Sunday, October 18, 2009


Let’s not dwell on the predicted increasing violence in the Afghan and Pakistan situations due to the conjuncts and squares of transiting Mars, Saturn, and Pluto… and let’s just have a post on the lighter side today… as soft transits trigger my Sun conjunct Neptune ‘mystic’ and allegory writer side…

…often dear readers and clients inquire as to the astrological significance …of my oft indulgence …in a bowl of ice cream and cookies.

I assure you, dear reader… it is not totally narcissistic…. But it can be… as it occurs in the indulgent sign of Libra… which is quite naturally inclined toward sweets (both ruled by Venus)… so… by conscious ‘free will’ choice… I also choose to make it a spiritual sacrament to the higher forces within me… a humble and harmless offering of thanks and gratitude… in the same spirit of worship that is practiced by other beliefs… who ritually imbibe holy wine and eat consecrated wafers…

In my personal expression of religion… I bless (I am ordained as a minister of the Universal Life Church) with cosmic healing and love forces… a scared bowl of ice cream and cookies… which is then consumed in reverence and religious glee and divine rapture… as a sacrament and expression of my personal religious views… which I call ‘Cosmosism’…

It all is also a natural expression of my intellectual Libra side that can and often does… logically explain both, or more, sides of a question… and also as part of the natal Jupiter square Uranus… the ‘rebel’ with or without a cause and ‘wiseacre’… and Sun trine Uranus… astrologer, and friendly eccentric old biker… and a very typical ‘sweet tooth’ Libra.

…so… dear reader, you’re invited to participate in a sacred bowl of ice cream and cookies meditation with me now… as we celebrate the Creator’s gifts… and tune in our intuitions to the up coming Sunday football astrology charts… humm, powerful transits are here now…

…hello, there it is …transiting Saturn approaching square to transiting Pluto …both still within the 1st Decanate of the Sign at 0-2½ degrees of the Cardinal signs of Libra and Capricorn… Solar 7th (significant others, open enemies) square to Solar 10th of Capricorn (establishment status quo) …ergo, maybe some upsets to the favorites …ah, now which ones? …aye, there’s the rub…
I’m still in my conservative (on the outer edge) mode and playing the short… but interesting odds… and, I’m liking the New Orleans Saints …a 3+ favorite over the NY York Giants today.

…both teams are playing well …the powerful ‘T-Bar’ of transiting Saturn opposed to Uranus… and now both in square by orb to Pluto …tips the power scale to the home/and 3+ favorite the New Orleans Saints versus the NY Giants… with the Saints having the Sun Moon Conjunct in the 10th and Pluto, the focal point of “T-Bar” conjunct the Ascendant and Part of Fortune…

However the visitor, the NY Giants, has Mars in it’s 7th… and they will be a force to contend with… ergo, a close 3 point game …with a ‘fiver fun bet’ on the Saints to win today…

…we shall see…

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