natal charts these same Eclipse points will be activating their charts and lives… as they do in all of our charts… ‘As above, so below’

…my list is brief …and I’m sure you dear readers could add pages to it …from the history of the past decade …that we’ve all just lived through…

…and it’s still on going …with war, terrorist attacks, financial uncertainty, climate and Pig flu panics… and on it goes…with the various booms and busts… and the current transits indicating yet more to come.

We all have been going through some major changes this past decade… and they’re all there in that mundane chart of the ‘Grand Cross’ and.. “The Mother Of All Eclipses” - August 11. 1999,

click chart for detail view

The next Solar Eclipse will be January 15th 2010 …and …yes …that’s next week… will it be another ‘freaky’ Friday?

…we shall see…