For an analysis of John's chart refer to the recent articles in the SEX ASTROLOGY column archive, listed in the 'complete profile' tag, posts; Jan 28th and Feb 11th

While many pass judgment and are down on John for his ‘mode of self expression’… they forget that they have made icons out of equally ‘foul mouthed’ writers and entertainers… who also have Mercury and Mars in harsh aspects in the natal birth charts… like the author/poet… “laureate of low life,” Charles Bukowski… whose life was portrayed by another Hollywood bad boy, Mickey Rourke, in the movie BARFLY.

In Charles’ natal chart the same Mercury Square to Mars occurs… with the additional conjunct of Neptune to Mars we also can see his inclination to substance abuse… a life long struggle with alcohol and violence… yet with enough creativity and intelligence to write some rather insightful books about the harshness of life.
Then the all time bad boy and breaker of 'proper' language rules… The pioneer who did jail time for words used in every other sentence by some standup comics today… he sacrificed his career, fortune, and even his life fighting for and preserving the 1st Amendment of free speech… and helping us all to eventually break out of the sexually repressed 'McCarthy Era' 1950's... the famous/infamous standup comedian and social critic… Lenny Bruce. The same Sun, Mercury, and Mars combination is there… but as a conjunction, a stellia in Libra, that then squares Pluto… thus harsh, direct, blunt communication… and aften about taboo subjects... and with the genius to make it funny…

As Lenny said in court to the judge during his obscenity trial… “You need guys like me.” …and we do …they confront us with our own hypocrisy and reveal to us how we all share the same frustrations in the never ending relationship/sex puzzle that we all struggle with throughout our lives… and these sharp tongued men help us see that all of us are rather gross at times… and we need to admit it and have a good laugh about it… which is an act of forgiveness and compassion to oneself and to others…
In future posts we shall make an in detail exploration of the charts of bad boys… Charles Bukowski… and Lenny Bruce.
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