Saturday, October 30, 2010


If indeed the alleged publication by the Swiss man, ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier, of August 25, 1958, addressed to all European governments is true… then they are and continue to be some of the most accurate and astounding predictions of all recorded history. Read it for yourself;

…and he continues with prophecies in 1981 and 1987, again read for yourselves and make your own judgments;

…then there is the controversy of his ‘fake photos’… have the real ones been substituted with fakes by men ‘dressed in black’ …to discredit him? …and on and on …back and forth within the illusion …within the illusion …so, what’s the real deal?

Now from the prognostication papers… in regard to the cyborg wars and military machines rebelling and taking over the world… did the soothsayer see the actual wars… or did they time trip into the series of Arnold Schwarzenegger TERMINATOR movies… and take that to be the ‘future’ reality… and on further about Europe and the church… is it reality to come? …or did they time trip into Ron Pearlman chasing them in the MUTANT CHRONICLES movie…

…and of course the latest MATRIX movies… and other recent and current movies regarding cloning problems and future desolation … or did the scriptwriters of those films recognize the commercial possibilities of Billy Meier’s little known publications back in the 1950-80s… and they simply lifted the material and created their hit movies from it? …or is there a clandestine influence in the movie business to tell the truth through movies… or to use the movies for subliminal preconditioning?… for the eventual real takeover of everything and everyone by the fascist ‘new world order’?

It is my theory that… once a movie is released and viewed by millions of people… their combined psychic projection of their mass mental visualization… created by their voluntary suspension of disbelief… while viewing the scenes and sitting passively in a darkened room … can and probably does… set up and create an alternate reality that can be accurately read… by those sensitive enough to tune into it… when they are in a meditative trance state viewing a reality in the past, present, or future… which of course is their particular view of the past, present, and or future realities… from their reality, whatever that is…

But what is real? …what the reader is reading? …or even …is the reader himself …real?

Have you got your brain wrapped around all those possibilities? …it is sort of hard to get to the real deal, huh? …Of late …I simply put it all down …by mentally visualizing the closing of an overstuffed scrap book of old photos and newspaper article clippings… then getting out of the lazy chair of my mind… and then opening and walking out the back door of my mind… into the rain wet patio clean air freshness… and into the unlimited possibilities of the universal mind… and I take a cosmic smoke break from it all…

…yes, we are all a mass and maze of contradictions, huh…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


“Indonesia struggles as tsunami, volcano tolls rise”

“Indonesia tsunami deaths increase after the Sumatra quake”

As the Full Moon transited through from the peak on the 23rd… it then reached its maximum northern declination of +24 on the 26th…and Indonesia is located near the equator which is receiving the bulk of the pulling tension of the passing Full Moon over the equator… and we see… a seaquake creates a massive tsunami and then further down the island nation the Mt. Merapi Volcano erupts… and within the 3 day orb allowance either side of the transiting Full Moon.

The planet has been under severe stress from the long exact ‘T-Bar’ aspect of Saturn opposition Uranus/Jupiter and those square to Pluto since this past July through September… we may see the cracks in the foundations of the world… and society... now beginning to result in a series of disasters that may occur soon… check your kits.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Perhaps this is the new invention… heralded by the Jupiter/Uranus conjunct trine to Mars transit… that may revolutionize communication and data transfer even further… and even more advanced than, what me and Tina Fey in the recent movie, DATE NIGHT… refer to as “…you mean the stick thingy?”

“Yep, Apple Killed The CD Today”

[image: flickr/startpilbrow]

Amazing! …I can remember when the forklift drivers where gently carrying in crated main frame computers that filled up a couple of rooms of a printing plant where I worked… and today all the data that was once held in those mainframes can be stored on a desktop external hard drive… the size of a desktop dictionary… and soon probably …on just “…a stick thingy”

…you younger folks may not yet appreciate these rapid changes …it’s fascinating to witness the progress over the years… I can remember when the Bat Plane had a propeller…

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Unfortunately, it’s not positive discovery… but it may well have a dramatic influence on the future of the war in Afghanistan…

…nearly 400,000 (Jupiter, large number) documents of secret military (Mars, trine) information were released by the WikiLeaks website (computer, website, Uranus) …and purportedly the largest (Jupiter) leak of secret information in U.S. history.

I won’t detail the various atrocities sited and reported… the other media do that well enough… What I find most appalling is the sheer number of innocent civilians killed and the cover ups of prisoner tortures… that allies hung Nazi and Japanese soldiers and officers for after WWII… which included water boarding.

One would think… such revelations would bring a quick end to things… but since the first 90,000 or so documents released by the WikiLeaks website last July… not much has changed… as if the evening news just spits it out… now commercials… and now, Tom, with sports…

…and on it goes… as the planets spin…

Friday, October 22, 2010


Taiwan, China, Philippines, India… all bracing for fierce storms… during the waxing of the current Full Moon… and Jupiter (a lot)… still conjuncts Uranus (sudden, storms)… and both are back in the sign of Pisces (water sign)… check you kits.

…another interesting manifestation is the current media storm over Juan Williams being fired for saying airline passengers in ‘Muslim garb’ make him nervous last Wednesday on FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly show… and all the usual 1st Amendment ballyhoo… NPR fires him… and FOX News gives him a three year $2 million dollar contract… what a country! …anything can and does happen in LaLaland. and the entertainment world.

Juan may have been voicing an honest human reaction… but what he fails to see… is that the media are the ones who created all this national paranoia in the first place! …and he and Bill O’Reilly are part of it …a controlled farce of media clowns who keep fanning the fires of hate instead of digging for facts and getting to the real truth of things… instead of buying into the latest WMD, war on drugs, global weather cons, and eminent disease scams… perpetrated by special interest, political, and money monger groups.

…it’s all hot air to keep us scared silly …and watching the 24/7 news of left, right, and middle views …trying to figure out what’s really going on …from 3 or 4 minutes of sound bites, flying videos, and teleprompter scripts read by pretty people… in between feel good/spend/call toll free commercials for 3 or 4 minutes… in what the late great comedian Bill Hicks referred to as the United States of Advertising.

…it’s simple really …you get paid to voice the script the particular station, producer, holder of the money, advertiser wants… for whatever reasons… or you get fired… and if that creates a pop in ratings… the other side will hire you… they have advertisers who can make a buck off the controversy you’re stirring up… and all the channels are getting rating boosts airing the latest developments… of what Sarah Palin just said… and what Paris Hilton is up to these days… but first a word from our sponsors… blah, blah, buy, buy, eat, eat… call toll free…

…the solution to your harried mind? …CLICK! …turn off the TV and go outside and meet reality,

‘…hum, storm clouds …better check the kit …and pick up extra candles on the next trip to the market…’

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I mentioned in the October Predictions of the 1st that there might be significant discoveries or happenings that could very well significantly influence the future. I think the recent Supreme Court Judge’s ruling on ending the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policies of gays and bisexuals serving in the military might be one of those historic moments… it won’t happen overnight… but it probably will happen. The transiting planets fit the signature of such an influence… Mars (military) trine (supportive) Jupiter (expansion, optimistic, higher courts) conjunct Uranus (change, sudden)... in the sign of Pisces, ruling empathy and compassion.

In my opinion… if we are to survive as a nation representing equality and freedom… it has to change. We have to stop living in this hateful paranoid hypocrisy. Gays have been in the military since the first battle of two Neanderthal tribes over a water hole… as depicted in the movie, 2001: A SPACE ODESSY.

A certain percentage of the population is gay …ergo, a certain percentage of the military is gay …and always has been. In different times and armies it has been more open… the Roman army not only tolerated gays but encouraged it… the reasoning being you wouldn’t abandon your lover in a battle.

But… the sign of Pisces… is a water sign… and the influence can vacillate and be a bit wishy washy at times… thus President Obama’s and others request to stay the decision for awhile. I won’t say that other administrations had more courage… it’s simply always slow… President Truman signed into law a bill to desegregate the military on July 26th 1948… it didn’t actually begin to happen until the Korean War in 1950-53 when the military had no other choice due to the high casualty rates in the all white units… and finally African American troops were assigned to the previously all white units in the combat areas as casualty replacements
…when it comes down to the real issue …when bullets are flying …you’re covering their back and they’re covering yours …gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political views, etc. …are all irrelevant… all that matters is… are you both good shots and is there plenty of ammo?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


…okay, another couple of big storms, deaths in the Philippines …terrorists attack the Chechen Parliament …the daily wars insanity …that’s all been predicted and it all fits within the orb ranges of the recent stressful planetary alignments.

…but now this silly twit, Christine O’Donnell, is actually questioning the necessity of the total separation of church and state!

…astrologically? …I’ll go out on a limb here …and hypothesize that it is a transiting Uranus (shocking and upsetting influence) …now in retrograde motion and returned to the sign of Pisces at 27 degrees …which is ruled by Neptune …which rules deception, lies, propaganda …and entertainment! …and that is what the 3rd party is becoming …a modern freak show with the religious witch O’Donnell …the porn bestiality connoisseur, Palandino… and the wrestling promoter Linda McMahon… ?!?!?

…okay, the controlled media …the folks that own both MSNBC and FOX News …give us our daily fix of orchestrated cynical propaganda… both left and right… to keep everybody distracted and angry… as the elite money barons continue to rob all of us… on the short and long sides… it’s all an algorithmic fixed game that the house (brokers, banks, hedge fund managers, etc) always wins… and when they don’t… they have Washington in their pocket… and they get bailed out.

…but now they’ve gone too far …this wrestling match is an obvious fake! …why? …are they simply trying to drain off key… but minority votes… and thus tip the winning balance their way… as they have done in the past with the perennial Ralph Nader presidential campaigns?

…but …horrors of horrors …what if any of these freaks should actually get elected?

…that’s got to be it …she is a witch …a hex …a curse …to be elected to put a sleeping spell over us all and return us to blind acceptance of a 6000 year old creationist reality… with no masturbation…

Friday, October 1, 2010


Finally the troublesome ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn opposition Uranus and both square to Pluto is beginning to separate into wider orbs. However, it still left us with some violent weather and seismic activity this past month. Hurricane Igor reached class 4 with winds of 150 mph and was the largest thus far this season. There were also a few 6+ magnitude earthquakes and volcano activity with the Shiveluch Volcano in Kamchatka… in the northeastern part of Russia just across from Alaska… and currently gusty storms pummel the east coast.

The ongoing violence throughout the world unfortunately continues with the torching of NATO tankers in Pakistan, terrorists setting off bombs during the Nigerian independence celebrations, and the country of Ecuador is under siege after their President Rafael Correa is rescued by the military after being kidnapped by rebellious police.

The DJIA average continues its up trend now at the 10,800 level… far from my bottom predictions. The well known astrologer Richard Nolle attributes it to the on going conjunct of transiting Venus and Mars.

I’m not going to make anymore market or sports predictions for about a year or so… as both are ruled by the 5th House (sports, speculation) and currently I personally have difficult aspects making transits through my natal 5th House… involving squares from slow moving Saturn…which means for me personally… I won’t be that accurate in those areas and it is time for me to re-evaluate a lot of things. So… for a time… I shall focus more on public mundane events, historical events, celebrities, sex astrology… and various other philosophic and esoteric wiseacreings.

Again the New and Full Moon dates are the key stress periods… as it is another close orbit passage… what Richard Nolle has termed a “Super Moon.” I have followed his work for a few years now and my work and charts are in total agreement… such close passage does make a significant influence of ‘increase’ in tensions… simply because it pulls on the entire ocean which covers the majority of the planet… and if 70% of our body is water, it’s going to pull on us too… simple gravity… also the subconscious is ruled by planets like the Moon, Neptune, and Pluto… and they are the rulers of the water signs Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio… ergo, it pulls at these subconscious things in us… and often some individuals go a little bit ‘loony tunes.’… during these stressful transits.

The New Moon will occur on the 7th… allow three to four days either way for its influence. The Full Moon occurs on the 22nd and at 29 degrees of Aries and of course opposite the Sun at 29 degrees of Libra… not only are they both on the power points of the sign, 29 degrees… they are Cardinal points. Something of global significance may happen around that time. Also, transiting Mars makes a nice trine to the conjunct of Jupiter and Uranus… there may explode onto the world scene a new invention that will be of significant influence some years into the future… like Edison’s invention of the light bulb.

…transiting Venus and Mars are still doing their conjunct Tango through the sign of Pluto ruled sexy Scorpio …and the ‘lucky’ ones whose charts are so harmoniously aligned may be enjoying some hot romance… and others not so harmoniously aligned may be involved in crimes of passion… do be careful and discreet… enjoy it while it lasts… I will be doing an article later in the month about the aftermath of it all.

Though the stressful transits are separating… we will be having later aftershocks here and there as delayed events whose cause will be the past stress… like a crack in the bridge… it may not fall for ten years… but if left in disrepair… it will eventually fall… as we witness now and then on the evening news… or experience it as an unfortunate commuter driving on it when it does.

So… check your kits… a lot can and probably will happen in the storms, earthquake, and volcano areas…