Thursday, December 31, 2009


Let’s look at the Crucifixion story of …pick any one of them you like …Jesus, Mithra, Krishna, Buddha, Osiris, Bacchus, Attis…

…okay …Jesus of Nazareth

…first thing …google your historical maps …that are verified by mainstream science archeologist guys …on the alleged approximate date of birth in the year ‘0’ CE Midnight LMT, Nazareth, Palestine.

…neither Nazareth nor Bethlehem are on the map… the condo and mall developers had not arrived yet… no permits, deeds, surveyor measurements… nada… just vacant scrub brush chaparral and desert…

…but, it would have been a good long term investment …a 100 or so years later a major camel caravan trading route came through… and ‘Rick’s Oasis Camel Stop Café Casino Inn’… with camel care stalls… various other saloons… brothels… boutiques… general store and supply outlets… spring up… the previously depressed local population is making good money… and the local economy is up…

…in another hundred years or so …the surrounding Nazareth County area… became a good size town… and they even elected a sheriff and deputies… to keep the camel drivers in line at the belly dancer clubs… those boys can get a little rowdy at times… when they’re had too much wine and hashish…

This is the problem when legends and parables are made human and taken literally… the historical facts don’t always match up…

…let’s look at the symbols …and the reality they represent …Jesus is crucified between two thieves and then mortally wounded in the side by the Centurion’s spear… at that time of year, mid December …the Sun/Son of God is approaching the cusp of Sagittarius (the Centaur/Centurion, spear) and Capricorn (Saturn, death, Winter Solstice)…

…now the reality …I recall a mid December many years ago …the car battery had gone dead, a common occurrence in sudden cold weather… and I was replacing it with a new battery I had… and as I lifted it into the engine compartment… my shirt tail was out… and a sudden burst of that icy northeastern cold wind hit my taut muscle and it felt like a spear going into my side… I finished up… and then went back in the house… went to bed… and felt like I was dead…

…a few days later it was Christmas, the day seemed brighter, I seemed miraculously reborn… maybe like Jesus, and I felt better… happy and content… with a day off… watching the children play with their presents…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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