“54 Shiite Muslim pilgrims killed in Baghdad suicide bombing”
“At least ’10 dead’ in Pakistan drones strike”
“Pakistani bombing kills 3 U.S. soldiers”
“32 Taliban, 3 Afghans killed in fighting”
“Blast Strikes Shiite Pilgrims in Iraq”
….and the predicted new battle/war/front
“Afghans prepare for NATO assault on Taliban enclave”
I find that my views are changing on war predictions… Unlike the mainstream media… I don’t report for the sake ratings or money… except for the blogger’s ‘penny clicks’ for reads… and link royalties from from purchasers of books I recommend…
The science of Astrology… for one so inclined, such as myself with natal Sun trine Uranus (a common textbook definition of astrologers)… is an unending fascination… watching the transits, recording mundane events, comparing with past history and similar transits… and figuring out the mechanics of the cosmos… what makes things happen…
After a few decades, by hard knocks experience, if no other way… one begins to understand the weight and responsibility of what one is studying and practicing… and realizes that some entries might better stay in one’s private research logs...
…and in a moment of reflection …upon the legendary soothsayer, Nostradamas …I find that I understand better now …why perhaps …other than keeping his head on his shoulders… he camouflaged his predictions in French Quatrains… and why perhaps he wrote intentional misspellings …like “Hister”…for Hitler.
I do not want to endanger NATO troops… nor add fuel to the fires of war… by publicly revealing the probable date of the assault… which is easy enough for an average astrologer to figure out… re-read the January 23rd post for clues if you’re interested in exploring mundane astrology… it’s another perigee Full Moon coming up …and Mars is still in it’s close orbit to the Earth’s.
The DJIA has taken a post-Eclipse 750 point drop… touching a low of 9800… and closing at 10,002… this week. With transiting Venus beginning its conjuncts over Mercury, Sun, and Jupiter, Uranus… there may be a rally back up to the 10,500 levels.
Be of good cheer, visualize and project peace and love as best you can… and try to enjoy the transit of Venus over the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus mid month… you just might find that special Valentine… and have some fun times together… that’s a fun visualization.
…just for moment …drift into another parallel dimension …walk down the back patio steps of the mansion of one’s mind …and go for a quiet intimate walk with them through the garden on a warm sunny day…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
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