The favorable transiting conjunctions made by Venus over the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter hasn’t sparked any incredible rally from the post Eclipse -750 point drop in the DJIA… where it now hovers around the 10,000 level… but at least it seems to be holding at that level… for now… another close perigee Full Moon at the end of the month may bring another drop…

…as this article progressed during the morning …and I clicked back and forth to the free market charts at …I suddenly saw something …one of those silly ads that no one pays any attention to on the side bar… on impulse I printed a copy immediately… I saw it as an omen…
Dear reader… let me take this opportunity to share with you a genuine shaman/psychic/soothsayer experience… clients, friends, and readers often ask me about the ‘how to do it’ part… and the only way that one can explain it is by example…
This morning we have one. Due to possible copy write infringement I can’t reproduce the printout with my personal comments printed, and chart trend lines drawn on it… perhaps later if the prognostication comes true I will write to them for permission… the problem is it involves an advertisement of a real estate company who might object to being part of an ‘omen.’
However, I will practice freedom of the press and describe it in neutral and impartial terms …at the side of 1 year daily high-low-close, with volume, bar chart …is an advertisement in which there is a hot air balloon floating in the air… as I drew my pencil down the ruler following the series of lower highs …it hit my eye …my impulse was right to print this out… the line hit the top of the hot air balloon!
…then from the top of the balloon where the diagonal line touched the balloon …I drew a horizontal line over to the market levels… and it indicated the 8000-8500 range… which has been my predicted bottom for some weeks now. The brilliant mundane astrologer, Richard Nolle, has predicted a double bottom ‘W’ formation in the stock market for a year or more, and I totally agree with him and support his views… as my charts confirm the same.
…back to the vision …the balloon …long time readers of my wiseacherings …have known me to equate the over inflated market, due to massive infusion of worthless money based on more debt… all just more zeros typed into the balance… to a market balloon full of hot air…
…thus, by miraculous synchronicity …my ancient astrology and soothsayer guides who reside in parallel dimensions to ours …somehow guide my random mouse clicks to this particular page with a visual conformation of my thoughts of the market… a balloon …this is the language of intuition, pictures, symbols, or sudden out the ordinary incidents that confirm a previous, or simultaneous, premonition…
…for it to work …one must be in a relaxed and impartial place …which I was …just drifting and waiting for intuition to find a path for the article …I am impartial as I have no major share holdings to worry about… there is no motivation for my inquiry other than curiosity… thus, in an ego quiet moment… these influences, suggestions, answers… come in the form of various symbols and events… a subtle yet often very direct and to the point language.
…and here in this picture… the balloon appears to be losing altitude and marking its final altitude at 8000… in addition, by drawing horizontal lines from the top and bottom of the balloon gondola, where we ride in it… indicates and average daily volume of 400-450 million shares a day at that time…
By extending the horizontal line at 8000 to the right and the slopping down angle line they intersect at a future point on the chart… indicating a possible new bottom, and perhaps double bottom of the predicted ‘W’ (Richard Nolle) formation around April-May 2010. …that’s it …I predict an 8500 - 8000 bottom for the DJIA by the end of May…
…silly day …and on to other silly stuff …the Oscars? The chart transits of March 7th to the natal charts of George Clooney and Meryl Streep are looking fortunate… but that’s no big prediction…
…that’s it for omens today …Venus is easy …kick back and have a lazy evening… maybe some ice cream and cookies… we deserve it.
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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