Lenny was the first in standup comedy to break all the of the restrictive language rules… the pioneer who was harassed constantly by the police and the courts for publicly saying words used in every other sentence by some standup comics today. He sacrificed his career, his money, and even his life fighting for and preserving the 1st Amendment of free speech… and made history as a famous/infamous standup comedian and social satirist…
Again we explore an incredible natal astrology map… The same Sun, Mercury, and Mars combination is there as with John Mayer and Charles Bukowski… but in this chart as a conjunction, a stellia in Libra, that then squares Pluto… thus harsh, direct, blunt, and taboo communication… but with the genius to make it funny…
The main aspect… like a flashing neon sign… is this Stellia stretching across the Mid Heaven (public position) Mars at 9 degrees, the Sun at 19 degrees, and Mercury at 24 degrees of Libra… the average mid point of the Stellia is 15 degrees which conjuncts exactly with the 15 degree Mid Heaven… indicating a pleasant yet sharp dry wit… all Libra traits… all in square to Pluto… at 14 degrees of Cancer (tradition)… thus turning the humor to the dark, juicy, sexual, and taboo sides of our lives.
Pluto in the 7th… is the open enemy… the police (Pluto)… which is in an exact opposition to Jupiter (the courts, law, etc) in his 1st House at 14 degrees of Capricorn. Jupiter is not well placed in Capricorn… thus his frustrations with the judges and rulings of the court…
However, Jupiter rules the Sagittarius Ascendant… which further fleshes out the portrait we know of him… the Ascendant represents the persona, the mask that we wear… the way other people see us… and Sagittarians are an archetype of wild and zany humor… and blunt truthful statements.
By orb allowance the Mercury, Sun, Mars Stellia is in supportive sextile (60 degrees) to the conjunct of his Moon (intuitive understanding) at 2 degrees Virgo (details, fetishes) to his natal Neptune (entertainment) at 24 degrees Leo… and in the 8th House… which rules sex, taboo subjects, and death.
Within these two sextile bundles of energy from the Stellia and the Moon/Neptune conjunct, two very significant planets the Mercury (communication, words) at 24 degrees of Libra and Neptune (entertainment) at 24 degrees of Leo (performer) both are Inconjunct to Uranus (rebel, genius, shocker) at 22 degrees of Pisces (entertainment) forming the powerful ‘Yod’ or “Finger of God’ destiny formation… and the focal point is in the 3rd House which rules all manner of communication.
…and here …the focal point of the destiny aspect …in the 3rd House ruling communication and language… is Uranus… which is the rebel and the genius of humor… Lenny Bruce.
In past charts we’ve seen the power of this ‘Yod’ destiny formation in the charts of Bettie Page who became a legend without trying to be one… and the transit chart of Drew Brees which indicated his and the New Orleans Saints, Super Bowl victory this year… and just recently the Yod pointed to the LA Lakers defeating the Utah Jazz in their basketball game of February 10th… (my $5 win ticket… paid $8.25)
The supportive trines and sextiles worked in his favor as he made the efforts to use his talents… but the troublesome square from Venus on the 12th House cusp (the house of the subconscious and often self undoing) to the Moon/Neptune conjunct… is the inclination to substance abuse… Moon to Neptune aspects are another common potential substance abuse aspect in astrology interpretation.
…and the Moon Neptune conjunct is deposited in the 8th House …which rules death …ergo, possible accidental or suicidal drug overdose …or perhaps as one columnist put it at the time, “Lenny Bruce died from an over dose of cops.”
…as Lenny pleaded with the judge in his obscenity trial, “…you need guys like me.” …and we do …we all need to have our complacent feathers ruffled now and then …and to take an honest look at our hypocrisy …and learn to make more honest and compassionate choices …and that’s all Lenny was asking us to do.
{click chart for detail]

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